Which would then make either Harry or Mac the Sun. Probably the sun, because beer gives people that warm feeling. Of course! How could it be anything else!
Guess you got this snippy at Eldest Gruff's son of the chief physician when it came out? Go over to Reddit where he still hangs out and make such comments, i'd love to see that.. you can pretty much sling shit back at people for continuingly making the same sort of comments of stubborn refusal to see anything they don't wish to, made worse by the egotistifcal need to rally against it.... You know, hypothetically, over there, were we don't have such
fine upstanding people to do such things, no?
Adding in the Dagda/Sun/Appollo association isn't a thing already so well proven. Giving him connotations of rebirth btw, point to the origins of Harry's starborn trait, that of fire, change, death... and also inherently rebirth.