Author Topic: Maggie's Classmates?  (Read 6304 times)

Offline Mira

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Re: Maggie's Classmates?
« Reply #15 on: April 30, 2021, 01:14:42 PM »
I mean what confuses me is Wizards live for 300 to 400 years but Ebenezars only had one child?

That's more sterile than the White Courts supposed to be.

Very good point, and his child lived to be 150 I believe when she was murdered, and she had only two kids, one by the mostly sterile White Court.  Or is it they aren't so much sterile as celibate?  Harry is a good example of that, for a healthy man in his prime, how few sexual relationships he has really had.  It has been a topic on the boards for quite some time, people have speculated it was because of shyness, immaturity, a number of things.  But suppose he really is the norm and not the exception among wizards?  Perhaps having all that power and learning how to manipulate it dwindles the sex drive?  Or perhaps there is a real fear that a normal sex life effects the ability to wield their power?   Some do have large families, Luccio and Martha Liberty have stated that, but at least in the case of Luccio, it's other relatives having all the children.  We've no further information on Martha Liberty so we don't know if she ever had kids.

Offline Arjan

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Re: Maggie's Classmates?
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2021, 01:51:07 PM »
Sex and magic are all about emotions and how you see things, Harry warned Molly in proven guilty that it could be dangerous for her.

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Offline LaraBeck

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Re: Maggie's Classmates?
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2021, 02:09:55 PM »
Well, in White Knight, Luccio says:
“it had been a hundred and forty years since I'd put up with either sexual desire or a monthly cycle”

Maybe when you're a wizard, your body sorta works like everyone else's until you become a "senior citizen" and then you just continue to live. So, your fertile period is the more or less the same as any other normal human?

I don't remember how old Luccio is supposed to be. Also, I think Harry (double) implied that she was a very experienced person in the bedroom, so, sounds like she used to have a very healthy sexual life.

But then, Margaret was over a hundred when she had Harry, right?

It is a bid weird, the lack of children from McCoy. Maybe this family is just repressed in general, LOL.

Offline Arjan

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Re: Maggie's Classmates?
« Reply #18 on: April 30, 2021, 02:23:43 PM »
Well, in White Knight, Luccio says:
Maybe when you're a wizard, your body sorta works like everyone else's until you become a "senior citizen" and then you just continue to live. So, your fertile period is the more or less the same as any other normal human?

I don't remember how old Luccio is supposed to be. Also, I think Harry (double) implied that she was a very experienced person in the bedroom, so, sounds like she used to have a very healthy sexual life.

But then, Margaret was over a hundred when she had Harry, right?

It is a bid weird, the lack of children from McCoy. Maybe this family is just repressed in general, LOL.
Margaret traveled a lot in the nevernever so her biological age is everyone’s guess. Magic, healing and life seems to connect so if you have and use a lot of magic you can probably cheat in some ways.

And I am not convinced that the aging pattern in all wizards is the same anyway.
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Offline Regenbogen

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Re: Maggie's Classmates?
« Reply #19 on: April 30, 2021, 02:43:57 PM »
Or maybe their fertile period is similar to vanilla mortals, but a wizard can make theirself fertile at a later age by magical means, e.g. fertility potions or else.
I have the strong impression that both Thomas and Harry have been planned pregnancies.

Offline Arjan

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Re: Maggie's Classmates?
« Reply #20 on: April 30, 2021, 02:46:44 PM »
Or maybe their fertile period is similar to vanilla mortals, but a wizard can make theirself fertile at a later age by magical means, e.g. fertility potions or else.
I have the strong impression that both Thomas and Harry have been planned pregnancies.
Papa Raith would have preferred a daughter though. If he had a daughter with magic he could control his power would have increased substantially.

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Offline Regenbogen

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Re: Maggie's Classmates?
« Reply #21 on: April 30, 2021, 02:51:09 PM »
Papa Raith would have preferred a daughter though. If he had a daughter with magic he could control his power would have increased substantially.
Aaaw, poor Papa Raith.  :D
Unfortunately a female wizard would only be able to control the function of her own body and not if a X- or Y-chromosome sperm makes the race. LOL

Offline LaraBeck

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Re: Maggie's Classmates?
« Reply #22 on: April 30, 2021, 02:58:46 PM »
Well, maybe she could put a spell on her eggs so that they would receive only y-chromosome sperm, LOL.

I also get the impression that Harry and Thomas were definitely planned.

And I am not convinced that the aging pattern in all wizards is the same anyway.

Yeah, we got different references throughout the books, so it's either different for every wizard, or Jim never made up his mind about how that works.

Offline Mira

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Re: Maggie's Classmates?
« Reply #23 on: April 30, 2021, 03:27:58 PM »

  The impression I got from Luccio, is when she went through normal vanilla female menopause, then her desire for sex went away.. When she got a new young vanilla body, she had the desire again.  However with vanilla women, the desire for sex doesn't go away just because they are past menopause, it may be less, but it doesn't go away.  However that is female wizards, it doesn't say anything about male wizards.  As in how old was Eb anyway when he fathered Margaret?  He had to have been at least a hundred give or take.. Maybe male wizards don't have prostate problems?

Offline Regenbogen

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Re: Maggie's Classmates?
« Reply #24 on: April 30, 2021, 03:36:50 PM »
Also I think that there might be more children from older wizards, but they would only mention those with magical talent. All the others would have died long ago. Some wizards look out for their descendants without them knowing, some might take an active role as the old great-uncle or aunt. But I can imagine that most old wizards have lots of human descendants.
And I can understand why they might only take notice of the wizard level ones.
It would be to protect themselves from living through the aging and the deaths of dozens or hundreds of children and grandchildren. So you would do better to keep yourself sane, if you didn't attach yourself to those of your children who won't live a wizard's lifespan.

I think this is what McCoy was doing all the time. Who knows how many non magical kids he had before Margaret LeFay. I can't remember if it was in one of the short stories or in one of the microfictions or even in Peace Talks (I think it was in PT during Harry's and Eb's talk in the svartslf embassy apartment), but I got the strong impression that Eb was used to the tradition of giving away your child to be raised far away from you without knowledge that magic even exists. And to watch and wait, if the child develops magical talent. If it doesn't, the parent turns away and leaves the child to grow old. But if it does, the wizard-parent would make sure, the child is properly educated in the magic, either by themself or by another adequate teacher.

McCoy did that with his daughter and he did it with Harry. And maybe even Harry's Mother would have left him with Malcolm, had she survived, until bis magic kicked in, because it is tradition to do it that way.

And thinking about it, I could imagine that it would probably be the male wizards who have more children, because as a female wizard I would not think it funny to go through 20 or more pregnancies and births in my life. And I would not be able to just leave the kids with their fathers, once I have given birth to them. A male wizard can just make love with a woman and leave her pregnant. Child care problem solved automatically.  ;)

Offline Arjan

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Re: Maggie's Classmates?
« Reply #25 on: April 30, 2021, 03:54:03 PM »

  The impression I got from Luccio, is when she went through normal vanilla female menopause, then her desire for sex went away.. When she got a new young vanilla body, she had the desire again.  However with vanilla women, the desire for sex doesn't go away just because they are past menopause, it may be less, but it doesn't go away.  However that is female wizards, it doesn't say anything about male wizards.  As in how old was Eb anyway when he fathered Margaret?  He had to have been at least a hundred give or take.. Maybe male wizards don't have prostate problems?
But how many conclusions can we draw from a sample of one?

And also a power upgrade might influence things as well.
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Offline Arjan

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Re: Maggie's Classmates?
« Reply #26 on: April 30, 2021, 04:15:23 PM »
Well, maybe she could put a spell on her eggs so that they would receive only y-chromosome sperm, LOL.

I also get the impression that Harry and Thomas were definitely planned.

Yeah, we got different references throughout the books, so it's either different for every wizard, or Jim never made up his mind about how that works.
Of course is was planned. A daughter would have been an enormous asset for papa Raith. It is to estimate how much agency Margaret had when she was with Raith though.
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Offline Mira

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Re: Maggie's Classmates?
« Reply #27 on: April 30, 2021, 06:42:45 PM »
Of course is was planned. A daughter would have been an enormous asset for papa Raith. It is to estimate how much agency Margaret had when she was with Raith though.

But she didn't have a daughter, did she?   

Offline Arjan

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Re: Maggie's Classmates?
« Reply #28 on: April 30, 2021, 06:54:47 PM »
But she didn't have a daughter, did she?
Either chance or Margaret sabotaging it. You can not always get what you want.
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Offline LostInTime

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Re: Maggie's Classmates?
« Reply #29 on: April 30, 2021, 08:37:38 PM »
Very good point, and his child lived to be 150 I believe when she was murdered, and she had only two kids, one by the mostly sterile White Court.  Or is it they aren't so much sterile as celibate?  Harry is a good example of that, for a healthy man in his prime, how few sexual relationships he has really had.  It has been a topic on the boards for quite some time, people have speculated it was because of shyness, immaturity, a number of things.  But suppose he really is the norm and not the exception among wizards?  Perhaps having all that power and learning how to manipulate it dwindles the sex drive?  Or perhaps there is a real fear that a normal sex life effects the ability to wield their power?   Some do have large families, Luccio and Martha Liberty have stated that, but at least in the case of Luccio, it's other relatives having all the children.  We've no further information on Martha Liberty so we don't know if she ever had kids.
Harry's lack of experience in the bedroom could be due to the fact that for a long time he thought he murdered his first girlfriend, Elaine. It says so in Storm Front.
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