Author Topic: Happy Birthday, Jim, plus two big announcements!  (Read 9713 times)

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Happy Birthday, Jim, plus two big announcements!
« on: October 26, 2008, 02:27:52 PM »
Happy Birthday to our beloved author, Jim Butcher!  Hope it's a good one.

To celebrate, here's some great news!  From the Dabel Brothers' website:

Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle hardcover graphic novel produced by Dabel Brothers and published by Del Rey hit stores everywhere on Oct 14th and it has taken off running!

The book has cracked USA TODAY'S TOP 100 best selling books list at #90, and in fact, it would be on the New York Times' Bestselling List, but they do not currently include graphic novels in their count.

The book also managed to hit #1 on for the most popular items in pop culture, which measures the best sellers in comics and graphic novels, and is updated on an hourly basis.

Reviews of the book are up everywhere, and have been overwhelmingly positive.  Here are a few:

The graphic novel will soon be going into a second printing to satisfy demand.  If you haven't already, go pick this book up!  A warm thank you to to all our fans for their support on this book!

And a reminder:  there's only a week left to submit entries to the Dabel Brothers' Halloween Costume Contest!  Get all the rules here.  There are some very exciting prizes involved, so don't let the NOVEMBER 1ST DEADLINE pass you by!

Share your birthday wishes here!  Discuss WttJ's success here, and the Halloween Costume Contest here