We haven't deciphered much of Etruscan as of yet, but I think they are hopeful a they find more stuff.
I'm a bit dubious that there is (very much) left *to* find. The region has been extensively explored for *millenia* and is one of the very first regions where exploitative collectors and proto-archaeologists (generally Brit's) were active from the mid-1700s onwards.
I honestly suspect the Romans pursued a policy of "erasure;" perhaps not consciously, but in the way "systemic" social & related policies, biased administrators, and similar elements can have the same effect.
I think it is interesting that we know very little of White Court origins. I suspect that they are the offspring of a powerful Etruscan wizard that "did a deal."
The Ramps & the Whamps have that similar element: some non-human "thing" exists in them, that cannot get full expression until they kill.
I suspect that Jim won't write a same-y "some wizard done F'ed up" backstory for both of them, but yes: I suspect one of them will be a result of some long-ago wizard(s). I can make (what I feel are) excellent cases for each one being "a wizard F-up," but my bet is for it to be the Whamp origin-story (I think I'll launch a new thread on the topic, it's very-tangential to this one).