So, hello again.
Today my husband was at the hospital to have surgery on his purulent toe. He has had that bad toe for a few months now. A toe nail grown badly into the skin. Against all advise from me and others, he did not go to the doctor before. Instead he tried to treat it on his own, which obviously didn't work. Last week I had enough and told him, that he cannot expect pity, once they amputate and that he might be lucky to be able to keep the foot. Ok, I exaggerated, but all the sweet talking didn't work, so I used more drastic methods, lol.
Yesterday he finally went to the doctor in our village who was quite shocked and immediately sent him to the hospital, because he could not risk cutting this open. I guess he was afraid of sepsis and other complications. A hospital was clearly the better choice. Today they cut it open. Now he has to let it heal slowly, which will definitely take until next year.
We don't know yet, if they left part of the toenail, but thank God the bone wasn't infected. The amputation part of my rant wasn't so far fetched.
He said that he is always very hopeful, but in my opinion this was pure stubbornness, lol.
But out of love I repressed my "told you so."
Yeah, that was our funny adventure today.
Other news: our new sofa will arrive on Thursday next week. Just so you know that from this point of time there will be an old red sofa haunting the paranet. Just be nice and sit on it from time to time, maybe put some stuffing back in. Or else it will haunt you and EAT YOU ALIIIIIIIIVE!!!! Mwahaharrrrr!
I am listening to The Law again. Just to hear Jim Butcher's voice, lol. And because my other audio book was finished when I was still on my way and I could not download the next one while still driving. But The Law was still on my phone so I just started this one.
Hope you are well.
Edit: typos