The point I was trying to make with this post is why did Mab feel the need to have kids in the first place. Im pretty sure she had twin girls because that’s what she want to have - you know she would be able to manipulate that into happening.
I think the point is that both Maeve & Sarissa were always going to be Ladies - Maeve just went first because of her personality. The other was the spare for if anything happened to the first one. The mistake Mab made was that like all humans, pre-Lady Maeve wanted a mother but Mab is ... Mab. Maeve probably thought she would make Mab proud of her/ more interested in her if she became Lady, however when she realized that Mab is all business, she starts neglecting her duties (acting out) to get her mother to pay attention to her. The kicker of course is that Mab did love Maeve, she just showed it in a very cold way.
I think the problem was that Mab wanted to have kids so they would serve Winter, not for the joys of motherhood - you’re definitely right that had Mab been able to be remotely maternal, perhaps Maeve wouldn’t be the way she was.
@morris & g33k
The Lady burn rate is likely high, although I’d wager the Knights’ rate is even higher (less power & more dangerous job).
@Bad Alias
Yep 150 years is what Molly says, so we know Maeve must’ve been Lady for at least 150-200 years already.