What happens to one of the fae after they die? Do they get judged and sent to heaven/hell accordingly or is it just oblivion for them? I'm assuming oblivion.
In Summer Knight, Harry mentions that he's not afraid of getting into a soulgaze with Mab because "you need to have a soul for that". So the fae have no souls? Mab mentions in Cold Days "I was human once, you know". Does one lose their soul after becoming one of the fae?
All of these questions essentially are leading to me wondering "does Molly still have a soul? She acts the same as always even after becoming the winter lady, so if the fae have no souls, at what point does Molly lose her soul? And if she does, does that mean her death, even if it's thousands of years from now, will result in oblivion for her rather than an afterlife"?
I don't recall these topics being brought up in any of the books but maybe they were and I forgot. If not, maybe someone can help me understand how it all works.