I think Mab respects strength and probably is of the school if you are not cheating you are not trying so in a lot of ways I suspect Mab likes Harry. It is only when he disrespects or openly defies her that she gets mad. Even if she did not have plans for Harry he might not be a full slatessickle yet. Though I do suspect without those plans she would have expressed her anger with him a bit more strongly.
First of all you have to decide whether or not Mab was waiting for mortally wounded Harry to fall into the water so she could immediately put the freeze on him to stop him from completely bleeding out before she could get him where she could care for him. Before that whether or not she influenced the wind enough to ever so slightly alter the bullet so it would do significant damage but not completely blow Harry's heart apart, but Uriel may have done that part... In my opinion the answer to both is yes, more over I think it was Uriel who tipped her off that this was going to happen.. Remember Mab didn't get her way here. If she had, the whole thing wouldn't have happened in the first place, she would have stopped it cold, put some hurt on Harry to put him in his place, but end up with an undamaged Winter Knight. Recall that she is a bit pissed that Uriel overruled her because it was important for Harry to learn some lessons vital to the cause that they have in common... However his plan put her future Knight at great risk and she wasn't at all happy with it.