Dunno if this counts: Hi, My name is Pam Parisi, and I have written museum exhibits and brochures on historic sites. I also have written National Register of Historic Places Nominations, Plumbing Codes, Planning and Zoning Codes, and Recycling Codes. I am what you call a Technical Writer. Tech Writing is, for me, fun and it has a challenge to it which is: You have to write confusing things in a form which can be understood by simple people; like, oh, elected officials, and plumbers. And you need to write museum script in short but entrancing snips that make visitors really take their time to look more deeply at things.
All of these things take a lot of research, understanding of what people need from you and from the document/exhibit you produce, and an ability to form clear concise verbiage that won't make anyone run for a lawyer.
In my spare time I write poetry and fiction, some of which has been published in magazines and newsletter, but I really, really admire those of you who have published fictional works.