Uh Hi, Long time Dresden Fan, First time poster.... (Mainly because I found this place like THREE days ago ^^;)
So Yeah, I like to consider myself a Hobbiest author, I write Short stories to pass the time, wrote a few Tall tales for my Son to talk him to sleep at night when he was younger, and for my RPG campaigns I tend to write SHort stories that lead up to the campaign.
However recently I've been asked to do something interesting and new, and I'm not sure how to go about it, so I thoguht of you fellow Fiends here and thought I might swing it by you all and see what you think and if you can offer some suggestions.
I've been contracted to write a Webcomic, (Really the Artist didn't have to offer me much she's hawt and has huuuuge tracts of Land, and if she happens to be on this website and reading this I will likely be dead. Tell my son I love him.) not really a huge deal except I'm not certain how to go about writing for a comic. So I was wondering if you fellow Authors/geeks had any suggestions for this small problem of mine.