Author Topic: Fate More Kickstarter  (Read 5134 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Fate More Kickstarter
« on: January 12, 2016, 02:09:14 AM »
Evil Hat's got another Kickstarter up.

I don't have much to say about it, but I figured it was worth announcing. Would be a shame if you guys were to miss it.

Offline Kennifus Prime

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Re: Fate More Kickstarter
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2016, 03:57:39 PM »
First off, thanks for sharing this!

Do we know how well something like this can be implanted into DFRPG Campaigns?

I haven't really looked at any of the other FATE books, because I assumed it was pretty different than the somewhat modified DFRPG version, no?

Like I think the newer editions of Fate Core lower the amount of player character Aspects maybe? I could be way off though.

Anyone able to shed some light on the compatibility of this (and other Fate books) with the three DFRPG books?

Thank you!

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Fate More Kickstarter
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2016, 08:25:59 PM »
Fate Core is very similar to DFRPG, so you can often borrow ideas from it. I have no idea how borrowing-friendly the books in this Kickstarter are going to be, though.

Like I think the newer editions of Fate Core lower the amount of player character Aspects maybe?

Yep. By default, Fate Core has five Aspects per player character.

Offline Kennifus Prime

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Re: Fate More Kickstarter
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2016, 02:40:59 PM »
Yep. By default, Fate Core has five Aspects per player character.

That five includes High Concept and Trouble from DFRPG right? I have a hard time sometimes keeping track of the 35 PC Aspects (7 per PC x 5 PC's) plus any NPC and/or Scene Aspects relevant at the time. I wonder if that's why they lowered it.

Offline Ulfgeir

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Re: Fate More Kickstarter
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2016, 11:12:28 PM »
First off, thanks for sharing this!

Do we know how well something like this can be implanted into DFRPG Campaigns?

I haven't really looked at any of the other FATE books, because I assumed it was pretty different than the somewhat modified DFRPG version, no?

Like I think the newer editions of Fate Core lower the amount of player character Aspects maybe? I could be way off though.

Anyone able to shed some light on the compatibility of this (and other Fate books) with the three DFRPG books?

Thank you!

Indeed they lower the number of aspects. And the game that preceeded Dresden Files (Spirit of the Century), had ten aspects per character..

Personally I think the best FATE-versions are Dresden Files and Atomic Robo. Both because they have focus.
It would take a lot of work to make any of the other fate-books and Dresden compatible. That said, the Dresden Accelerated game, that will come out will probably be a much closer match.

I have not lost my mind, it is backed up somewhere on disc...

Offline Dougansf

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Re: Fate More Kickstarter
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2016, 08:01:12 PM »
Do we know how well something like this can be implanted into DFRPG Campaigns?

I haven't really looked at any of the other FATE books, because I assumed it was pretty different than the somewhat modified DFRPG version, no?

Like I think the newer editions of Fate Core lower the amount of player character Aspects maybe? I could be way off though.

Anyone able to shed some light on the compatibility of this (and other Fate books) with the three DFRPG books?

If you didn't know, Fate Core is the generic system.  Serving as a starting point to make other setting (and systems) from.  The Toolkit gives lots of good advice for how to change the system, and what effects that has on the game.

At base, PC's get 5 Aspects, 3 Refresh, and 3 Stunts.  They also get a 4,3,2,1 Skill pyramid, instead of the point buy of DFRPG.  In comparison, DFRPG has a few extra skills than the Core list.

Fate Core simplified the wording for dealing with Aspects.  I was having a hard time understanding how Aspects worked until I read Fate Core.  Then it finally clicked.

Offline Haru

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Re: Fate More Kickstarter
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2016, 04:15:20 PM »
Indeed they lower the number of aspects. And the game that preceeded Dresden Files (Spirit of the Century), had ten aspects per character..

Personally I think the best FATE-versions are Dresden Files and Atomic Robo. Both because they have focus.
It would take a lot of work to make any of the other fate-books and Dresden compatible. That said, the Dresden Accelerated game, that will come out will probably be a much closer match.

I've played in a short DFAE playtest campaign, and I liked the approach they took very much. It captures the essence of the character types, while still allowing for the quick play of FAE.

I've just pledged just for the Venture City pdf. It's a really cool supers game, and the way the powers are constructed is really good. A solid building-blocks system to create any number of superheroes you may want to play. It should even be possible to use those for any number of other games with little adaption. For only 4$ you get the Venture City pdf and eventually an additional pdf with more powers. Well worth the investment, if you ask me, whether to play the game or just for some inspiration.

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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Fate More Kickstarter
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2016, 07:10:41 AM »
I'll second the good-ness of Venture City.

Stretch goals are getting pretty interesting. They're planning to print out the adventures and settings that they've been publishing on their Patreon. I'm one of the people subscribed to that Patreon, and I for one recommend those products heartily.

Some of the previous goals, like Young Centurions, didn't appeal so much. But these ones I'm keen on.

Offline Taran

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Re: Fate More Kickstarter
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2016, 04:14:51 PM »
I backed it for the PDF's.

Looking over Venture City, would work really well with a WORM game.

and Do looks great as well.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Fate More Kickstarter
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2016, 09:38:13 PM »
Last day, everybody. Pledge if you're gonna.

I'm hoping they make it to 80k. But it seems like a tall order at this point.

Never thought about using Venture City for Worm. But yeah, it'd be fitting.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Fate More Kickstarter
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2016, 10:21:00 PM »
And it's over.

Looks like a moderate success. $73,375 is well over the initial goal of $10,000, but it's not quite enough to get the last Worlds book into print.

Offline potestas

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Re: Fate More Kickstarter
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2016, 09:53:58 PM »
I love kickstarter, I love how much people love this game that they help get stuff going. hats off to the creators and the donors

Offline RonLugge

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Re: Fate More Kickstarter
« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2016, 09:41:59 PM »
Thanks for the necromancy :P

Wish Id' had money to spend when the kickstarter was going on -- that venture City PDF looks interesting.

Offline Haru

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Re: Fate More Kickstarter
« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2016, 09:52:33 PM »
Thanks for the necromancy :P

Wish Id' had money to spend when the kickstarter was going on -- that venture City PDF looks interesting.
You can get Venture City on DriveThru for pay what you want. However, I would wait a bit, because they will put the kickstarted powers supplement in there as well at some point, and that's definitely worth the wait. Or get the stories PDF free now and join in once the power supplement arrives.
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Offline AgentSchneider

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Re: Fate More Kickstarter
« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2016, 01:21:19 PM »
You can get Venture City on DriveThru for pay what you want. However, I would wait a bit, because they will put the kickstarted powers supplement in there as well at some point, and that's definitely worth the wait. Or get the stories PDF free now and join in once the power supplement arrives.

It's definitely worth waiting for the kickstarted powers supplement. It adds so much more depth to the game that it made me really want to start a game myself. A lot of the content that was funded is going to be open source at some point I think as a result of them hitting so many stretch goals.