Second: Can anyone recomend a good example of a treatment for a novel. I have found many descriptions of what a treatment is, but no examples. I want to be prepared for when I submit my novel to an agent.
Basically, the treatment is the Morgan Freeman voiceover detailing your story before you write it. There doesn't need to be dialogue; it's just a narration of events. You remember the synopsis of the One Ring in the LotR, where we hear how and why it was created, when Sauron lost it, and how Gollum came across it? It was a story telling narrative without dialog that could have been fleshed out into a full story, but instead was short and sweet.
That's your treatment. It's supposed to flesh out the bones (outline) of your story so that it an actual story, without making it a novel. If you can do that, and maintain your own interest in the story to go back and write the full thing, it's supposed to help.
Personally, I haven't done that. I also suffer from major editing because I change my mind about plot direction and character roles as I write, that I might not have to deal with if I did a proper treatment. I'm trying it with my latest project, and we'll see how it goes