I noticed, that all the cows have names starting with "El". Is this on purpose, does it have meaning or is it totally coincidental?
Might I suggest Elsa? Or Elvira?

Elsa for me is totally a cow's name. I remember in almost every cowshed I've been in, there was a cow Elsa, lol.
Also there is a sketch by a famous German comedian about the cow Elsa:
There is a butler calling his boss at work to tell him about the death of the cow Elsa. The boss is pretty pissed about him calling because of such an unimportant occurrence. He has hundreds of cows, why should he care about one dead one. But after some consideration he asks how the cow died.
The butler says: Because the roof of the shed fell on her head. Apparently the walls of the shed were no longer able to support the roof at a certain point of the building burning. And the roof was too heavy for the cow, so she died when it fell on her head.

why did the shed burn?
Butler: because of the flying sparkles.

Butler: from the burning mansion.
Boss: What??? Why did the mansion burn?
Butler: Because your son fell down the stairs while carrying the lit candles and he broke both his arms. That was bad luck for the cow Elsa.
Now it is getting a bit dark humoured

Just to warn you, but it was funny the way they played it.
Boss: Why did he carry burning candles?
Butler: We wanted to make it nice for your wife, for the funeral.
I always have to think about this when I hear the name Elsa.
Definitely a cow's name for me.

LOL I remember another detail: the boss doesn't know which of his cows Elsa was, so the butler describes her, because in his eyes she was special. The brown one, the one who always kicked the milk bucket after milking so that all the milk spilled.