I'm not dead.
Just haven't played the system in a while.
Trying to stat up a foil for the Denarians from Lucifer's perspective.
Going for something like a mix of several tropes/existing characters that I can steal from then make it my own: Dante (DMC), Lucifer (TVshow/Gaiman's version), a generic knight of the cross if such a person were to fall from grace and get a second chance at life. Long running redemption arc in mind with drastically changing aspects as the game goes on.
Aspects I have under control.
Thinking of a primary socialite, with a combat mode - similar to werewolves, or a devil trigger (DMC fame).
Seeking input and several versions of the character if people want to take a stab at it. I'm fishing for ideas and cant find my books. Assume 6 refresh to spend ad a cap of +4 on skills.