Author Topic: Unexpected Power Ups Following Battle Ground  (Read 7600 times)

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Unexpected Power Ups Following Battle Ground
« on: August 03, 2020, 09:30:09 PM »
So much attention is given to Harry one sometimes over look other characters, even minor characters getting power ups such as Butters in Skin Game.

What other characters could get power ups and why?

E.g Larry Fowler gets nationally syndicated as the supernatural media interviewer following his previous interviews with Chicago’s only known Wizard, and his coverage as an inadvertent  war reporter in Battle Ground. It means he can afford more expensive lawyers to sue Harry.

E.g. Carlos Ramirez becomes the new Black Staff, Harry refuses after Eb is stripped of it. This power up puts him closer to par with Harry and helps him understand Harry’s burden and isolation.

e.g. Toot grows to full size, becoming a full Sidhe Lord due to the importance of the Za Lord following Harry’s role in Battle Ground, Toot becomes the public face of Faerie and is sponsored by Pizza X’Press under an all you can eat deal negotiated by Harry.

Offline EBRIEN

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Re: Unexpected Power Ups Following Battle Ground
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2020, 09:47:26 PM »
I love Toot getting a power up!

Here's a thought: With all the mortal world finding out about the supernatural world, wouldn't all those involved get a power up? Doesn't their power increase or decrease depending on belief?

Toot's the man!



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Re: Unexpected Power Ups Following Battle Ground
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2020, 10:17:44 PM »
Sue 2.0 -- now with a Soulfire skeleton.

Mouse -- he's a guardian foo dog, taking his strength from the Wards of the home he guards. When Harry moves into the BFS castle with the impressive wards carved into every stone... his power jumps to an entirely new level. (And he gains a love interest -- Childs' bomb-sniffing german shepherd! But will she turn out to be a chienne fatale, or is it true love? Are there half-foo scion puppies in our future?)

Tilly -- head of an entirely new federal law enforcement agency.

Rudolph -- wins election as Chicago's District Attorney on an anti-supernatural platform

Mac -- with the Paranetters livestream reporting on the Chicago Incident going international (Live from MacAnally's Pub) his ale gains worldwide distribution.

Maggie -- discovers she has not one, not two, but three Fairy Godmothers -- just like Cinderella! And Santa is Real!!

Gedwig -- after mass casualties, after the inevitable Nemesis-induced betrayal, Gedwig is left as head of the Svartalves in Chicago, much to Harry's displeasure

Hendricks + Chandler both defend their Dissertations and start insisting that everyone call them Dr. -- Harry makes lame Dr. Who jokes until they stop.

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Re: Unexpected Power Ups Following Battle Ground
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2020, 10:53:05 PM »
Not everyone in the supernatural is powered by belief, Toot has gotten larger each time Harry has gotten a power up/ increased in status, due to his linkage to Harry. If his status increases again then 18 inch Toot might grow several feet overnight and not be able to fly. We haven’t seen Toot since Harry received his arsenal, he may already have grown since then.

We might have the 13 year old equivalent of a teenage Sidhe in Toot and/ or Lacuna for Harry to have to deal with as a live in lodger in the near future. Harry is his liege Lord and responsible for his conduct. Oh Joy!

Rudolph is likely to not distinguish himself in the Battle of Chicago, and we find who bought him, he will get his comeuppance and not a power up. He is found cowering in dereliction if his duty by a news crew having used his trousers as a latrine. Vertebrate would be a power up for Rudolph.

Mouse is intact so Foo Puppies are not out of the Question, but a Scrappy Doo version of Mouse NO! That would be an abomination that must be destroyed by fire. Yes as regards the BFS especially with the Dresden family in residence producing a threshold for their apartment.

Gedwig gets a new deluxe clipboard and a stamp which says “Denied” in Swartalf. That is a terrifying power up for any Vogon souled bureaucrat. Let’s just hope he is not an amateur poet

Hendricks - Einenjhar or gets Mjolnir (was Thor all along amnesia from way too much college football). The new beard is a giveaway.

Tilly- More likely head of a new multi-agency task force, Congress would need to establish the new agency and I am not sure Marcone and Lara have the full set yet.

Marcone - Mayor of Chicago “Vote for a competent crook this time” this would make sense as it would more accurately mirror his supernatural status, and parallel his Lex Luther rise.

Mab - The Accords becomes a working Alliance of the Supernatural protecting mortalkind and future Defenders of the Gates.

Maggie - Gets to ride Sue with her dad, and able to brag about it when she starts school

Chandler - Gets introduced to Marcone’s Tailor

Mac- Finally gets to escape from the ex-wife

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Re: Unexpected Power Ups Following Battle Ground
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2020, 11:17:55 PM »
Doesn't their power increase or decrease depending on belief?
Belief or knowledge of supernatural creatures is necessary for them to not be obliviated. Other than that, we don't know what effect belief/knowledge has on the supernatural. Jim has implied that they are somehow shaped by human beliefs, but it's all pretty vague.

Not everyone in the supernatural is powered by belief, Toot has gotten larger each time Harry has gotten a power up/ increased in status, due to his linkage to Harry.
Does Toot grow with Harry, or does he grow with responsibility Harry gives him? At first, Toot is just Harry's informant, then he's in charge of a small retinue, then the retinue increases in size when Harry frees the Little Folk in White Night.

I haven't plotted out Toot's growth and increase in responsibility, so I don't know.

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Re: Unexpected Power Ups Following Battle Ground
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2020, 03:18:32 AM »
Gedwig -- after mass casualties, after the inevitable Nemesis-induced betrayal, Gedwig is left as head of the Svartalves in Chicago, much to Harry's displeasure

Unless Gedwig is infected himself...

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Re: Unexpected Power Ups Following Battle Ground
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2020, 07:07:28 AM »
Unless Gedwig is infected himself...

Please Nemesis would be infected by Gedwig.

Offline ClintACK

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Re: Unexpected Power Ups Following Battle Ground
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2020, 12:55:57 PM »
The idea that Gedwig (the svartalf Harry likes least) is the one infected by Nemesis is impossible. It contradicts the Butcher's First Law: Harry's suffering tends towards the maximum.

It's the flip side of one svartalf dying -- and *of course* it's the one that has game night and play dates with Harry and Maggie.

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Re: Unexpected Power Ups Following Battle Ground
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2020, 03:25:49 PM »
I have this feeling Peabody and Gedwig would have got on famously. Harry hates petty bureaucrats more than he hates bullies, but then they are merely bullies writ small.

Give Gedwig a stamp which magically prints “DENIED” in all languages and an everlasting ink pad and he would never be happier. We all know a Gedwig. He probably has a mortal girlfriend in the Cook County Planning Department. They hooked up when he became the only entity in history to actually file for all his applications and permits properly for the embassy in triplicate for the first time, together with thank you letter for how much he enjoyed the experience and an 12 page essay setting out suggestions on  how they could tighten up their bureaucracy even further.

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Re: Unexpected Power Ups Following Battle Ground
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2020, 04:34:59 PM »
This is a great thread! I laughed.

Hendricks as Thor... wow. I could see that happening.

I was going to say something about Murphy becoming a valkyrie, but then I remembered this is the Unexpected Power Ups thread.

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Re: Unexpected Power Ups Following Battle Ground
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2020, 04:50:37 PM »
With the Masquerade in tatters, Chicago gets powered up with a new Department of Magical Affairs. Like the DMV, just with Svartalf clerks and Sidhe management for that extra layer of lawyerly wisdom and epic levels of bureaucratic BS. Harry now gets to worry about getting his Magic license to go with his PI, and has to take a formal exam written by people who were utterly clueless a few months ago.

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Re: Unexpected Power Ups Following Battle Ground
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2020, 05:11:36 PM »
WOJ has it that Thor went off playing College Football, Hendricks definitely played college football. The mythological Thor is red haired, as is Hendricks, the blonde Thor is all Marvel. Gard takes unusual interest in him she is a Valkyrie, which normally means Einenjaren, but could mean someone else. Hendricks has just grown a beard, which? He knows how to use a broadsword, why..Marcone made contact with Monoc/Odin fairly early on, perhaps Monoc approached his sons employer. Re-read Even Hand there is a lot of nuance in Marcone’s opinions on Hendricks.

In Norse Mythology Etri made Mjolnir, and their armouries have been opened in the defence of Chicago. If Hendricks picks up a war hammer with a short handle....

Yes the City of Chicago would hire Gedwig from the Swartalves to devise all the forms and to put together a procedures manual, all 27 volumes of it. For Gedwig the pen is mightier than the sword, as it kills you piece by piece.

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Re: Unexpected Power Ups Following Battle Ground
« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2020, 05:11:31 PM »
Mister - Graciously accepts the service of the Little Monkey (and refrains from eating it, as a consequence).

Offline Bad Alias

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Re: Unexpected Power Ups Following Battle Ground
« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2020, 09:43:54 PM »
Harry finally gets a license to carry that he's been talking about for years now that they exist in Illinois.

There was litigation about whether the Second Amendment protected the right to carry arms outside the home. The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that it did. The 7th Circuit gave Illinois some time to provide for licensing/regulating the carrying of firearms. On July 9, 2013, Illinois's license to carry law went into effect. What year does Peace Talks take place? If we go with Miss Spencer's (Jim's go to timeline expert) best guess, 2013. What month does Peace Talks take place in? July.

Spoiler alert: It's probably not going to happen in Battle Ground. The state police "plans to begin accepting applications on January 5th, 2014," so the only way this could actually happen is if the series started in 2000 or later.

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Re: Unexpected Power Ups Following Battle Ground
« Reply #14 on: August 05, 2020, 09:45:11 PM »
Harry finally gets a license to carry that he's been talking about for years now that they exist in Illinois.

There was litigation about whether the Second Amendment protected the right to carry arms outside the home. The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that it did. The 7th Circuit gave Illinois some time to provide for licensing/regulating the carrying of firearms. On July 9, 2013, Illinois's license to carry law went into effect. What year does Peace Talks take place? If we go with Miss Spencer's (Jim's go to timeline expert) best guess, 2013. What month does Peace Talks take place in? July.

Spoiler alert: It's probably not going to happen in Battle Ground. The state police "plans to begin accepting applications on January 5th, 2014," so the only way this could actually happen is if the series started in 2000 or later.