I missed you, too.

Enjoy your sister's visit. And the book.

Headaches are evil. I have them often. Mostly it is because I feel change in weather. We have that a lot here during summer. Or when I eat to much raw garlic or onions. But then it is my own fault and I choose to live with the consequences.

Real migraines I don't have very often, and I'm very glad about it. Those, when you can only stay in the dark, every little noise threatens to make your head explode and sometimes it makes you throw up. Good for you that you have found a way to deal with it.
I've been doing a lot of funny things these last days. I've worked a lot during July, so I can stay mostly at home during school holidays. I hope they don't call me, because I'm only at home from the hours I have worked, I'm not on vacation. Those who are just reducing work hours are usually called in first.
So I try to enjoy the time I have.
I'm sitting outside now and waiting for the bats. The sun is almost gone, they will be here any time now.... Ah, damn that was just a sleepy bird... But soon I will see the bats.
The kids are watching Frozen 2. We were in the local open air bath today and yesterday. That's really nice now that you have to announce yourself the evening before. And they only let in 400 people. So it is not crowded as usual without covid. They open from 10-13, then time to disinfect everything and in the afternoon from 14-18.
As I can't read anything else until I've read Battle Ground, I started a read along with a friend who currently reads Changes. But she is faster. I'm still at Turn Coat. We compare the translation. Sometimes it is really good, but sometimes the joke is lost, because you can't translate it into German. Mostly the language based jokes.
And joy: there was the first bat. You have to look at the same spot you saw the first, because the usually have a hunting routine.