... The thing is that every choice has effects, which in turn cause more effects, and every choice has good and bad consequences stemming from it. I'll be disappointed if AlterHarry's choices led to either all-better or all-worse, because that's not not how choices work.
All choices produce multiple effects, even within a timeline, it's very rare for a choice to produce no good or no bad.
I'm sure the other time line will be worse overall, otherwise the story would be pointless. But there really should be both good and bad from whatever the decision was.
This is a good point, so here's a few Good Things that I've been hoping & semi-expect Harry!Prime will take away from the Mirror verse:
- with generally-bad-stuff happening, I expect the White Council will have fallen, gone. With the WC out of the way, I think the Black Council will work more openly... and Harry!Prime will gain invaluable insights into who is on the BC, what their strategies are.
- with hat!Harry being a BadGuy
(tm) (not protecting Chicago nearly as much), John Marcone will have leaned-in even further in that direction... maybe even bordering on being a GoodGuy
(tm)??!? Once again: possible lessons for Harry!Prime to learn, and apply back home. This ties particularly into my WAG that Wizard-of-Chicago Harry, having elevated Johnny Marcone to Baron, and being in possession of Amoracchius=Excalibur, is going to turn Marcone into King Arthur (wasn't it Nicodemus who remarked what a good King he would have made?)
- Mab will have
two Winter Knights on-hand!!!

The Mothers are gonna be so pissed) Dunno if Mirror!WK is gonna be Lloyd Slate or not, but I expect Mirror!Mab will try to leverage this situation
somehow, and her passion for "balance" suggests it won't be an anti-Summer move, but an anti-Outsider one.
- in an explicit parallel with the ST:TOS episode Mirror Mirror where Kirk persuades(?) Lt. Marlena Moreau & Mirror!Spock to use the Tantalus Field to oppose Mirror!Kirk & the Terran Empire, Harry!Prime will Soulgaze Mirror!Karrin & Mirror!Michael (and/or other members of his Scooby Gang) to persuade them / assist them in reversing course on the Mirrorverse's slide toward the darkness.