I've been dying my hair since I was a teenager. First because I didn't like its non-colour, and because my mother also did it all the time. So I was allowed to experiment early on.

And even before that, I had to dye her hair, because it soon became clear that I could do it with minimum mess. I don't know how she did it, but after hair dying done by my mother, there were always spots of hair dye everywhere in the bathroom. So I got recruited most of the time.
Also my best friend's mother is a hair dresser and now she is, too, so I got to see lots of colours in her hair.
I had a lot of different colours of hair in my life. The only ones that looked ugly were orange (not on purpose, lol) and black. OK, and the dirty green accident, that was supposed to be blue. From time to time I let the colours grow out, to see, if there is enough grey yet. Because if there is, then I would like it to be grey. But there isn't yet. Just some single white hairs, barely noticeable.
Another topic:
My daughter's school is doing some health event. The kids have to count their steps or the distance they drove a bicycle. I thought, that was a good idea. I wanted to count my steps for years, but never did it. Thing is, we are walking a lot at work, and I wanted to know how much and how much difference it is what I walk at home and so on. Also maybe a good motivation to do more sports.

So I installed the app today. Of course I first want to set point zero. That means, I have to commit a lazy day, to see the difference to a normal day and a workday. And a workday at different workplaces.
Maybe I'm going to do some walking tomorrow, maybe not. Perhaps it would be good to set several points zero and calculate the average.