Author Topic: Character Refresh and Stats?  (Read 5860 times)

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Character Refresh and Stats?
« on: September 16, 2024, 04:33:54 AM »
So I don't have any games running. Wish I did but it's hard to find people who have read the books and want to do the RPG in my area. If I were to do a game though. It would be Dresden Files Indiana Jones. Basically a dungeon crawl of ancient sites, tombs and civilisations.

Egypt obviously, but also.

Vatican Archives or British Museum.

Mummy's in Peru from a subfaction of the Red Court one of those elder gods they took over which could tie into the South American section of Paranet Papers.

Maybe some artifacts that escaped Hades Vault when Harry broke in.

The Terracotta Army.

The Hanging Gardens in Ancient Babylon.

A character has been bouncing around in my mind for years.

William Fitz The Dragon Knight

A sponsored night of Y Ddraig Goch. The Welsh Dragon. A greater Dragon scion who theirs various lore on and maybe was even a co sponsor of King Arthur.

Question is how would you Stat and Refresh such a character?

The Power Gamer in me wants to make him atleast Winter Knight level or maybe just below it. Fire and Earth instead of Air and Ice. Oh and instead of a staff he has a magic Cutlass.

I'd like to make him from an immortal or longevity species. White council probably wouldn't work cause in my head he was a Pirate in the early 1700s, Fought in the French and Indian Wars, Seven Years War, Revolution (Loyalist) French Revolution, Crimea, American Civil War, Frontier, Steampunk Victorian arc, WW1, Prohibition, WW2, Vietnam/Civil Rights Movement and early 9/11 response.

He wouldn't have risen farther than the rank of Captain. Colonel at most.

I have another idea of him having Seven Sons born throughout the 20th century but want to focus on this one primary character for now.

Maybe he's a scion himself of Y Ddraig Goch?

I've got other characters in mind as I said. A White Court Spymaster whose been around since the French Revolution and who helped orchestrate the downfall of the Black Court. Archenemy of The Dragon Knight perhaps but now forced to work together.

I'd like Jack Frost and Peter Pan as Princeling of Winter and Summer Courts to make an appearance. I have those characters more or less down though.

Anyway help refreshing or statting such a character would be appreciated.

Offline Taran

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Re: Character Refresh and Stats?
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2024, 01:57:14 PM »
What's the big theme/powers of YDraig?  That'll help with the Sponsored Magic.

High Concept: Emissary Knight of  Y Ddraig Goch

[-4] Sponsored Magic YDraig Goch
       Fire and Earth Spells as evocation
       Ritual Crafting (For enchanting your Cool Cutlass Instead of Item of Power)
       Fire and Earth Rituals at speed and methods of Evocation (for fire and Earth based Wards, Summonings etc..)
[-1] Marked by Power
[-2] Inhuman Recovery
[+1 or less depending on weakness] Cold Iron?  What is YDraig Goch's weakness?
[-2] Inhuman Strength

Immortality could be covered by an Aspect

Total: 8/10 Refresh*

*Drop Inhuman Strength to keep it under 8 refresh

Other Potential Powers:
 Item of power:  Sword
 Echoes of the Beast or Supernatural Senses
« Last Edit: September 26, 2024, 01:59:15 PM by Taran »

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Re: Character Refresh and Stats?
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2024, 02:40:29 PM »
Thanks I didn't think I'd get a response.

I like your stats I don't know what Y Ddraig Goch's weaknesses would be. Hmmm my first thoughts would be the opposit elements Fire and Water but I don't know how that would work. I'm not sure Iron works lore wise because he was a symbol of military conquest and leadership in British Isles who used Iron to do it.

I thought maybe Snorkelling from this RPG Resource wiki to increase the refresh but if you think it can be done with the 8 or 10 that might not be necessary.

Snorkeling (40 skill points, 13 refresh, skill cap superb) You're pretty damn powerful. Most cities don't have more than one or two guys at this level. I'm considering increasing the skill cap to fantastic for this level.

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Re: Character Refresh and Stats?
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2024, 04:18:16 PM »
Thanks I didn't think I'd get a response.

I like your stats I don't know what Y Ddraig Goch's weaknesses would be. Hmmm my first thoughts would be the opposit elements Fire and Water but I don't know how that would work. I'm not sure Iron works lore wise because he was a symbol of military conquest and leadership in British Isles who used Iron to do it.

I thought maybe Snorkelling from this RPG Resource wiki to increase the refresh but if you think it can be done with the 8 or 10 that might not be necessary.

Snorkeling (40 skill points, 13 refresh, skill cap superb) You're pretty damn powerful. Most cities don't have more than one or two guys at this level. I'm considering increasing the skill cap to fantastic for this level.

Just add more Powers:  Toughness seems appropriate and so does higher Strength

If Military conquest is their thing, then maybe High Presence and Weapons.

Your catch could be something, maybe it doesn't work during times of Peace or on Neutral Ground.  I don't think you'd get much of a rebate there. 

Offline Con

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Re: Character Refresh and Stats?
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2024, 04:06:33 AM »
Ooh I like the catch of not working during times of Peace. I've been searching for a reason he would be involved in each and every war.

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Re: Character Refresh and Stats?
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2025, 05:50:08 AM »
It ties in super well with the white court archfrenemy, too. Nefarious Peace is their shtick, so if your Knight is all about finding the use/purpose in conflict/war (What Is It Good For? The aspects write themselves), you can have a lot of tension between two fairly easy to justify viewpoints. It also hooks in perfectly with going from historical set piece to historical set piece. If one of the viewpoints starts getting a little too dominant, you can always just throw them into the reminder of atrocities past from being either too eager for or too avoidant of internal or external conflict. Make the setting itself a mediator in their dialogue. As for the opposites of fire and earth:

If fire is about change, intensity, and growth, and earth is about instinct, intuition, and primal impulse, then the opposite of both of those could be civilized corruption and orderly cultural stasis.

A lack of liveliness, not just of war. A total denial of life unsanctioned by authority, a cultivated perversion of the wild strength borne by those who have proven themselves through Winter to be worthy of partaking in the fruitfulness of Summer. A sort of metaphysical necromancy extending to the meta-entities that humans make up. Social groups, towns, societies, those group entities that gain their own traits and identities, and are often drawn to a narcissistic fascination with preserving themselves eternally. White Court Vampires tie into that nicely. Its also a super novel opportunity to explore the white court's vampiric traits outside of anthropophagy. I might actually use that myself, tbh. It sets up a really neat back and forth.

I come from the future. I got to writing a bit of backstory for them to get a sense of where their stats might be, and it just kept coming. I'll tuck all that into a spoiler, since it's only adjacent to the actual stats, but you picked a few really strong themes to link together. It's got so many parallels, and I barely scratched the surface of wikipedia. All of the parallels. All of them.

(click to show/hide)

Use all, some, or none of that as you like. It's just what I'm building this around.

I prefer to start at the absolute minimum stats I can thematically get away with, since it's never difficult to figure out how to add refresh if you need to. Mid-fight, if need be. Tactical dings are always crowd pleaser. If the PCs are struggling enough that it's necessary, it'll be easy enough to justify and feel earned. If they need too much of a power boost to justify with DBZ logic... what happened? What did you do? What did they do?

Besides, you'll have a better idea of what you even want with some time in character, anyhow. Starting out with more refresh is just robbing yourself of a phase of growth and a chance to make powerups meanful in the context of the game. At least that's just how I feel

For William that's 6 refresh, to cover Marked by Power and Sponsored Magic. He'll gain Inhuman Recovery for free thanks to the Catch he's been stuck with. I mean, it's almost free immortality, mostly in exchange for the fact that he's incapable of being stagnant and passive. If it wasn't for the fact that just being around a person who's Withering makes him viscerally uncomfortable, there really wouldn't be any downside at all.

His centuries of experience could be conveyed with 30 skill points and a single skill at the Superb skill cap. You can mix and match the priority depending on the build you go with. This one is focused on up close physical combat with Earth magic "grapples" in the form of enhanced swordsmanship, forcing the enemy to struggle to fend him off and generally aiming for the feel of swashbuckling. It has lots of maneuvers available, and blocks can fend off groups simultaneously while controlling where people move on the battlefield (very important when playing stab-or-swim in the middle of Fuckoff Nowhere, The Ocean). A strong use of the cutlass would be making it a +2 focus to defensive power for Earth evocations. That boosts both a defense and opens up blocks and grapples for aforementioned shenanigans. Just make sure to brush up the grapple rules. They make perfect sense and work super well, but almost everyone misremembers them, which sometimes causes issues.

Probably save Fire magic for times when you just need to blast something, or at least occasions where fallout is probably more of an asset than a liability. You could also go with a folk hero social leader who rouses passion with sponsored Thaumaturgy, a glass cannon blaster caster, or a few other varieties that are workable with only a few swaps/rotations of skills.

Note that Resources is missing because Marked By Power provides a Contact that can roll it for him. The points in Resources that Y Ddraig Goch rolls for him are more about how cheap he's being about the request than an actual restriction of buying power, so consider bonuses for requests along his agenda. Alternatively, take on a point of sponsor debt to make a declaration for anything covered by the Buying Things table on YS322, and seriously consider a roll for more absurd requests. Frugality is one thing, but favors carry significantly more weight than gold to creatures that are probably capable of casual transmutation. Also, being Dragons, their sense of proportion is totally obliterated. They really are just that cheap about his requests, and Intellectus prevents them from being taken for fools in such amusingly petty bargains as physical property.

Superb: Discipline
Great: Weapons, Athletics
Good: Empathy, Conviction,
Fair: Endurance, Driving (Ships), Alertness
Average: Presence, Rapport, Contacts, Might, Lore

Marked by Power [-1]
Sponsored Magic (Y Ddraig Goch) (Earth/Fire Evocations and Thaumaturgy) [-4]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
The Catch (all above): Stagnacy [+2]
Basically no one knows about this hidden weakness of the Dragons of Wales, but it's a hazard they have to constantly fend off. An active lifestyle, strong habits, living with presence and intentionality, and strong connections to worldly matters of power. The strength of natural rulers is literally what keeps them powerful. Artifacts of listlessness and passivity, such as tranquilizers or a social media feed, range from mild discomfort to compels. It can become outright mental attacks against their Discipline if the area is saturated with the aimless and controlled. Likewise, their magic withers to an equal proportion it attempts to wither or ensnare another to their detriment (For example, True Leadership would not fall under this limitation).

I sure hope no archfrenemies he's in constant close contact with ever find out about it. That would be just terrible.

The spymaster may be a bit younger and a lot less experienced, and he'll have the default -7 refresh white court powers, but miraculously his actual refresh is at 8 (to be fair, wiping out a vampire court also bought Harry a point or two). In terms of skills, he's also the type to apply the resources of his house, more than personally dealing with anything. His skill cap would be at Great, and 25 total skill points. He also used to have a few of Lore feats with Black Court Vampires as a specialty, his intense specialization explaining some of his stunted growth in other areas, but those have been refunded because everyone with a Lore of 1 knows about them now (or at least the important parts). That "noble sacrifice" didn't buy him as much political capital as he thought it would (man got played hard), so now he's starting to question things. Well, now more than ever, with the ascendancy of Lara Raith. Sometimes, quietly, to himself. It's a pretty self absorbed and undignified way to have clawed back a shred of humanity, which is probably the most upsetting part about it for him (if he's not just in outright denial).

Contacts to find someone to solve a problem, Contacts to get his yet unnamed family to pay them to do their job, Deceit to lie about why he needed the money. The rest is either basic survival or a hobby. Trying to catch him in information leaks is the name of the game, so they approve the requests to buy more lies from him, hopefully to piece together blackmail material. The fact that mother dearest still makes sure he's sharp after centuries shows how sentimental she is, which is a terrible weakness that he only occasionally exploits.

At least until he got thrown into a series of ditches with the Dragon Whelp. He's more of a talker than a fighter, but that's still crazy dangerous. Particularly if he can get close enough to touch. Admittedly, less useful against... is that? Oh, good, he previoualy thought that type of Golem was mythical. Adventure.

Great: Deceit, Contacts
Good: Discipline, Presence
Fair: Alertness, Conviction, Lore
Average: Endurance, Rapport, Empathy, Intimidation, Scholarship (18th century Classical Education)

Human Guise [-0]
Emotional Vampire [-1]
Incite Emotion (Touch) (Lassitude, a subtype of despair) [-1]
Feeding Dependency [+1]:
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
Catch is True Engagement (Intentional, acceptable growth/loss from risk. A subtype of Hope) [+0]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Inhuman Strength [-2]

Thanks for what turned into an unexpectedly fun writing project.  :)

EDIT: Fixed the spymaster's Catch so that it's a precise mirror of William's. Dueling Lifestyles, with one angrily jogging in place while the other inhales a bag of potato chips, both while making unflinching eye contact, is on the table. On an RP level, it's a bit that starts off with punch and has room to evolve as they hit milestones in their partnership. The mutual bullying and resulting character growth can gradually escalate in stages, keeping it fresh but familiar.

On a practical level, the GM has a built in mechanism to bribe the PCs onto the railroad tracks. I mean that's normally the case with aspects and compels, but one of the characters is an accelerator and one is a brake. This is railroad tracks with power steering, but done through excessive bribery so that everyone's happy. The PCs can negotiate about how badly they want a thing to happen/not happen. In exchange the PCs either gain loads of fate points and can exercise very narrow but significant slices of control over specific points in the narrative, or they're driven to actualize the hell out of themselves/their preferred aspects, so they can spend those tiny morsels of free will to deny their nature (and perhaps start to justify an aspect change down the road). Player's preference, both are fun and keep the momentum going.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2025, 04:52:37 PM by BugBear »

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Re: Character Refresh and Stats?
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2025, 11:04:42 PM »
Hey-hey, there's life in the ol' dog yet!  (why tf the DFRPG isn't doing better, I'll never know... Jim Butcher is still writing 'em (albeit with a substantive lacuna before the massive PT/BG-duology)
SNIP a very interesting read, TYVM!
Wonderful stuff!

Ooh I like the catch of not working during times of Peace. I've been searching for a reason he would be involved in each and every war.
There's always some war going... somewhere.

I think the Catch would need to have them directly involved, working for one side and/or against the other side.  They may (or may not) have some other agenda, for which the current war is more of a smokescreen or cover-story... Or, maybe they don't.