I think maybe you CAN make him happy (give him what he wants) and still stay within the Fate rules... It looks like your player is looking for a faster (D&D-like) XP/bonus/bennie cycle. The idea that bonuses -- AND PENALTIES! -- are more tied to the narrative structure (i.e. "last for a scene" whether that scene lasts for less than a minute, or multiple hours...) is pretty un-intuitive from a D&Desque POV. That's the key. Point out the sometimes-slower/sometimes-faster bonus/penalty cycle, and how the book is quite explicit on Milestones/Refresh being *THE* means to the sort of permanent +X bonus that he's looking for.
So, he wants a bonus from the book? Here's how to do it... by the DFRPG rulebook...
Quoth Haru:
" ... you could go for a compel on the book, leading to a story surrounding it and the mysteries in it and ending with a milestone that gives him a point of refresh that gives him a power/stunt related to the book."
En route to a spendable point of refresh, maybe give him an Aspect (or maybe converting one of his less-used ones?), related to The Book. He has read the thing and is spending his time wrestling with some of the concepts, consulting his notes, cross-referencing, etc...
Aspect: "Doin' things by The Book... if only I could figure it out!"
He can spend a FP's to say that The Book has given him a relevant insight, or the GM could Compel on it; it can become (if desired) the route to a Refresh (or the equivalent, e.g. a Stunt/Power/etc).
Eventually, as Haru says, he can spend a point of Refresh on something he got from the Book, but in the meantime he still gets Aspect-benefits from it!