Ok, I am so nervous...just un hour to the beginning of the match.
Excellent about duolingo. We could write a little in French (I have it quite rusty, but I can say some things). I love French but that probably helps your point.
Glad about your cows and puppys!
I have not idea about the show as I did not watch it but I do remember for the promos that they ran and ran as if the field was kilometers long. I do remember the main character was called Oliver, at least here, so perhaps that helps you. Since i did that post I learned that apparently there is a modern, more violent animé called Blue Lock with Japanese young men enduring horrible training to become better at football. So everyone is saying Blue Lock is real, and it works.
My hubby is far from good but he is much better than last year, so that is something. Thanks for asking.
I am also still having struggles at work but it is all right. i'll survive. I have a "concurso" soon, for my main position. What is a "concurso" you ask, well, at the university, we have to validate our position every three years (more or less, the date can be a little fluid, in the sense that it could be more than three, but not less). At my university we have 2 kinds of jobs: simple or exclusive. Simple people only have to teach, and they have to work only a few hours a week, it is a half-time job which, of course, is not a well-paid job. Then, exclusive is full-time and in addition to teaching, you have to do research. That is my current job that I need to validate. Well, how to do that? All people who have a job and those who wants to have one apply to the concurso. A jury evaluates the antecedents (production of papers, books and such, years teaching, course, things like that) and then there is the "opposition" where every person teaches a small class. It's like 15 minutes, or 20, where you have to explain an exercise, or a practice the students have to do, something like that. Well, all that is evaluated, and a merit order list is created by the jury. Of course, those on the top, got the job.
So yes, it is pure stress! I do not know when we have to do the opposition class, but we already presented the applications, so it will be soon, or in February (January is the Summer recess here).
So, that is, stressful times.
Edited: We won!

But hubby's computer is acting again. it is complicated, we may need to change it too soon. But ey, we won. That is what matters today.