Author Topic: The Red Court, The Fomor, and Could Thomas Have Been?  (Read 4353 times)

Offline Mira

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Re: The Red Court, The Fomor, and Could Thomas Have Been?
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2020, 01:15:21 PM »
Whamps are all offence as regards whammying, we only see two Whamps seriously go at each other mentally when Lara takes on Papa Raith. They may have even less defence training than the old school wizards, and Thomas is young he may not have developed any sort of mental toughness like old wizards.

We are talking about an Outsider here, that is a different kettle of fish.  That is what the whole star born gig is about, Harry was born being able to resist and fight back mentally, Thomas is no star born.

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Re: The Red Court, The Fomor, and Could Thomas Have Been?
« Reply #16 on: August 20, 2020, 02:26:45 PM »
I am not just talking about Outsiders mental influence, I am talking about mental influence over Whamps.

We have not seen any outsider protagonists except for the corner hounds in this volume, we have seen Eb, and the other wardens and we have seen the Swartalves, both of whom should be capable of this. Introducing an Outsider we have not previously seen or heard about really does not make sense from the point of view of the narrative so far.

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Re: The Red Court, The Fomor, and Could Thomas Have Been?
« Reply #17 on: August 20, 2020, 05:21:05 PM »
I am not just talking about Outsiders mental influence, I am talking about mental influence over Whamps.

We have not seen any outsider protagonists except for the corner hounds in this volume, we have seen Eb, and the other wardens and we have seen the Swartalves, both of whom should be capable of this. Introducing an Outsider we have not previously seen or heard about really does not make sense from the point of view of the narrative so far.

I'm talking how easily Thomas was over come and beaten up.  I don't think that could have been easily done if he had been well fed.  Now Shaggy managed to over come him.. Hmmmm..  Could one of the Svartalvs been a Skin Walker?  Or..OMG, Mr Gray playing both sides?

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Re: The Red Court, The Fomor, and Could Thomas Have Been?
« Reply #18 on: August 20, 2020, 05:42:07 PM »
Far more likely the Tarnhelm than a Skinwalker, what was that headband that Evanna was wearing at the function?

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Re: The Red Court, The Fomor, and Could Thomas Have Been?
« Reply #19 on: August 20, 2020, 08:13:44 PM »
Whamps are all offence as regards whammying, we only see two Whamps seriously go at each other mentally when Lara takes on Papa Raith.
Eh, I don't know... we're told that pitting their Hungers against one another is an usual means of settling disputes in the White Court, so I don't think it's actually rare, just Harry's not usually there to see it.

And Lara did feed on Madeline in TC, it's just that in that case there was no real contest.

Now, there might be a specific interaction between two White Court Hungers, so they might not have an useful defense against other kinds of mental magic.

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Re: The Red Court, The Fomor, and Could Thomas Have Been?
« Reply #20 on: August 20, 2020, 08:51:04 PM »
Now, there might be a specific interaction between two White Court Hungers, so they might not have an useful defense against other kinds of mental magic.

But if you buy the whole star born thing, the only one with any real defense or offense against an Outsider mental attack is Harry.  All I am saying is if Thomas was attacked in such a way it might make him physically defenseless long enough to get the crap kicked out of him.  Or if one of the elves was really a skin walker, we know what Shaggy did to him.

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Re: The Red Court, The Fomor, and Could Thomas Have Been?
« Reply #21 on: August 20, 2020, 09:28:40 PM »
We have contradicting WOJ Elaine is also Starborn, and there should be more, even with Wizards low reproduction rate (we are pointing a finger at you Mr Ramirez) there has been a recent population explosion e.g. the baby wardens, so there must have been more than just Harry and Elaine in that cohort. Could Kravitz and some of the other Warlocks around Harry’s age also have been Starborn?

Another thought, it is assumed Cowl made the Hexenwulf belts, but what if instead he got them from the Swartalves? It’s very much within their bailiwick of magic. The Red Court went to the Fomor for their bomb, a biological weapon, not Cowl, so why not? There might be a long running tie up or membership in the Black Circle/Black Council and the Swartalves, and Etri’s death may have been the pay off. If so missed twice.

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Re: The Red Court, The Fomor, and Could Thomas Have Been?
« Reply #22 on: August 21, 2020, 04:42:46 AM »

  I think that Elaine will turn out to be the Nevil Longbottom to Harry Dresden's Harry Potter..

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Re: The Red Court, The Fomor, and Could Thomas Have Been?
« Reply #23 on: August 21, 2020, 11:02:40 AM »
  I think that Elaine will turn out to be the Nevil Longbottom to Harry Dresden's Harry Potter..

Harry/Neville slash?

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