Author Topic: Weird? Pretty much.  (Read 385103 times)

Offline Regenbogen

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #30 on: June 06, 2020, 01:13:24 PM »
Did your library open?

I'm afraid, I'm not so skilled any more. It has been a while. The brain and the body still know the movements, but I wouldn't stand even through warming up, if I went to training again.
It was good for me as a teenager, because it strenghened my confidence.
I think I will send Mini-me either to karate or better to jiu-jitsu, because there she would learn how to fall without hurting herself. That's a pretty useful skill. And the jiu-jitsu training is not so far away, too. 

Edit: I won't try karate again also because my left side got a bit damaged in a car accident about 15 years ago, and there are some sports I can't do any more without a great amount of pain afterwards, so...
That's why I do things like swimming or fast walking nowadays, because the running hurts.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2020, 01:21:29 PM by Regenbogen »

Offline Dina

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #31 on: June 06, 2020, 08:31:08 PM »
Sorry about the car accident and its consequences Regen. And that sounds good about your jiu-jitsu. I don't know much about the differences between disciplines, but knowing how to fall seems indeed like an useful skill.
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Regenbogen

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #32 on: June 06, 2020, 09:36:09 PM »
Sorry about the car accident and its consequences Regen. And that sounds good about your jiu-jitsu. I don't know much about the differences between disciplines, but knowing how to fall seems indeed like an useful skill.
Yes. I am very grateful, that I regained the use of my leg and my arm. I was very lucky. I can do whatever I need to do and most of the time you can't even see a limp.

Karate is more about hitting and blocking.
Jiu-jitsu is a mixture of several martial arts, including parts of aikido and I think judo. I did only take part in this for one month, but at least I learned a bit how to take a fall, when you fall on your back and how to roll over my shoulder. I couldn't continue, because the training clashed too much with my work schedule, but it was very interesting. And I was even able to use my little knowledge afterwards, when I misjudged a jump over some pebbles while crossing a street with the inline skates once. I hope it looked cool. LOL. I even came back up on my feet and drove around a corner to check, where all the blood came from. But otherwise I was OK.

I did some reading of Short Stories today. Brief Cases. Because I wanted to re read Cold Case. I couldn't remember this Evanna from the Peace Talks trailer. In 4 days I can get my monthly audio book. It will be Skin Game. After that I am ready for the new book. Only one month and a few days now!!!!!
Happy happy joy joy

Offline Dina

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #33 on: June 06, 2020, 10:43:16 PM »
Yes, you were lucky. I am sure this was a terrifying experience.
Thanks for the info about jiu jitsu and it is a shame you could not pursue it. Schedules can be complicated indeed. I had to stop studying ballet because I was taking classes to prepare myself for secondary school. I was set to go to a school who is under the university administration and there was an admission exam so twice a week I had to go to take special classes to prepare myself for it- Therefore I couldn't keep going to dancing, which was also becoming harder and harder. I was planning go back to ballet classes the next year, but by then my schedule was even more complicated, and classes were difficult! (I passed the admission test and went to the school I wanted  :))

And I am sure you look very cool that time with your skates-

Yes, PT is close!
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Fcrate

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #34 on: June 08, 2020, 12:38:15 PM »
Hello weird!
My neighbour wanted my help with something and banged on the (metal) gate of the farm loud enough to wake the dead... He rudely interrupted my holy siesta. I wanted to put my fingers around his throat and strangle him to death, but there were a couple of witnesses. But I think I'll release my dogs one fine and hot summer night to roam wherever they please and start a fight with the stray dogs that prefer to sleep near his house. Who knows? The door to his chicken coup looks flimsy.  >:(
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فتتبعت السواقي وتسلقت الصخور
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Offline Dina

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #35 on: June 08, 2020, 05:04:29 PM »
I am sorry about your siesta, he probably did not realize you were asleep. Also, don't use your dogs for mean purposes, that is almost like misuse a Holy Sword.
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Regenbogen

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #36 on: June 08, 2020, 06:56:37 PM »
I'm with Dina there. And your dogs could get hurt.
Better build yourself your own polka-one-man-suit and go outside practising. "Oh, my bad, didn't realise your bedroom was so near. I thought nobody could hear me. Oh, you were asleep. Weird, it's already 4 am, but hey, everybody has his own sleeping rhythm."

Offline Fcrate

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #37 on: June 08, 2020, 08:44:00 PM »
Thanks Dina. But isn't the purpose of a dog to be mean? They should protect me, in my opinion, that includes protecting my mental health by preserving my siesta.
@Regen: HEH! I do get up at 4 am, so that's a valid idea. Problem is: I'd get lynched if I did that. I'm really considering releasing the dogs, they're too well trained to get into the chicken coup (most of them) but picking a fight with stray dogs is right up their alley. They'll cause a racket like you wouldn't believe. Also, they won't get hurt. :)
هل أخذت الغاب مثلي منزلاً دون القصور
فتتبعت السواقي وتسلقت الصخور
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Offline Dina

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #38 on: June 08, 2020, 10:15:02 PM »
Aww, poor doggies. No, they can be protectors but they are not mean. I understand that they can be hunters and yes, eventually attack others but I don't like to think on mean only...not easy to mess with  :)
In other topics, the other day I've seen a TV show which included someone speaking about food in Egypt. They were in a very splendid hotel with a fancy menu including pidgeons. I wish I could have more time to focus in the TV, I had it in the background while I was doing other things. But the host was in some markets too, it seems very interesting.
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline g33k

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #39 on: June 10, 2020, 08:52:12 PM »
Jiu-jitsu is a mixture of several martial arts, including parts of aikido and I think judo

It's the other way around!

Actually, "judo" is the modern/derived sport (late 1800's) largely (but not solely!) from jiu-jitsu by the founder Jigaro Kano.

Aikido is even more modern, created by "the founder" (O-Sensei Morihei Ueshiba) in the early/mid part of last century.  It is based on earlier systems, including "aiki-jujutsu."  Ueshiba was a very spiritual man, and his art reflects this; it's one of the least "combative" martial arts around.

Finally worth noting is the "Gracie" (also called "Brazilian") style of jiu-jitsu, which is a bit less formalized (and much more groundwork & grapple-centric) than most of the ancestral Japanese styles.  A key figure was actually a Judoka who specialized in groundwork, who introduced the Gracie family to his style.

Jiu-jitsu itself (formalized styles of grapple-centric combat in Japan) is well over 1000 years old, with earliest written records about 1300 years ago, although the name "jujutsu" (or however you want to latinize the spelling) is "only" a few centuries old.
Here endeth the martial-arts geekery.  ;-)

Offline Regenbogen

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #40 on: June 11, 2020, 12:25:12 AM »
It's the other way around!

Actually, "judo" is the modern/derived sport (late 1800's) largely (but not solely!) from jiu-jitsu by the founder Jigaro Kano.

Aikido is even more modern, created by "the founder" (O-Sensei Morihei Ueshiba) in the early/mid part of last century.  It is based on earlier systems, including "aiki-jujutsu."  Ueshiba was a very spiritual man, and his art reflects this; it's one of the least "combative" martial arts around.

Finally worth noting is the "Gracie" (also called "Brazilian") style of jiu-jitsu, which is a bit less formalized (and much more groundwork & grapple-centric) than most of the ancestral Japanese styles.  A key figure was actually a Judoka who specialized in groundwork, who introduced the Gracie family to his style.

Jiu-jitsu itself (formalized styles of grapple-centric combat in Japan) is well over 1000 years old, with earliest written records about 1300 years ago, although the name "jujutsu" (or however you want to latinize the spelling) is "only" a few centuries old.
Here endeth the martial-arts geekery.  ;-)
Ah, yes . Thank you. You even have names. One never stops learning.
I read about that it is supposed to have its origin in China and somehow came to Japan, and was practiced by the samurai.
We have the Brazilian one here, too. Since I think about 8-10 years.

Offline Dina

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #41 on: June 11, 2020, 02:06:55 AM »
Thanks for the explanation to both of you
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline PilgrimDan

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #42 on: June 15, 2020, 03:15:30 PM »
@Regenbogen - ex-SEAL Jocko Willink recommends Jiu-Jitsu (probably of the Brazilian variety) and Muay Thai for martial arts training.

Also: sorry I’ve been a stranger, but my laptop crashed on me and I’m on a borrowed iPad until I can the computer shop opens again.

((((((Turboninjaglomphugs for all))))))

Offline Dina

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #43 on: June 15, 2020, 06:35:04 PM »
(((((PD))))) Sorry to hear about your laptop, I hope you find a good replacement soon. Meanwhile, how are you doing? How is this crazy situation treating you?
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline PilgrimDan

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Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« Reply #44 on: June 15, 2020, 09:54:18 PM »
I think I’m about ready to paint myself blue, run off to live in the woods and find some really good mushrooms. It seems to be the only logical response.

Does that get across how bored and tired of the lock down I am?

What about you?