My personal peeve:Stranger or Acquaintance: Oh, you write. I have neat idea. Maybe we could work on it together.Me: I'm kind of busy with my own projects. Why don't you write it yourself?S or A: Oh, I can't write.
I always think its funny when people ask why do something when theres no point to it when most likely most of what people do for fun makes no profit in the long run.
Proper answers to these questions:Q: How many pages will your book be?A: Just enough to fit between the covers.Q: No, really, how long will it be?A: All the way from the beginning to the end.Q: GRR. Okay then, when will you be done?A: That's easy! After I've finished all the writing!Q: FINE. Why are you wasting all this time writing it?A: Altruism.Q: Uhh... what?A: Altruism. I'm doing it for YOU so that you'd have SOMETHING to ask about when you got nosy.Utterly off-topic: how many people think there should be a loophole in the violent-crimes laws for you when people insist on talking to you when you're sitting/standing there obviously enjoying reading?