The White Council know about Demonreach, only the GateKeeper, Listens and Eb know he is The Warden of Demonreach. The Wardens are named for The Warden, and I suspect Captain of Wardens was originally the deputy of The Warden or where no Warden of Demonreach existed appointed to lead the Wardens.
This would technically mean Harry is Luccio’s superior, just neither knows it. Once he takes down Ethnui this is going to be realised by all, he is The Warden and fully acting in that role, making it difficult for the White Council to boot him out, but also impossible for him to keep with the secrets that he has.
His family secrets will come out, and Harry won’t mind that he has a daughter and that she is the reason the Red Court went extinct. Consider that a warning, come for me direct, not through my daughter. Nicky knows so this removes Nicky’s power over Harry. Another secret, Harry knows how to kill Nicky.
It will be obvious that Harry has control of three objects of power, a Sword, the Athame and the Placard, the first is probably known, the latter two are going to be a real shock when Harry uses them.
If Bob and or Bonea come into play then those secrets are going to come out. Bob was known to be Kemmler’s and Bonea is similar enough to Bob to raise questions. One secret which might come out is one of Bob’s, I suspect his mother is Lea (a muse) and whilst terrified of Mab, bounces around like a 5 year old when Lea is around.