Has anybody considered that Lea is enemy forces?
I have, or I wrote about is a few years back, it was when I did my first reread. While yes, when
we first meet Lea it is seen though the lens of Harry's extreme paranoia about her, not helped by her
desire to turn him into one of her hounds to keep him "safe." Having said that, her ambition and thirst for power comes through which ends with her bargaining a Holy Sword for the Knife, which we now know is infected. The general theory is she was infected by the Knife and was later cured by Mab when she put her on ice. It was my opinion then that she might have been infected before she came in contact with the Knife. If she was, it would account for her being okay with Harry going to Justin for his training, then when Harry proved himself by escaping enthrallment, neutralizing HWWB, Justin could be discarded.... So she then supposedly helped Harry eliminate him, what she did was trick an inexperienced sixteen year old kid into a bargain. We find out later that she did little to aid Harry except perhaps a "confidence boost" as Jim puts it, but it makes Harry obligated to her with the hope of later making use of him. All this plays into the Enemy's hands, except Mab had other plans.