Ms Duck makes a splash where the water is fine,
Evoking with names like Relic's, and mine,
Hey, y'all come on in, join me for a nice swim
Here at the dot com of Butcher comma Jim.
Sing hey-o Sing hey-o pass the mustard and mayo
Sing hee-o Sing hee-o time for frivolity-o.
There's J3nnee, and Piotr and who else do I see?
A poet named KarlTen, our snark meister Shecky.
Sporadically Yeratel's sparsely spits out haiku
Sort of like Quantus, and quotes that Lavin Chen will do.
Sing Hi-o Sing hi-o and please pass me a pun,
Sing me-o Sing my-o you son of a gun.
Frogge and Katty both sweet lurkers can be
Reading and plotting when a posting we'll see
From the fan base of base ganglial rhyme
Will on the page appear from time to time.
Sing Kee-o Sing kee-o when will that be so
we know that aren't a self serving lot?
Sing Kai-o Sing Kai-o and dance low heel and high toe
from Shikkago to Kyoto where all bad poets stop.