Author Topic: Childlike Wizards  (Read 2006 times)

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Childlike Wizards
« on: March 06, 2021, 09:24:24 AM »
So we all know about the general rules of paranormal children but quick recap.
in the mid-long term is going to be Maggie Dresden goes to school. She's gonna go to St Mark's Academy for the Gifted and Talented which Harry is gonna try and get them to rename Resourceful and Talented and they won't. But it's where a bunch of the supernatural kids go to school, kind of the scions of the area and there's an unspoken rule in place "we let the kids sort things out themselves, we don't get involved in the kids' problems as long as nobody dies the kids sort it out

So there's a recent WOJ about childrens monsters and how maybe only a couple wizards on the white council are actively aware of them and those ones are considered wierd like Radagast the Brown childlike.

Priscellie: And the previous one was from Kimberly Sanco? Thank you again. Derek Burger asks "Since there are monsters that can only be seen by children, what happens if or when a wizard uses the sight when one is present?"

Jim: He would go right past it if he wasn't, if he didn't have a childlike mind. If he could not- if he was not in contact with his inner kid if he did not have a good conversational relationship with his own imagination he wouldn't see it at all. And there's really not a lot of wizards who would. There's relatively few who would still be connected enough to that childlike sense of adventure and mischief that they would be able to connect with kids on that level, that's a rare thing.

Priscellie: What percentage of the white council is aware of these creatures that can exist?

Jim: There might be a dozen people on the council who know that and probably most of them who know that have talked about it and been considered wackos by everybody else. Which is just the perfect way for wizards to react to something like that in the Dresden Files "oh that can't possibly be real!", like that. It's for me the proof that wizards are definitely human since it's the reaction they have in the face of something like that.

Klaus the Toymaker was the not so subtle implication
which brings u the debate of who he is and whether or not hes another- yes I'm gonna say it- MANTLE- of Vadderung/Kringle. Kringle would definitely know as THE Fae about protecting and bringing joy to children.

WOJ on Klaus:
My favorite is probably from an unpublished short story I wrote, set in the Dresden Files universe, but during the Battle of the Bulge. The Nazis had a sorcerer operating out of an old monastery, and the White Council dispatched the Belgian wizard, Klaus the Toymaker. Klaus's magic is all based around using children's toys as focii. My favorite moment was when he killed a couple of SS-summoned demons with a windup wooden duck.

The other Wizard that comes to mind for me would be the extra sensory wizards around so potential candidates include:

Molly. Her jobs as WInter Lady is to recruit Fae children and she wrote the OG book Maggiee uses.
Q:  Harry says several times that Molly isn’t going to be a good combat wizard, but she seems to hold her own.
A:  Harry still sees her as a little kid AND she’s a girl.  Those are two things that Harry has a hard time looking past.  She really could be very dangerous, but not in the same way Harry is – and that’s how Harry measures combat talent: sudden and intense violence.

said "okay I am rounding up these kids and taking them to war but these are /my/ kids and I'm going to teach them how to crush everyone in their path" so that's a little more, she is becoming more assertive and more confident as she goes

Listens to Winds: He talks to various animals specialising in little critters who like candy bars. Every kid thinks they can talk to animals at some point.

Listens-To-Wind's shapeshifting isn't purely a matter of wizardly skill (though his healing abilities are), for example.

Chandler: His sensory as of a WOJ is he can see potential paths of the future, he has some childlike humour in that he sorts an avengers to hate of some sort.

Not sure if this a point for or against him but, relevant WOJ's on Chandler:
What kind of magic does Chandler specialize in?
Chandler does a lot of Divination, and a lot of stuff that is involved with time.  Which puts him in a very finicky spot, a very high profile spot on the council.  It's one reason why he's a Warden where they can keep an eye on him.  He can actually do things to screw with the flow of time and look back in time and find things out, and occasionally to look forward in time and see things.  Although that's very unreliable because of the whole free will nonsense.  He's an information gatherer for the most part.  He's not as much of a punch you in the face type, but he's really really useful which is why he has got a lot of status among the young wardens.  He's got access to what the old wizards think is valuable, which is information.
(Jim also says here that Chandler's hat and bowler look is based off of John Steed of the 1960's British Avengers show)
Even younger wizards who are more his age like Chandler, who was brought up in a very British tradition and Chandler's the kind of guy who would say "but a gentleman wouldn't", that's his point of view.

Martha Liberty: She uses Dolls for her main magic trick.Contacts in Nevernever so presumably shes aware of the fringes of childhood monsters.
Thaumaturgy, specifically information-gathering. She’s got legions of contacts in the Nevernever and the mortal world alike.

Rashid: He's the Gatekeeper a Way Walker on par with Margaret Le Fey and one of the council exerts on mind magic and can also see paths of the future thanks to his eye. Nemesis would find children an easy target for possession just like Nicodemus thought about little Harry Carpenter. Part of his perview would be checking children.

Yoshimo: She could scan Harry's emotional state so might be able to scan children similarly.

So thats my list of POTENTIAL wizards who would know or be able to fight/interact with children and their monsters, that we know of. Share your thoughts.

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Re: Childlike Wizards
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2021, 11:48:41 AM »
Martha Liberty: She uses Dolls for her main magic trick.Contacts in Nevernever so presumably shes aware of the fringes of childhood monsters.

In her case I doubt that it has anything to do with children.  Voodo and various African religions dolls are used in various ways.  Same for Listens to Winds, many Native American religions are tied up with the spirit of animals and communication with them, and yeah, many animals, just like us like sweets. I don't see either of them playing the same role as Molly, recruiters of children or using dolls, talking to animals, or candy bars to do it.

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Re: Childlike Wizards
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2021, 11:56:10 AM »
In her case I doubt that it has anything to do with children.  Voodo and various African religions dolls are used in various ways.  Same for Listens to Winds, many Native American religions are tied up with the spirit of animals and communication with them, and yeah, many animals, just like us like sweets. I don't see either of them playing the same role as Molly, recruiters of children or using dolls, talking to animals, or candy bars to do it.

I agree with Martha Liberty she's a bit of a fringe covering my bases

Listens to Winds though seem to have a deeper more pure heart at times not exactly naive or innocent like a child just pure. SOmething I think could tanslate well into protecting children.

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Re: Childlike Wizards
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2021, 05:09:28 PM »
I agree with Martha Liberty she's a bit of a fringe covering my bases

Listens to Winds though seem to have a deeper more pure heart at times not exactly naive or innocent like a child just pure. SOmething I think could tanslate well into protecting children.

Oh I can see him protecting children, basically because at heart he is a gentle soul.  However I don't think it has anything to do with his kinship with creatures.  I also think that one could have a desire to protect children but at the same time no have a kinship with them.  Rashid might be one of those, I can see him willingly risk his life to protect a child, but I can see that child not automatically liking him for it.  Where as I can see children flocking to Listens to Wind whether he was trying to protect them or not.  If you are saying it makes it easier, you are probably right.

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Re: Childlike Wizards
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2021, 09:34:26 AM »
More or less yeah