Dude, that's all still based on a fundamental Assumption that the two hemispheres are not balanced in terms of Power, which to my mind falls somewhere between unlikely and impossible.
If the total power available from Aspect of Season is 100 gigajoules, then it would be divided equally between the Courts at all times. 50GJ for Summer, 50GJ for Winter, at any given time of the year.
SK established that there
is a dominant Court throughout the year, and that Court's dominance coincides with the season of the Northern hemisphere.
So, either there
is an imbalance with the Aspect of Season power (which neither of us thinks is logical), or there's another source of power at play.
That's where human free will given to the Courts comes into it. The fluctuation in Court power comes from human donations, which are influenced by the population's Seasonal Perception. If we say each human gives 1 joule of free will, that gives the northern hemisphere 6.6GJ to donate, and the southern hemisphere gives 0.9GJ.
On the Northern Summer Solstice (today!), the Summer Court's power is AoS (50GJ) + Northern Seasonal Perception (6.6GJ) for a total of 56.6GJ. At the same time, the Winter Court has AoS (50GJ) + Southern Seasonal Perception (0.9GJ) for a total of 50.9GJ. At this peak, the SC is 5.7GJ stronger than Winter.
The day after the Northern Summer Solstice (tomorrow!), the Northern Seasonal Perception will begin to shift toward the inevitable Winter. Each day will see 36.16 megajoules shift from the NSP to Winter, just as 4.9MJ shifts from the SSP to Summer.
At the Northern Autumnal Equinox, the NSP will be halfway to winter, even as the SSP is halfway to summer. The Summer Court's power would be AoS (50GJ) + 1/2 NSP (3.3GJ) + 1/2 SSP (0.45GJ) for a total of 53.75GJ. Winter would get half of each seasonal perception as well, putting the Courts at balance with 53.75GJ each.
Thus do we get a shifting balance of power between the Courts without either season being dominant. If 90% of the human population lived in the Southern hemisphere, then it would be the "dominant" seasonal perception. But since most of the population lives in the North, the Courts are forced to sway to their perceptions of the "dominant" season.