I really feel like him 'breaking' the laws is him doing what others have done and finding the grey areas. His mother, Mab in her human past? Sue was a grey area, Morgan agreed it was necessary that night, but if Harry had become a full time animal necromancer I don't think it would have sat well with the council.. the grey areas imo are things that don't truly violate free will. Sue didn't have free will. When the fae(or later the rag lady) make people see things they still choose how they react. A choice is still made, even if it's a very matrixy subliminal choice. I could probably find ways to violate all the laws that way. The self defense claus on not killing for instance, they chose to attack you. Time travel Bob directly explained, you can't effect choice, but you can change circumstances to effect what choices are available. The only off one is seeking knowledge beyond the outer gates, but I blame lack of exact knowledge on details. We don't know enough to say. Though in guessing MM actually deals with this one. Other realities should qualify..