Author Topic: Request A Character  (Read 180152 times)

Offline nadia.skylark

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #450 on: March 19, 2019, 05:50:03 PM »
Pretty abusable, but that's more or less a moot point here.

I suppose. I wouldn't let anyone but a wizard buy it, though, and they don't usually have too many refresh to spare, so I figure that would mitigate it. After all, the 3 refresh they're spending on the sponsored magic are 3 refresh not spent on refinements, and that's even before buying any refinements for the sponsored magic to stack.

To me, calling them two sides of the same coin actually suggests that you can only use one. If you're using your soul hellfire-style, you're obviously not using it soulfire-style.

Bit like a real coin, come to think of it. Either heads is up or tails is up.

Yeah, I hadn't meant that humans could use both at once--more like that they could flip the coin at will.

Edit: Although, actually, I could see combining both into one spell if you had access to both from different sources--you'd probably just end up having to take the spell's entire power as backlash or something else nasty.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2019, 06:29:31 PM by nadia.skylark »

Offline narphoenix

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #451 on: March 20, 2019, 12:16:59 PM »
A question: are you familiar enough with Steven Universe to stat up the gems?

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #452 on: March 20, 2019, 06:50:47 PM »
A question: are you familiar enough with Steven Universe to stat up the gems?

Not really, no. But if you provide a summary I might be able to work from that.

I suppose. I wouldn't let anyone but a wizard buy it, though, and they don't usually have too many refresh to spare, so I figure that would mitigate it. After all, the 3 refresh they're spending on the sponsored magic are 3 refresh not spent on refinements, and that's even before buying any refinements for the sponsored magic to stack.

The problems really show up at higher Refresh, when specialisation pyramid limitations become significant.

Yeah, I hadn't meant that humans could use both at once--more like that they could flip the coin at will.

The question, then, is how quickly and easily they can flip.

Personally, I'd expect the flip to require a significant change to your whole outlook or to your allegiances.

Offline nadia.skylark

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #453 on: March 21, 2019, 03:53:18 PM »
The question, then, is how quickly and easily they can flip.

Personally, I'd expect the flip to require a significant change to your whole outlook or to your allegiances.

I tend to think of it as more related to mindset. If you're really angry and just want to destroy things, you're probably using hellfire instead of soulfire, and so on. I'd treat not having access to the one you want as a compel rather than a mechanical difficulty switching over, the same way Harry's problem with subtle magic is treated as a compel.

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #454 on: April 01, 2019, 01:26:36 PM »
Asajj Ventres is a young woman who was born before the clone wars on the harsh planet of rattatak, where their people are known for being brutally, violent warriors who wage war on each others for centuries. After losing her parents to a rival war lord faction, she endured unimaginable hardships and her situation seemed hopeless in order to survive. Until a miracle landed in her lap. A jedi master by the name of Ky Narec who was sent to the planet on an diplomatic mission, but due to technical issues his ship crash landed there. The locals though him to be a mystical warlock and attacked him. Eventually their paths crossed and sensing she was a powerful force sensitive, he took her under his wing in the ways of the jedi.

As the years went on and Asajj grew older and more powerful, the two were a force to be reckoned with as they set about razing armies, settling wars and settling differences between rival warlords. A planet of peace seemed to loom over the horizon. The leftover warlords were not pleased with a united Rattatak and crafted a plot that led to Ky Narec's death. Watching her master die in her arms sent her into hysterical grief and an absolute fit of rage, which let her hate consumer her and the dark side of the force answer her call. With her army she united the planet by force and in her path of destruction and conquest, set about killing each and every warlord involved in the death of her master.

With 12 tattoos on her head signalling the death count of warlords she achieved vegeance upon, she set herself up as the sole ruler of the planet. Drawing the attention of Count Dooku, now Darth Tyrannus to the gladiator arena that the planet was known for, scouting for talent that can aid his nation. The confederacy of independent nations.  The Count was not fooled by Ventress's force projection to mask her pressence, yet eager to impress the Sith Lord, she descended into the arena herself to demonstrate her skills. Taking up her and her fallen master's lightsaber, she boasted her claim to the mantle of sith, as she ripped and cut through opponents. The attempt made him laugh, furious she then attempted to engage the sith lord himself, only to be met with force lightning, knocking her out cold

She later woke up in an unfamiliar bed and immediately had to defend herself from the sith lord in a vicious duel in his home. Though the sith lord was victorious, Ventress had proven herself capable that day. As a token, he gifted her two curved hilt lightsabers and took her on as his primary dark jedi apprentice. She was provided in rudimentary training in the sith arts, classical forms of lightsaber combat and a specialization in form 2 Makashi. Psychological warfare and intimidation were also her methods of subverting her opponents, break the opponents composure with theatrical posturing and verbal taunts. Feint and ambush, confuse the opponents defenses with multi-pronged assaults and diversions, shock and surprise; change the rules of the engagement. Cycling through the various techniques in her arsenal. Subvert and overwhelm.

Though left with standing orders to eliminate Anakin Skywalker, notably engaging him on Yavin 4, it was instead Skywalker's master Obi-wan Kenobi that became the subject of her obsession. Leading to a sort of pesudo love hate relationship between the two.

 It would be in her pursuit of Obi-wan she would run a foul of Anakin on Coruscant, discovering his secret marriage to Senator Padme Amidala. Anakin unleashed his rage an manhandled her with telekinesis, entangling her with electrified cables and dropping her into the Coruscant under levels. Apparently killing her.

She managed to survive and had to recover from her vast injuries on Bos Pity, until it was invaded by the Republic.  During the battle Kenobi entered the facility, and was confronted by Dooku and Ventress. Dooku stepped aside as Ventress hurled herself at Kenobi, their duel took them out onto the battle field where Anakin joined in. However pursuing Kenobi had taken her to far from the evac point, and unwilling to allow her to be taken captive her ordered her gunned down. Ventress sold out Dooku by providing Obi-wan with intelligence on his plan. Then used a sith meditation technique to halt her bodily functions and fake her death. Her body was loaded on a medical shuttle for burial on coruscant, but she revived mid-flight and hijacked the ship. Her fate is now unknown.

Apologies if the description is long but I wanted to make sure that I gave the character proper description as she is one of my favorites from the legends continuity. I don't believe in that disney garbage nor would I use it to attempt to try put this character to paper. I hope this paints a clear enough picture or if more info is needed then I would be more than happy to give it. When I get the chance I'll be sure to put up something for Obi-wan Kenobi. Again, thank you so much for this undertaking.

P.S. Also wanted to know, is it possible to use the Conviction skill in place of Rapport for the purposes of chi-chat and first impressions trapping of said skill? I am asking because I was going through the stunts section and noted that Cat-burglar has it so where it took two trappings from the stealth skill and placed it under burglary. An when I was looking up the word conviction on goggle, I delved deeper and found that in the origin section, conviction is actually shown to be called convince in english.


Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #455 on: April 01, 2019, 09:04:30 PM »
Apologies if the description is long but I wanted to make sure that I gave the character proper description as she is one of my favorites from the legends continuity. I don't believe in that disney garbage nor would I use it to attempt to try put this character to paper. I hope this paints a clear enough picture or if more info is needed then I would be more than happy to give it. When I get the chance I'll be sure to put up something for Obi-wan Kenobi. Again, thank you so much for this undertaking.

Story-wise, that seems like plenty. Should be able to write Aspects off that.

I'm less sure what to do with her mechanically. She's got lightsabers and presumably a solid Weapons skill. Sounds like she's also pretty good at leadership, Intimidation, and strategy. Beyond that, what's her skillset? Any special force powers worth noting? Does she have significant contacts and/or financial resources? Is that Sith meditation thing a one-time plot contrivance or something she uses on the regular?

P.S. Also wanted to know, is it possible to use the Conviction skill in place of Rapport for the purposes of chi-chat and first impressions trapping of said skill? I am asking because I was going through the stunts section and noted that Cat-burglar has it so where it took two trappings from the stealth skill and placed it under burglary. An when I was looking up the word conviction on goggle, I delved deeper and found that in the origin section, conviction is actually shown to be called convince in english.

Not without a stunt. But of course stunts can move trappings around. Moving those trappings with two stunts should be uncontroversial; moving them both with one seems a little broad.

Offline Ghostfreak

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #456 on: April 02, 2019, 12:57:59 PM »
Story-wise, that seems like plenty. Should be able to write Aspects off that.

I'm less sure what to do with her mechanically. She's got lightsabers and presumably a solid Weapons skill. Sounds like she's also pretty good at leadership, Intimidation, and strategy. Beyond that, what's her skillset? Any special force powers worth noting? Does she have significant contacts and/or financial resources? Is that Sith meditation thing a one-time plot contrivance or something she uses on the regular?

Her skillset is her dual wielding and being very practical. Her particular to note force abilities were telekinesis, mind tricks, and the qey'tek meditation(basically a very good veil to conceal her pressence if need be) as Obi-wan noted that her concealment was like a subtly disturbing absence. Keep in mind she is not a full trained sith by design of Count Dooku and Palpatine who noted that she was growing to powerful to quickly with what she was able to do with the little that she had at her disposal. But she did learn advance sith lore and magics. Dooku just withheld knowledge that would give her an edge against him. 

She used sith magic to reanimate the corpses of dead gungans to help her in a battle. But I believe that it is a very circumstantial event as it required a number of corpses and the aura created from a massacre on that planet to do so. She only cuts loose as a last resort, favoring maximum return for minimal effort. Manhandles targets with telekinesis and is not afraid to use thrown objects to get an advantage or to get the job done. Can control animals with her force powers, and was creative enough to fool Dooku when she somehow caused a column to collapse on him by crossing both her lightsabers just a few meters away, almost as if she were cutting it down
Pretty decent with unarmed attacks but is mozart with two blades. Also used the force to overclock her performance.

The sith meditation thing feels more like either a concession or an actual technique kinda like how Harry was taught techniques from his denarian partner to block out and compartmentalize pain. She put herself in a sith trance using her sith healing techniques to heal the wounds she suffered. Though obviously it was enough to fool people into believing she was dead, even the medics who loaded her into the ship.

Her contacts is pretty decent as she knows Count Dooku, General Grievous, Durge (a bounty hunter who lived for more than two thousand years) and have worked alongside of these figures many a times. Can't say if she was super rich as she was the leader of her planet, but was well off enough to be comfortable when she was not out on mission assignments. She also hunted down bounties to make up for credits if lacking. Decent pilot also.

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #457 on: April 04, 2019, 03:48:08 AM »
Normally I wouldn't use Sponsored Magic for the force, but if she's doing everything from veils to telekinesis to raising zombies then it seems fitting.

Lightsabers should maybe have some kind of stunt for destroying objects. Could go either way on that.

Decided to skip Contacts since it's more for a large web of unimportant NPCs than for specific powerful allies. Her skill pyramid is honestly pretty cramped; bumping her up to Snorkelling would give her some breathing room. But I prefer to stat characters at the lowest possible level. And I left her some FP which she can use to punch above her numerical weight.

Technically having a single focus provide four +1 bonuses is forbidden to a character with Average Lore but that rule is silly anyway. And I wanted her Lore low to reflect her flawed training. Not a very optimal build, obviously, but so what?

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Offline Ghostfreak

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #458 on: April 04, 2019, 12:58:49 PM »
Damn, this is a pretty amazing writeup. Short, sweet, to the point but paints an expressive picture. As she goes up in refresh what would you give her exactly to improve on what she has? Because if this is what she is as a submerged character I would love to see her as she goes deeper into the depths.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #459 on: April 04, 2019, 08:32:15 PM »
I'd want to fill out the bottom of her skill pyramid a bit. Most of those Fair or Average skills would make sense at Good, and you could easily justify giving her more low-ranked skills.

And of course she could always use more Weapons / combat stuff.

Depending on how she uses the Force, there might be a reasonable argument for Supernatural Senses and various Faith powers.

Offline khadgar4606

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #460 on: April 05, 2019, 04:01:17 PM »
I'd want to fill out the bottom of her skill pyramid a bit. Most of those Fair or Average skills would make sense at Good, and you could easily justify giving her more low-ranked skills.

And of course she could always use more Weapons / combat stuff.

Depending on how she uses the Force, there might be a reasonable argument for Supernatural Senses and various Faith powers.
besides the common force package ( better senses, combat clairvoyance) and kinda contrived coincidence knights use when god needs them we don't have much as unique powers if you want the old republic MMO has a decent bit of more abilities for sith marauder class( closest match to her fighting style)

Offline khadgar4606

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #461 on: April 19, 2019, 01:48:18 PM »
okay someone can build a chimpanzee wizard which is legit member of white council power level unimportant as background lets say he was the pet of wizard family of wackjobs.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #462 on: April 20, 2019, 10:42:54 AM »
Don't think canon would allow a chimp wizard. I guess that doesn't matter here, but I'm not even sure how I'd go about making one. Chimpanzees being as dumb as they are, I have a hard time imagining one being capable of wizardry.

I guess I could just slap Inhuman Strength and some weird Aspects onto a Wizard, but that feels unsatisfying.

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #463 on: April 22, 2019, 05:29:27 PM »
Don't think canon would allow a chimp wizard. I guess that doesn't matter here, but I'm not even sure how I'd go about making one. Chimpanzees being as dumb as they are, I have a hard time imagining one being capable of wizardry.

I guess I could just slap Inhuman Strength and some weird Aspects onto a Wizard, but that feels unsatisfying.
I suppose you could have a regular wizard who shapeshifted himself into a chimp.

Or a magical accident turned him into an orangutan.
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Offline nadia.skylark

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #464 on: April 22, 2019, 06:58:41 PM »
I suppose you could have a regular wizard who shapeshifted himself into a chimp.

Or a magical accident turned him into an orangutan.


It could be an extreme consequence from a biomancy or transformation spell gone wrong.