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  • ConDFW 2009: February 20, 2009 - February 22, 2009

Author Topic: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009  (Read 104375 times)

Offline The Dread Pharaoh Roberts

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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #225 on: February 23, 2009, 12:55:57 AM »
Here's Cathy Clamp, Shannon Butcher, and CT Adams.

All three are very funny and sweet.

Jim and Shannon:


...after discussing how we're mostly useful for carrying things and killing things for our wives.

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Offline Spectacular Sameth

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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #226 on: February 23, 2009, 01:20:58 AM »
Does anyone have any pics of last night's dinner?

Offline Seiya234

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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #227 on: February 23, 2009, 01:46:25 AM »
I'll have mine up by tomorrow though most of them blurred. That's what happens when you're going for nonobtrusive. :/
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Offline Spectacular Sameth

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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #228 on: February 23, 2009, 02:34:23 AM »
I didn't think you were that non obtrusive. I got wrapped up in conversating with Jim and Priscilla. I was fully aware you were there, though. The only person I was ignoring was the person on the other side of Priscilla.

I felt bad because I didn't talk to Vijay or his friend much when everyone else arrived.

And blurry pics are better than no pics. I forgot my digital camera. I was kicking myself the whole day for it.

Offline GalacticWizard

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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #229 on: February 23, 2009, 02:37:55 AM »
This was a lot of fun!

Offline caynreth

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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #230 on: February 23, 2009, 03:02:58 AM »
I have pictures that will be uploaded at some point when I can see straight again. Came home this afternoon to new puppy having wreaked merry havoc on the entire house and had to do some major clean up.
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Offline Gman

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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #231 on: February 23, 2009, 03:49:16 AM »
I really enjoyed the con. I was there only for Sunday (had to work Fri and Sat) I wish I could have gone to the dinner on Saturday. Where did everyone decide to go? I met Jim and he was very nice, he said hi and signed a few books for me The panels were very informative, entertaining and I wish I could have been at the ones on the earlier days. There were quite a few people dressed up in costume. Does anyone know the women dressed as (I'm guessing) an adult R rated Alice in Wonderland? I never got to see Priscelle. Did she dress as Maeve? I also got to meet David Weber and Taylor Anderson. I wish I checked out the con web page better cause I only read about the two A list authors. I would have brought a few Anderson books (who is up and coming). Took a couple of pics on my phone and may download it later in the week.

Offline Spectacular Sameth

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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #232 on: February 23, 2009, 04:05:32 AM »
She dressed as Priscilla. I was expecting Molly myself.

Offline Dville

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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #233 on: February 23, 2009, 05:00:45 AM »
Had a wonderful time! Just went Saturday, myself, (Kids, husband, life). Enjoyed meeting Jim, he was even cooler than I thought he would be. Wrote about our honing in on dinner (we got 'invited... ish, in the parking lot :) ... thankfully, no restraining orders have been issued yet, but it is good to have something to work on! :)

If you missed it, and want to read about it its on my blog:

Its funny, but was even more amazing in person!

The thing that struck me was how welcoming and friendly everyone was. It was my first Con (I know, I know), but am totally hooked now!

Jim Rocks!
I am the coolest dork I know.

Offline Priscellie

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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #234 on: February 23, 2009, 05:46:48 AM »
If you missed it, and want to read about it its on my blog:

Oh god, you were trying to follow my car?  I am so sorry.  Central kind of sucks in terms of entrance and exit labeling, and I had to get creative.  I was trying to drive like a sane person, but Central made it difficult.  I would have driven much more slowly, had I known you were actually going to follow me, as opposed to just following our hasty directions.

Also, it was Humperdinks, not Humpernickers. :D

Offline Spectacular Sameth

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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #235 on: February 23, 2009, 05:49:45 AM »
Vijay had GPS in his car. You guys should have followed us.

Offline Priscellie

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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #236 on: February 23, 2009, 05:52:13 AM »
You guys all exited the front, Sameth.  I was the only driver parked out back.  That's when I encountered our Musketeers. :D

Offline Spectacular Sameth

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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #237 on: February 23, 2009, 06:04:16 AM »
I wasn't aware there was a back entrance.  :-\

Offline The Dread Pharaoh Roberts

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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #238 on: February 23, 2009, 11:30:14 AM »
Yeah, it was

Back by that staircase.
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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #239 on: February 23, 2009, 11:37:14 AM »
Oh god, you were trying to follow my car?  I am so sorry.  Central kind of sucks in terms of entrance and exit labeling, and I had to get creative.  I was trying to drive like a sane person, but Central made it difficult.  I would have driven much more slowly, had I known you were actually going to follow me, as opposed to just following our hasty directions.

Also, it was Humperdinks, not Humpernickers. :D

This is why my OCD-driven self always prints out several maps of the area pre-event. :D
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