I must not perform my "tea pot dance" any more, nor show off my spout.
(Following on the heels of the Batgirl example)
I must not sing the Batman themesong when fighting Red Court Vamps.
Unless they have fancy equipment.
Or Utility Belts.
Or a Boy Wonder.
But I may say "Holy Smoke, Batman" should one of them happen to burst into flames upon recieving a Holy Water Balloon to the side of the head.
I will not hang around Wolf Park, while at an Alpha meeting, singing "Who let the dogs out, woof woof."
Pants are not optional.
Telling Meave to get down with her bad self is not a smart move.
Nor is giving her anti-freeze lip gloss.
I may not mock the high sidhe with childish name-songs again, and starting up a conversation with "Lily fo-philly" will not win me points.
Introducing a girl scout selling brownies to an actual brownie is not a wise move.
Introducing a brownie to a stoner will only endanger the brownie. (Take that as you will)
I may not use Mouse in any dog shows, even if he could easily win.
(In deference to the previous remark about the Body Condom)
I will not threaten Carlos with "Castor Oil and Rubber Pants"
I will not justify my public nudity with the excuse "I had a mishap, and my clothes are invisible"
Despite labeling some of the strongest foes I have faced with the cute nickname of "Nickleheads" I will not move up the coinage denominations and continue with "Dimes" "Quarters" or "Half Dollars" the gag may run out.
Dressing for success means wearing sensible clothing, with style and aplomb. It does not mean going to a vampire fight wearing a "What Would Buffy Do" Tee.