Author Topic: Request A Character  (Read 180262 times)

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #390 on: October 18, 2016, 12:33:34 PM »
If not a scene wide block (I like that), maybe treat it as a short duration superspeed boost?  (been watching a lot of Flash recently).

On the reset, how much paradox fiddling can she do with that?  Are we talking Bill&ted style targeted manipulation and/or intervention, or does it butterfly effect far enough off that it's just a wipe of the Month with no useful foreknowledge of what's to come?
<(o)> <(o)>
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Offline Ghostfreak

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #391 on: October 18, 2016, 04:24:30 PM »
Father Alexander Anderson of the anime Hellsing.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #392 on: October 19, 2016, 08:40:11 AM »
A block could work for the time-stop. Would have to cover way more than a zone, though.

I'm not sure about the reset, but I think it's probably a mental thing. The world becomes exactly the way it was a month ago, except you keep your memories. So maybe it's a lot like precognition.

Father Alexander Anderson of the anime Hellsing.

I'm not doing stats right now, but I'll keep him in mind if and when I start again.

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #393 on: October 19, 2016, 10:14:31 AM »

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #394 on: August 12, 2018, 05:45:56 AM »
I feel like reviving this thread. Throw bits and pieces of character-concept at me, I'll stitch them together.

Not sure how many I'll do before I stop, this time around.

Anyone else who wants to make characters here is of course welcome to.

Father Alexander Anderson of the anime Hellsing.

So, what's his deal?

I know he's the champion of the Catholic Church. Fanatically religious, good with knives, and capable of healing very quickly. But that's not enough to make a character sheet.

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #395 on: August 12, 2018, 02:40:35 PM »
He is deeply fanatical in his belief to being the"monster of God"and to the Vatican. He is a Catholic. Deeply feared by vampire and potentially other supernatural beings, considering his brutal reputation. Definitely a champion of God but not an ordinary one by any means. He runs an orphanage and he has a huge hatred for monsters, but does have morals. As he betrayed his superior because said superior started to kill innocent people.

He is a foil to Alucard. This is all off the top of my head since I last seen the anime. If I can make a request I'd like to see you stat zoro or from one piece. I'd like to see your take on what it means to be one of the best swordsman or hand to hand combatant.

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #396 on: August 12, 2018, 09:02:05 PM »
Sure, I can take a crack at Zolo. I'd like to try Anderson first, though.

What can Anderson do? What is he good at, what supernatural abilities does he have?

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #397 on: August 12, 2018, 09:51:53 PM »
Anderson definitely have superhuman strength, speed and toughness for sure; though I'd argue that its really inhuman to save on refresh for potential stunts. He's fast enough to react to bullets and strong enough to throw his bayonets through really powerful material the way black panther can throw a javelin through concrete with ease. I'd argue his regeneration is within superhuman limits as well but as you can see this build can get expensive really fast. It comes from man's technology called bio-technological regeneration that surpasses any known nanotechnology. So you can do with that as you which.

He's a master of the bayonet made from pure silver and are blessed to really put on the hurt. Whether it be close or long range combat and he is damn accurate at throwing them where they need to be. They come in different variations but we can assume safely that he only uses the best he can get his hands on.

He can summon a horde of scripture pages from the bible and use them for a variety of purposes.

Holy Barriers: Anderson can affix scriptures pages onto the walls of a building to erect a barrier to ward off vampires. Specifically, Seras was blocked from escaping as if there was a physical wall. In the Hellsing Ultimate OVA, Anderson used the scriptures to erect a divine barrier around himself when clashing with Alucard, which set all of the pages on fire. In the first anime series, Anderson can use the scriptures to purify the house and prevent the use of black magic.

Transportation: Anderson can use Bible pages to seemingly teleport. He used this to leave his first fight with Alucard after realizing he did not have the equipment to kill him, and again when trying to ambush Alucard in their final fight. He also used this to appear before Integra when she was attacked by Millennium’s vampires.

Ensnaring: In the first anime series, Anderson was shown to use Bible pages in order to trap Alucard. Specifically, he used them to entangle Alucard's arms before slicing his head off.

I would add the Nail of Helena; an artifact that pierced Jesus himself but that is the point where he became an NPC. An truth be told its not necessary. As it bolstered his already superhuman stats straight to mythic levels and granted him the ability to wield soulfire and vines. Hope this helps.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2018, 09:58:06 PM by Ghostfreak »

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #398 on: September 01, 2018, 07:23:53 PM »
If you're wondering why this took so long, I've been having terrible problems with my laptop.

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #399 on: September 02, 2018, 06:18:06 PM »
Sorry about your laptop and wow! This is a really good write up. You hit the nail straight on the head. Good job!

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #400 on: September 02, 2018, 08:20:01 PM »

If anyone's thinking of making a request, remember that a request doesn't have to be a named character from another series. I can work with a picture, a list of disconnected Aspects, four Powers that you wouldn't normally see together, whatever.

Rough Zolo sketch here. Normally wouldn't post this online but right now it seems like the best way to save it.

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #401 on: September 03, 2018, 01:05:50 AM »
Sketch looks very well done. How about Lara Croft from the newer tomb raider series? I always felt that the new games just expressed how well a pure mortal can really step up. An her character development is really impressive.

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #402 on: September 03, 2018, 06:22:47 PM »
I only very vaguely know who that is. So I'll pass.

Anyway, here's Zolo. Not sure I picked right aspects to emphasize in his Aspects, or the best wording for the ones I did choose; feedback on that score would be welcome.

Went for the PP version of mental toughness because a) it's official and b) he can use it for his supernatural martial arts.

Would've liked to add some more stunts and martial arts techniques but ran out of Refresh. I guess Epic weapon 11-13 attacks will just have to be enough.

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #403 on: September 04, 2018, 08:40:11 PM »
... If anyone's thinking of making a request, remember that a request doesn't have to be a named character from another series. I can work with a picture, a list of disconnected Aspects, four Powers that you wouldn't normally see together, whatever...

Well, THIS is an interesting notion.
I'm not sure it takes me where you wanted, though...  I'm going much more thematic than wanting mechanics.

Like:  OK you can slap together some disparate Aspects/Powers, but really it's the "fluff" and the RP that makes these combo's come alive.  Asking you to just "do the mechanics" seems like... kinda not to the point?


It's an interesting thought.  Like put in a "Demonic Co-Pilot" (literally a demon) and maybe 1-2 other "downbelow" powers, AND some TrueFaith powers like Righteousness / Holy Touch / etc.  The character is tugged both ways, trying to balance on a cusp.

OK, let's try this...  It's actually based on a character I've considered writing as fiction.


Donatien Diaz was born to a single mother, somewhere in the US southwest.  She was a good Catholic girl, and her family held her in disgrace for this.

She had been pursued by a wealthy man, but she resisted his suit for two reasons -- the one her family accepted was that he never actually offered marriage (only a wealthy lifestyle and vague assurances).  The real reason, the reason in her heart, was that he made her profoundly uneasy.  She didn't know why, but some part of her could not trust him; and her heart knew true:  He was a warlock, and she had some sense that told her that Something Was Not Right with her suitor.

In the end -- after she finally broke it off with him -- he summoned an Incubus (not a Whampire, but an actual NeverNever/Hellish/etc Demonic Being) to seduce her and ruin her.  The supernatural wiles of the demon succeeded where the warlock had not.

Donatien is the child of that union; the blood of Hell (or somewhere else violent, powerful, and inhuman) runs in his veins.

In the years that followed, his mother became more and more religious, AND became rather supernaturally clued-in.  Eventually she was able to be certain that her seducer had been entirely-inhuman, and suspected most or all of the truth.

But Donatien is her son, and she loves him, and she raised him as best she can.  She raised him with love and with Faith... and it stuck.  But eventually, she retired from the world and took holy vows.  She lives as a nun, now, in seclusion.  She sees only her Sisters in God, and her son.

He struggles, now.  He's "more" than human, and he realizes this; he doesn't know the whole truth, but he knows that his mysterious father is the source of it all, and Bad News; he also knows that there is real refuge in Faith and in Love (and has figures out that "sex" is NOT "love" -- although this remains a major area of temptation for him!).


As I originally conceived the character (as a fiction-writing project), Donatien had the free will of humanity and the limitless potential thereof, and ALSO the blood of Hell in his veins, with temptations toward the Sins (especially Lust, of course (given his father) but (courtesy of his "free will") ALL of the Sins).  If he engages with the more-than-human powers within himself, he moves more towards becoming one of the Fallen and looses his ability to resist... looses his Free Will.  Only by pursuing Virtuous actions can he draw back from these temptations and from finally Falling himself.

I see this (as a DFRPG project) likely borrowing from the "Changeling" rules a bit -- the "Choice" to become faerie or mortal (in his case, demonic or mortal).

Also maybe the "Laws of Magic" rules, where getting a "Lawbreaker" stunt makes it easier to get more and more...

But maybe it just needs a "Demonic Stress" track like a Whampire's Hunger -- he uses Hellpower, he takes DemonicStress, and it gets harder to be Virtuous and pull back (but I really like the longer-term implications of Stunts, instead of just a quick-fix "stress track" sort of consequence)...


So...   Is this enough to work with?  Have I postulated too much that's not really Dresdenverse'ish / DFRPG'ish or needs custom stuff to work?

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #404 on: September 05, 2018, 09:58:42 PM »
Like:  OK you can slap together some disparate Aspects/Powers, but really it's the "fluff" and the RP that makes these combo's come alive.  Asking you to just "do the mechanics" seems like... kinda not to the point?

That's not the idea. If you want a clearer sense of what I have in mind, look to the first pages, and to characters like John Jameson.

So...   Is this enough to work with?  Have I postulated too much that's not really Dresdenverse'ish / DFRPG'ish or needs custom stuff to work?

I can work with that. But I'm a little hesitant to just start writing because you seem to have a very clear idea of who this person is and I suspect my writeup might contradict the image in your head. What are you looking for, here?

One note: I prefer Compels and normal Refresh-spending mechanics to stuff like Demonic Co-Pilot and Feeding Dependency, though; I've found those Powers to be a pain in the neck.