Author Topic: Another Weird for the Weird folk  (Read 485751 times)

Offline Otlan

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1425 on: February 18, 2020, 08:06:22 PM »

I just wanted to say hello to everyone and I need to disappear now (for just some hours, don't worry)


Watching The Witcher on Netflix, and it's Awsome XD !
Rest Well Mdodd, and Please Watch over Us...

Relinquo spes totus ye quisnam penetro hic...

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Offline Dina

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1426 on: February 19, 2020, 12:31:32 AM »
Beauty is a secoundary concern Dina XD . I'd be more intrested in a woman who was willing to talk to me and woudn't smack or scorn me for talking to her XD .
I laughed because of that, Otlan ^

I liked it. And "Toss a coin to your witcher" is infectious  :)
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Otlan

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1427 on: February 19, 2020, 12:56:49 AM »
I laughed because of that, Otlan ^

I liked it. And "Toss a coin to your witcher" is infectious  :)

Why is that funny ??

It's really good XD . I just watched the episode with
(click to show/hide)
  and Toss a coin really in infectious XD . They did a hell of a job on the show n_n <3 .
Rest Well Mdodd, and Please Watch over Us...

Relinquo spes totus ye quisnam penetro hic...

Strong like bull, smart like tractor, smooth like brick - smell like goat!

Offline Dina

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1428 on: February 19, 2020, 04:16:45 AM »
I like the fighting scenes and the way the story is told.

Why is that funny ??

I don't know, it sounded like a joke, specially because you put two "XD".
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Fcrate

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1429 on: February 19, 2020, 02:10:25 PM »
Beauty is a secoundary concern Dina XD . I'd be more intrested in a woman who was willing to talk to me and woudn't smack or scorn me for talking to her XD .
Hmmm... I detect a strong case of low self esteem! chin up mate, one day... one day, you'll meet a woman who can see you without slitting her own throat, and she'll be very smart, kind, beautiful and with a body that can cause the third world war. And then she'll tell you that she's already married. b-bye :P
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Offline Dina

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1430 on: February 19, 2020, 07:51:57 PM »

I am all excited because it appears that Netflix would be adapting a very classic Argentinian comic (which I admit I have not read entirely, even when I own it). If it happens, it will be a major thing because of things that go beyond the comic itself, so I am crossing fingers it really happens.
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Otlan

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1431 on: February 19, 2020, 09:27:52 PM »
I like the fighting scenes and the way the story is told.

I don't know, it sounded like a joke, specially because you put two "XD".

They are, and the Monsters are really well done n_n . It seems the show is supposed to be a sort of Prequal to the Games.

Oh, no I was being serious. Most women would probably look at me and be like, "Eww."

@Fcrate: ....Some days it's hard to tell if your my frined or my Enemy Crate XD . But, that dose sound just like my luck, ya XD .

@Dina: What's the comic about Di-Di?
Rest Well Mdodd, and Please Watch over Us...

Relinquo spes totus ye quisnam penetro hic...

Strong like bull, smart like tractor, smooth like brick - smell like goat!

Offline Dina

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1432 on: February 19, 2020, 09:55:08 PM »

The comic is called "El Eternauta"and it was first published in the late '50s. "El" is "the" when you are taking about a male individual and eternauta is a made-up world mixing nauta as in "aeronaut" "astronaut" with "eternal". The story goes that one day a snowfall happens in Buenos Aires (that would be unusual in itself, as it only has happened once for century or something like that) but it is not snow at all. It is a mortal, radioactive thing. The main characters are a family and some friends who are sheltered in a home (having taken some protective measures as soon as all began). As the story progresses they found that there is actually an alien invasion. But the name of the comic is due to one of the characters, Juan Salvo, becoming the eternauta after some shenaningans. He is a time traveler, mostly lost in the current of time, trying to find his wife and little daughter and perhaps warning people before the invasion.

There were some sequels and stuff but speaking strictly about the comic, it was great because the invasion was not having place in USA or Europe or something like that. It was in Buenos Aires, with very known landmarks (as a football stadium), with local names and things like that.

But besides that, the comic because legend because the author of the story (not the artist), German Oesterheld was a militant against the dictatorship that took the power in Argentina between 1976 and 1983...and he disappeared, along with his 4 daughters and their husbands. The poor wife, Elsa, is a symbol of all the people who had to fight for trying to find their missing relatives. In the last years here, The eternauta has been a symbol of a political party too, one who makes a point of condemning the crimes of the dictatorship and do their best to at least find the bodies of those missing people. So, as you see, the comic has a lot of significance for us
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Fcrate

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1433 on: February 21, 2020, 01:05:49 AM »
@Otlan: My motto is: If you can't tell, it's probably an enemy :P
@Dina:sounds rather good, I wish someone from Egypt would do something like that.
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Offline Dina

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1434 on: February 21, 2020, 05:13:54 AM »
In the 50's and 60's we had good comic books and also comic strips. That was slowly fading but we had good moments. And we also had a legend that the show Dark Angel (an old one starring Jessica Alba) was actually stolen from a '90s comic called Cibersix  :P
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Regenbogen

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1435 on: February 25, 2020, 08:32:00 PM »
The Argentinian comic adaption sounds interesting.
I've seen the Witcher, too. Sometimes there are episodes that happened years ago, and it took us some time to understand that. My husband for example was amused, that some women looked alike, until I told him, that's because that's the same woman!!! "But she is dead!" "In this episode not yet." Confusing. LOL.
I have not yet read the book to this season, but I think it is promising. It is supposed to be the Witcher telling someone stories of his life. The single episodes are in fact each one of the stories, not always in chronological order.

Otlan: Don't worry. There must be a woman for you. But it doesn't seem to work, if you go out looking for one.
Lots of people find their partner as soon as they stopped looking. Don't give up hope yet.

Offline Dina

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1436 on: February 25, 2020, 08:55:39 PM »
Yes, I liked that about the Witcher. At first it was confusing but then it was fun. I have not read the books nor played the gamed (Hubby did play them though, so I was familiar with a few things he told me about) so it is all new for me.

And about what you told Otlan, I know it was like that for me. I distinctly remember one day that I decided I was feeling great as I was, with no partner. It was the same semester I began to get closer to the person who I chose to live my life with.
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Regenbogen

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1437 on: February 25, 2020, 09:44:25 PM »

And about what you told Otlan, I know it was like that for me. I distinctly remember one day that I decided I was feeling great as I was, with no partner. It was the same semester I began to get closer to the person who I chose to live my life with.
For me too. After 9 years as a single. It took me two years to get over a love that didn't love me back. At least he was honest with me. The you-are-my-best-friend talk and so on.
After that I was looking and looking. Even was on some dates. But those were all guys who were too different from me. No interest in science fiction or fantasy or music. And I realized that I was not myself during those dates. I was playing a role I thought they liked. That was wrong.
A few months before we got together I had accepted, that I would probably live my life alone.
My husband I knew for some years before I realized he was the one. We were singing together.
I can think it is important that you have the same basic interests but also enough different ones but in that at least tolerance for the differences in your partner's interests.

Always be true to yourself. Tell people what you think except when it would hurt them. Then don't sugarcoat. Rather say nothing at all.

And don't go looking in places you would never go to if you weren't looking. For example if you don't go to clubs, then don't go looking for a girlfriend in a club.
If you like books or video games, then maybe go looking for women in places where you would get those.

Offline Dina

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1438 on: February 26, 2020, 12:35:01 AM »
After that I was looking and looking. Even was on some dates. But those were all guys who were too different from me. No interest in science fiction or fantasy or music. And I realized that I was not myself during those dates. I was playing a role I thought they liked. That was wrong.
A few months before we got together I had accepted, that I would probably live my life alone.
My husband I knew for some years before I realized he was the one. We were singing together.

That part happened more or less the same for me. Not many dates but I tried a couple of times to be someone I was not. And, just like you, I decided against it, no matter if that meant to be alone. And I had known my "not-husband" (we are not actually married) since we began the career, we were classmates. And in our final year we got closer, we began talking not only about science because about comics, we began borrowing comics from each other, then I invited him a couple of times to see Star Trek at home (he did not have cable at the time) and then one step lead to another...

I think your advices were very good too.
Missing you, Md 

There are many horrible sights in the multiverse. Somehow, though, to a soul attuned to the subtle rhythms of a library, there are few worse sights than a hole where a book ought to be. Someone has stolen a book (Terry Pratchett)

Offline Doroga's Cousin

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Re: Another Weird for the Weird folk
« Reply #1439 on: February 26, 2020, 06:26:35 AM »
As much as I like the sentiment, I've always thought that that line of thought is along the lines of "It's always in the last place you look for it." Because, well, of course it is. :P

On an unrelated note, I'm super excited. My best friend is finally out of basic training and on a base with regular phone/internet access so he can hang out with our group on discord. It was a long three months.
Is it just me or is it getting a little solipsistic in here?