The tree.

The wand.
There should be images. I can't see them in the preview. If they are not there, I'll try again. I'm not so good with this. LOL
We did the sock show today.

It was fun and it was filmed. The old neighbor came by so she had to watch and laugh, too. My dad was very moved. It was a good birthday.
We had precaution measures, too. I had myself tested covid negative. And before the test result, I used a mask and gloves to prepare the sauces.
The neighbour wore a mask, when she came and she sat a bit apart from everyone else. Everyone else was only my little family and my parents.
The kids created some landscape from paper and we put a playmobil archer in it. So we will do this for real in spring or summer. Also we had him a T-shirt with his birth year and some fun stuff on it and a coffee mug that says: it took 70 years to look this good.

After the fondue lunch today we had some apple cake and coffee.