Author Topic: Request A Character  (Read 180315 times)

Offline Ghostfreak

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #345 on: August 31, 2016, 01:53:10 PM »

I know that you don't like wiki's so I found a video instead displaying both characters are their best. Emiya Kiritsugu and Kirei Kotomine. The former is a freelancer known as the magus killer for using ruthless tactics and military grade weapons to get the job done, while the latter is a Executor for The Church ruthlessly skilled at hand to hand combat. Both are skilled at fighting the supernatural, though with different methods. Enjoy!

Offline khadgar4606

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #346 on: August 31, 2016, 03:55:57 PM »
main problem with kiritsugu emiya is time magic which is big no no for council perspective plus he can permanently f some one like black staff with single shot
so power level is probably at least kincaid level while human if we count grand order stuff as cannon his end game power jumps to kemmler like levels

Offline Ghostfreak

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #347 on: August 31, 2016, 05:36:52 PM »
I find that unlikely because Kiritsu is not going back or forward in time at all nor is he causing any time paradoxes. Though the wizard council and wardens would give him the evil eye and the fact that he never uses magic to kill. Yea I don't see them getting to him without a fight. Not even adding that fact that without metagaming, how would they know he did anything time related? He would make an flavorful character in a campaign He's mainly using it to speed himself up so he can keep up with supernatural foes who would obviously be stronger and faster than him naturally. Kinda like an extreme version of super speed. I highly doubt he can one shot the Blackstaff as everyone in Dresden Vol 2 is flat out broken in their own rights to the point where they don't even need stats to back that claim. Though if the bullet works the same as the anime, then he would be severely injured. If not outright crippled from ever using magic again. Hell anyone who relies on magic would be severely injured and or crippled. Some have stats but others like Kincaid don't have none because he is that far ahead of the curve. 

Offline khadgar4606

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #348 on: August 31, 2016, 05:51:09 PM »
he one shot due one of his aspects( origin bullets made by his own ribs) which acts like randomizer for any ones magic other than his greatly messing opponent's magic so unless wizard can relearn magic in an instant they are hosed against mortal or supernatural opponent

Offline Ghostfreak

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #349 on: August 31, 2016, 05:56:10 PM »
Hmmmm. You gotta point there, I'd really like to see this guy with stats so I can have a better idea of how he'd work out in the Dresden universe.

Offline khadgar4606

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #350 on: August 31, 2016, 06:10:58 PM »
Hmmmm. You gotta point there, I'd really like to see this guy with stats so I can have a better idea of how he'd work out in the Dresden universe.
main problem is one of his main combat aspect problem is how you put instant paralyze and lost of magic in single aspect cuz in battle its one shot  and you are done even with mab class ward against bullets since he forces you to use your magic to defend against his machine gun then fires his origin bullet when you are completely focused on defending from machine gun fire so only way to fight this guy is put nastiest dead curse you can create to try to kill him

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #351 on: September 02, 2016, 05:34:07 AM »
The video helps for combat abilities. But there's more to these guys than that, right?

To write Aspects and fill out a skill/power list, I need more information.

As for the origin bullet, I figure a stunt providing extra damage against spellcasters and something ACaEBG-ish with a Limitation saying it doesn't pierce non-magical durability ought to cover it.

One-shotting someone like the Blackstaff is possible with an ordinary gun, incidentally.

Wardens might not approve of Time Accel but whatever. I don't intend to give him Lawbreaker.

Anyway, what are black keys? And what can Kirei's guns do apart from the origin bullet? The video seems to imply that they have other tricks.

PS: I don't dislike wikis in general. I just think that most fan wikis organize their information badly and include a lot of irrelevant stuff.

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #352 on: September 02, 2016, 05:47:15 AM »
Again, his Time Accel ability has nothing to do with him going into the past or future so he will never get lawbreaker. His guns and equipment are standard military grade, including the Contender which he uses as a trump care against anything that uses magic and yes there is much more to them than just their fighting abilities. An I'll put up some info on both.

    The Master of Saber and the main protagonist. Born in Fuyuki City, Kiritsugu was raised on Alimango Island, where he lived with his father, Norikata Emiya, the fourth family head of the Emiya family and a magus specializing in time magic. He became friends with Norikata's assistant, a local girl called Shirley who was four years older than him, developing a crush on her. However, disaster struck when Shirley became a vampire after drinking one of Noritaka's potions. She pled for Kiritsugu to kill her, but he fled instead. Shirley subsequently lost control and turned all the residents of Alimango Island into vampires.

Their village was soon overrun by Executors from the Church and Enforcers from the Mages' Association, agents whose purpose was to destroy all the vampires and eliminate any trace of civilization and vampirism on the island respectively. Kiritsugu was the only survivor of the 'cleansing', saved by Natalia Kaminski, a freelance Enforcer who wanted information on the magus responsible. Returning to the hidden Emiya residence, Kiritsugu confronted his father on his research and Shirley's death. Upon mercy killing Natalia in the process of killing another vampire, who at that point had become like a mother to Kiritsugu. It was then that he became disillusioned with the ideal of becoming a 'hero of justice', as he realized it was impossible to save one person without losing another.

    Around eleven years before the fourth Holy Grail War, he took on a child soldier he had rescued as his apprentice, who he eventually named Maiya Hisau, training her in much the same way Natalia trained him. Two years later, Kiritsugu was hired by the Einzbern family to be their representative in the coming conflict. Believing that the Holy Grail could grant his wish for world peace, he left behind his former work. Despite being the true Master of the Einzbern, Kiritsugu operates mostly in the background during the conflict, ambushing other Masters when they are otherwise occupied, while Saber is partnered with Irisviel and made to act out in the open. This is to avoid conflict between Kiritsugu and Saber, as the methodologies of the two conflict with each other too much. Over the course of the War, Kiritsugu's mask of stoicism begins to crack, revealing the cold assassin to be nothing but an unstable manchild who fears not being able to let go of his wife when the time comes. During his final fight with Kirei, Kiritsugu is dragged into the Grail and, after being confronted with the Grail's true nature (which was corrupted by Angra Mainyu in a previous Holy Grail War) and is shown only a twisted version of his wish to save as many people as possible where everyone dies. He resists it by killing manifestations of his wife and daughter created by the Grail, and orders Saber to destroy the Grail after realizing its corruption. However, the Grail is unable to be destroyed and its corrupted nature causes a huge fire. Kiritsugu desperately looks for survivors, discovering an amnesiac boy who he names Shirō and adopts. Kiritsugu then spends months trying to retrieve Illya, but Angra Mainyu's curse robbed him of his magical abilities and physical health while Acht strictly trains Illya to become the next vessel under the impression that her father abandoned her. Eventually, Kiritsugu dies while watching the moon with his adopted son and talking about his dream to become a hero, believing that at the very least he wouldn't grow up to be like him. Shirō, however, ends up taking his father's dream to heart and, as seen in Fate/Stay Night has the capacity to actually become a Hero.

(An this is Kirei Kotomine)

    Kirei Kotomine (言峰 綺礼 Kotomine Kirei?) is the Master of Assassin. Before the Fourth Holy Grail War, Kirei served as a priest under his father, Risei Kotomine. Although Kirei understood the distinction between good and evil, he could only revel in committing sins. Hounded by guilt and sorrow and with no alternative, Kirei prayed that, through marriage to a woman he loved, he could finally achieve respite from his tortured existence. When Kirei discovered marriage could not change him, he was on the brink of suicide; his terminally ill wife, filled with concern, committed suicide to show to Kirei that he could still feel compassion for others and died happy seeing her husband crying for her. However, after her death, Kirei was disgusted to realize he was crying because he had wanted to kill her instead; from that day on, he ceased pursuing salvation altogether.

    Sometime later, he would become the apprentice of Tokiomi Tōsaka due to the wishes of his father, who wished to see Tokiomi obtain the Holy Grail. He participates in the War as a Master under Tokiomi's orders, serving as reconnaissance and support. While researching into the background of the enemy Masters, he sees his own emptiness mirrored in Kiritsugu, and though he initially likes him because of it, begins to feel a compulsive hatred for him after discovering that, unlike Kirei, Kiritsugu had a chance at normal happiness only to throw it away for his ideals. Conversely, Kirei is the only Master that Kiritsugu fears, the latter seeing him as the biggest threat to his own victory. During the later stages of the War, after goading from Archer, he accepts his own twisted inner nature and murders Tokiomi, becoming the Master of Archer and assuming the role of the main antagonist. Not having a true wish for the Grail, he continues to fight to discover his purpose in life. He is defeated and killed by Kiritsugu in one-on-one combat, but makes a wish on the Grail with his dying breath. This causes the Grail to set fire to part of Fuyuki, as well as giving Kotomine a fake heart made from its curses, reviving him. He then revels in the suffering of the people below, but his mood is soured when he sees Kiritsugu saving a young Shirō, realizing that, since Kiritsugu held onto his ideals even after their fight, he had been defeated on all fronts.

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #353 on: September 02, 2016, 06:11:26 AM »
Emiya Kiritsugu's combat capabilities

Combat tactics

Kiritsugu is a very unconventional magus, known as a Spellcaster, that treats magecraft as a mere tool in which he has acquired knowledge rather than the object of his lifelong goals, and he primarily prefers the use of modern technology supplemented with any little magecraft abilities he has to gain an advantage over enemies. Compared to someone like Tokiomi Tohsaka, who refuses to use phones and the like despite their convenience, he freely uses anything at his disposal in order to accomplish his goals. He learned most of his skills from studying Natalia's abilities while also refining his own as her assistant in his pursuit to become a "hunter" that stops other heretical magi like his father. Much of his ability comes from the fact that he can act cold and ruthless to complete his objectives. After having spent time in retirement with his wife and daughter, he believes he has degraded a great deal compared to the Emiya Kiritsugu from nine years before. He is no longer as willing or capable of being as ruthless as he once was due to his interactions with them, which he believes he needs to change. He wishes to restore his cold manner of judgement as fast as possible in order to be able to obtain the Grail.

He developed his skills working as a Sealing Designation Enforcer for a number of years, learning methods of tracking, assassination, the usage of various weapons, and other skills needed to be able to catch up to his prey under all situations and conditions and bring it down. He sought to have his body master the skill of "killing people" that humans have spent an endless amount of time and intelligence to research. He is very skilled with using numerous blasting techniques from the past to the present, and he feels a certain appreciation for the certain art of destruction. He uses C4 combined with a precision blasting demolition technique used primarily to demolish tall buildings, allowing him to destroy the Hyatt hotel with a minimum amount of explosives. With the blueprints and planning, it only takes him an hour execute the entire plan. Targeting the load-bearing walls and key support structures, it collapses downward and inward on its own weight without much debris spilling onto the surrounding streets and causing unnecessary collateral damage.

He is very familiar with the workings of Magic Circuits and the related temperature changes in the body of the practitioner. Having trained and studied the correlation, he is able to read the current status of the Magic Circuits through the heat distribution of the practitioner when viewed on the thermal output of a heat detecting scope. He is able to tell the difference between an ordinary person and a magus, allowing him to seize an opportunity to shoot upon the release of magical energy. Compared to magecraft, which can see through the dark better and detect the position of an enemy magus, it can be said guns fall behind. Its advantage is that it takes no magical energy to use firearms, leaving a magus unsuited to the battle conditions of a soldier trapped in the dark and unable to detect any magical energy.

He is extremely skilled in penetrating Bounded Fields, allowing him to break through the Tohsaka residence's strong bounded field in three hours. It is an almost miraculous method allowing him to overcome a first-rate security system specifically guarding against magi that wouldn't be broken even if attacked continuously for a whole year by magecraft. Due to it being created with magi in mind, he was able to overcome it precisely because he is someone who does not seek results by way of magecraft and from his experience in fighting against magi by perceiving traps wrought through magecraft. He supplements familiars with miniature CCD camera tied on the abdomen as a measure of recording the true nature of the area. There are often illusions and camouflaged bounded fields based on using suggestions on an observer, but most magi would never develop countermeasures for electronic-based threats. Even though it slows the familiar's speed, it is also useful to have video records to rewatch events at a later time or show them to others.

Anti-magi tactics

Kiritsugu has the mindset of a skilled assassin, and rather than facing another magus in a direct duel of abilities, such as in a battle between their Mystic Code's; he makes use of various plans, traps, and schemes that utilize both magecraft and modern weaponry in order to take out his targets. He preys on the weak point of magi, their negligence derived from arrogance; which makes them believe that the only true threat to them cannot be anything other than a magus of similar skill. He relies on the fact that a self-conscious magus, having stepped into a world of mysteries beyond human intellect, is unable to relate to the stereotypes of a narrower world; such as the conditions of a battlefield or scenarios, the type a regular soldier may face. He follows the methodology that the attack the enemy does not expect is a shortcut for all battles; and preys on the fact that they constantly stay on alert to the slightest trace of magecraft.

Anti-Magi Tactics: Magi generally only hone their skills, counter measures towards thaumaturgical threats; ignoring any attack that is purely physical, and void of magecraft. They view the sharpest knives and strongest bullets as secondary menaces they have no need to fear. Before such an attack actually pierces their flesh, they are confident in their illusions, paralysis methods; and defensive bounded fields being more than capable to negate such attacks. They despise technology and underestimate what a human without magecraft can accomplish, which makes them weak to non-magical attacks from Kiritsugu. Though most magi would take the idea of entering the lair of another magus as a challenge, Kiritsugu takes an opposite approach. When faced with the Hyatt hotel; Kayneth's stronghold, which has been fortified with magical furnaces, spirits and apparitions, and a large Bounded Field; Kiritsugu decides to destroy the entire building instead of mounting a direct offensive against the defenses inside. With as much pride Kayneth has as a magus, he is willing to stay inside, believing with all certainty that Kiritsugu will invade rather than giving any thought that his entire castle will be destroyed instead.

While Kiritsugu is able to fight most magi with modern weaponry, there are some special cases he calls "formidable enemies." Following the methodology that technology is a blind spot to most magi, he finds that many of them easily overcome by night vision and a heat sensor scope. However, most magi will not deviate from that generality; there exist those that are impossible to measure with rules and experience. Against those who Kiritsugu's normal strategies will not prevail against, he must act as a magus and use his Mystic Code, which is his most powerful weapon. Even facing such an opponent, he is extremely adept at forming strategies and analyzing enemy movements and their magecraft, performing well even under tremendous stress from active combat. Within just one encounter with Kayneth's Mystic Code, he is able to find three weaknesses, form a countermeasure against it, and plan for his final assault.

Partners: Kiritsugu is able to work in tandem with multiple parties, but he regards those people simply as "tools" to further his goals. His relationship with Maiya Hisau is that of a pupil and a teacher, but due to viewing magecraft as a tool, there isn’t a single sense of master and pupil between them. He has only taught her a “way to fight” so that he may also freely use her as a “tool.” She acts as a vanguard scout, and due to years of working together, they are very in sync with each other's actions. She is a "supporting machine" whose actions are even more akin to a machine than those of the machine called Emiya Kiritsugu, and an " indispensable final weapon" to help him win the battle. Out of all of his teachings, she is most skilled with using bat familiars supplemented with cameras, and she makes use of a Steyr AUG assault rifle with a replaced night vision scope while still remaining under five kilograms. She is more of a solider than a direct combatant, so he generally trusts her with reconnaissance and scouting due to her skills with familiars, and he allows her to procure all of his equipment.

They have exchanged strands of hair between them, which Kiritsugu used as the basis for a spell in order to act as a measure indicating the worst-case scenario in which it has become impossible to use a wireless network or familiar to convey information. The enchanted strands were embedded in the subcutaneous tissue of their pinky fingers with the purpose of sensing if the Magic Circuits of one of them entered a state of extreme stagnation, the stage at which one's life force was weak on the verge of impasse with death. If the hair embedded in either one of their fingers starts to burn, it is a warning to notify them of the existence of danger, and it really essentially acts only as a signal to inform that "it is already too late."

He follows the methodology that Servants are the tools of their Masters, and that no matter how famous the hero, they will be nothing more than that as long as they are summoned as a Servant. Despite Saber being one of the most powerful Servants of the Saber class, he finds that Assassin or Caster would suit his style of combat more appropriately. Due to Saber's chivalrous preference for direct confrontations and fair battles, it is hard for him to coordinate with her. He instead has Irisviel pretend to act as Saber's Master, while he acts from the shadows. They only speak a few times in total, and are unable to ever agree with each other's methodology.

Equipment: Kiritsugu lacks the various ritualistic catalysts used by normal magi like a dagger, cup, talisman, elixir, or spiritual container. He instead uses all state of the art weaponry that are unable to store any magical energy, which is the "heresy" that earned him his title. He utilizes a large number of different firearms and weapons to kill his targets. He also makes use of personal hand grenades, stun grenades, smoke grenades, C2 plastic explosives, and landmines, and he is skilled in incorporating them into traps with trip wires, hidden fuses, and a detonation system using a cellphone to trigger them through modified communication loops. He has number of Claymores, which simultaneously release around seven hundred steel balls with diameters of only one or two millimeters. They radiate outward in all directions in a fan formation with enough power to destroy an infantry unit in one strike. He is also familiar with setting up surveillance systems, allowing him to use a number of concealed CCD cameras throughout the Einzbern castle.

He also has specialized magical equipment, such as an eye drop bottle filled with a liquid made from refining the body fluids of a succubus. It is sensitive to the blood of men and aged things, allowing it to immediately identify such substances. It is capable of comparing substances and distinguish differences accurately, allowing him to compare left over residue from shaving to a bloodstain to identify both as being left by Tokiomi.

The Calico M950 (キャリコM950, Kyariko M950?) is a submachine gun used by Kiritsugu and Maiya as a reserve sidearm. It has a compact size similar to a large handgun with a reinforced plastic that makes it look more like a toy when compared to the Walther. It has a unique helical-feed magazine that allows for fifty Parabellum rounds to be fired at a rate of seven hundred rounds per minute. It is also equipped with a sound suppressor, laser sight, and vertical foregrip.

Avalon: Saber's Noble Phantasm, is placed in his possession by Acht in order to be used a summoning catalyst. Rather than allowing Saber to have it, he hides its existence from her and keeps it for his own use. Normally, it would be used as the trump card of Kiritsugu as Saber's Master, but he is not present on the direct battlefield. It is a useless tool to him due to that Saber would not be able to provide it with magical energy since he is working so far apart from her. He leaves it for Irisviel's protection due to her acting as the front line substitute Master for most of the Grail War. Once returned to him, he seals it inside himself as a Conceptual Weapon and makes use of the contract with Saber to provide the full effects of its immortality. It revives him after his heart and lungs are completely destroyed by completely healing him seconds before his blood-deprived brain is about to die due to lack of oxygen. Even he is surprised with its potency, and decides to work it into his battle strategy to counter the negative effects of Innate Time Control. While it can heal both injuries caused by enemies and damage dealt to himself, it only nullifies the damage without taking away his pain.

The state coupled with his Innate Time Control could allow him to defeat a Servant under limited conditions. The only ones he could readily defeat would be those who lack physical power like an Assassin after having been revealed or a Caster in close combat. Defeating those that specialize in hand-to-hand combat would require a special condition in his favor like surprise or suitability against the opponent.

Thompson Contender: is a special piece of equipment compared to his other weapons, which are armaments for the Magus Killer that can simply be bought and replaced at any time. It is something that cannot be bought with money that represents Kiritsugu as a magus, a Mystic Code with which he can use magecraft during battle against another magus. It is a one of a kind weapon only for his use that he has favored on many battlefields. It is used in conjunction with Origin Bullets (起源弾, Kigen-dan?), which are special Conceptual Weapons that utilize Kiritsugu's Origin to its fullest extent by actualizing it within a target. The bullets were created from his first and second ribs on both sides being cut off, extracted from his body, ground into dust, condensed with a craft to preserve his soul, and sealed within sixty-six bullets as their core. The gun and bullets are stored within a rosewood case, which was left with in the care of Maiya during his nine years of retirement. It is 444 mm long and in its base form weights 1700g, with his modifications bringing the total weight to 2060g.

While it is a powerful weapon with especially powerful bullets displaying destructive power capable of easily puncturing bulletproof vests and killing large animals in a single shot when discharged from a handgun, its true use lies in the specialized firing pin and additional magical modifications for firing the Origin Bullets. Origin Bullets, containing part of Kiritsugu's soul, actualize his Origin of "Severing and Binding" upon contact with the target, which can cripple living creatures that are fired upon. There are no wounds or bleeding upon the bullet making contact, but the targeted area or body part appears to be suffering from necrosis. While it seems to have healed properly on the surface, the nerves and capillaries will never regenerate properly and the original function will be forever lost. While it would be bad for a living being to be hit by it, as a Conceptual Weapon, this bullet poses an even graver threat to magi in particular. Out of the sixty-six Bullets, thirty-seven bullets have been used, and not a single one was wasted after completely destroying thirty-seven magi. During the Grail War, he has access to twelve bullets, and Kayneth becomes the victim of the thirty-eighth bullet. The only person to render it ineffective is Kotomine due to the fact that he doesn't fight like an orthodox magus.

Origin Bullets will immediately affect magi upon coming in contact with their magecraft. The only practical way for magi to defend against one is to discard all magecraft and defend purely by physical means, but he uses a particularly malicious method forcing the use of magecraft by making it impossible to physically block it. The bullets excel in penetration, and there is little outside of magecraft capable of blocking the specialized hunting rifle unless they are protected by the military-grade armor of an armored vehicle. Being forced to defend with magecraft, the impact of the Origin within the bullet affects everything all the way down to the Magic Circuits of the practitioner. If a magus' Circuits are a high-voltage power cable, then the impact of the bullet is comparatively a drop of water attaching itself to a thickly-placed electrical circuit. Once a conductive liquid becomes attached, the short-circuiting current will destroy the circuit itself, resulting in permanent damage.

The more intense the pressure used to gather densely-packed magical energy for defense, the more active Magic Circuits will be functioning upon the moment of contact, and the more severe the destructive power of the bullet becomes. With an RPG analogy, it can likened to an attack that converts the MP of the user into damage, so someone with a high amount of MP compared to their HP would be overwhelmed and someone with a low amount of MP to their HP would only receive a small amount of damage.[14] The "Severing" aspect will cause magical energy stored within the Circuits to ignore the paths within the body, flowing chaotically and destroying it in the process. Afterward, the circuits will be bound together again with the "Binding" aspect, albeit in a chaotic and useless manner, thus rendering them permanently inoperable and destroying the target's magecraft abilities. If used against a magus not actively using their Magic Circuits, such as Kotomine supplementing his own abilities with Command Spells instead of his own undeveloped Magic Circuits, it will target the source of the abilities instead. Targeting the one-use seal, it simply dissipates after being struck by the bullet without affecting Kotomine.

Kiritsugu initially uses normal .30-06 Springfield bullets in order provoke the enemy into believing that those are his strongest weapons. Utilizing the bullets that have an initial velocity 2.5 times higher than 9mm bullets used by his Calico and seven times the destructive power, they become focused upon making sure that they can consciously defend against such an attack and focus most of their magical energy towards that task. When someone is provoked into using their utmost amount of magical energy, the damage is completely fatal. It causes excruciating pain within the body as the nervous system spasms while being broken down. Their internal organs are almost destroyed, and numerous muscles and nerves are damaged. If they do not die instantly, the wounds will quickly prove fatal, and even if healed by a magus, it would be impossible to recover enough to even stand again. Once Kayneth is struck, it takes a great deal of money and an expert puppet master to simply get his hands working enough to move a wheelchair.

Magecraft: The Emiya Magic Crest is carved on Kiritsugu's back, but he was unable to inherit it properly from his father as a normal magus. Due to the Sealing Designation, Noritaka's body was retained by the Association, and all the important parts of the Crest were confiscated. Through Natalia's negotiations, Kiritsugu was allowed to inherit part of the Crest, but it was only a "fragment" that contained less than half of the original amount. It was enough that he was able to use his abilities as a magus, but he had little interest in continuing the research in the first place. His only interest was whether it would prove practical as a tool in combat situations. While he relies on modern technology, he is still capable of using various different spells and techniques in his work. He is capable of using night sight by focusing magical energy to his eyes, allowing him to instantly see with impeccable clarity in the dark. He is proficient in using familiars, and he has taught Maiya how to use them as well. He can use basic hypnotic suggestions on those with no natural resistance to magecraft by making the target focus on his eyes.

Kiritsugu's Elemental Affinity is the dual attributes of Fire and Earth, and as composite attributes, they are linked to his dual Origins, Severing and Binding (「切断」と「結合」, "Setsudan" to "Ketsugō"?). The previous generation of the Emiya family was at a loss upon finding the nature of his Origin, and named him Kiritsugu due to the strange results. Severing and Binding is different from the idea of "destruction and rebirth." There is no chance of "recovery" in the case of binding, such as a string being cut and connected back together by tying the two pieces. While it is once again whole, there is forever an irreversible "corruption" in the form of a change in thickness where the knot it tied. It takes form in his everyday life when doing hands-on work, which caused him to become particularly aware of his Origin. While he can fix normal contraptions, he is not very skilled in working with delicate machinery. His unskilled hands suddenly cause everything to become the opposite, and the more he wants to fix something, the worse the damage becomes for the machine. He can use handcraft to piece together a snapped metal wire while still restoring the original function, but fixing a delicate electric circuit using the same principles will have fatal results. It is not something that will work as long as everything is connected, and if the connections are out of order, the circuit will lose its function. Rather than being caused by his personality or temperament, it is the true essence of the root deep within his soul.

Innate Time Control: is Kiritsugu's personal application of the Emiya family's magecraft. They spent generations researching and seeking the magecraft that controls time, eventually reaching "Time Manipulation", which is the ability to separate the passage of time inside a designated space from the "flow of time" in the outside world. It is classified as High-Thaumaturgy in the form of a Bounded Field that can be regarded as a type of Reality Marble in a way, but still not something extraordinarily difficult to utilize like other time related magecraft or something on the level of the True Magic that is unable to be replicated. It allows for "time adjustment" that can only stagnate the time which has passed and accelerate time in the future rather than something more advanced like "time modification", which has the ability to reverse cause and effect and change the past. The major problem is that the practitioner needs to consider the size of the Bounded Field and the scope of time that needs to be modified. It requires a large amount of magical energy and similar rituals in the same magnitude of High-Thaumaturgy to activate it. It would normally be applied to a wide area and a long period of time, taking longer to set up and more magical energy to utilize it as the Bounded Field becomes larger and the deviation in time becomes longer.

It is not an ability that can be used on the battlefield where strategies must be quickly made in order to survive, as it must be prepared beforehand and used strategically even after the preparations. The Magic Crest of the Emiya family contains generations of inherited research, but that is unimportant to Kiritsugu. It was a useless inheritance until he found a way to use it to its maximum potential in a combat situation. He worked around the issue of size and magical energy consumption by creating a flexible method of utilizing it on a small scale that only applies to himself. This allows for the establishment of the Reality Marble at any given time without the need of extended rituals. It is impossible to completely isolate the flesh from the outside world, but the ability can minimize the effect the outside world has on the body. Keeping the scope of the spell to a minimal bounded field within his own body, it doesn't allow for the world to be affected, but rather allows for Kiritsugu to "adjust" a few seconds of time within his own body. He uses the chant Time alter (固有時制御, Koyūji seigyo?), followed by the degree of speed he wishes to use. The chant accel (速, soku?) allows him to speed up, while stagnate (停滞, teitai?) slows him down. He can use Release alter (制御解除, Seigyo kaijo?) to stop it an any point.

Time alter - double accel (固有時制御二倍速, Koyūji seigyo nibai soku?) is his most used version, allowing him to move faster than the human eye can see. It speeds up his blood flow, hemoglobin metabolism, and muscle movement all at the same time. Using this brief burst of speed, he can use his own physical skills and reaction speed at a level far above human limitations. It allows for split second evasion in front of an enemy, and its power of mobility can make for one of his greatest defenses. Normally double accel is enough to push his body past its limits with brief use, but with Avalon providing regeneration, he is capable of using Time alter - triple accel (固有時制御三倍速, Koyūji seigyo sanbai soku?) and the quadruple-accelerated time of Time alter - square accel (固有時制御四倍速, Koyūji seigyo yonbai soku?) for an extended period of time. Using stagnate, he can slow his biological processes, and using Time alter - triple stagnate (固有時制御三重停滞, Koyūji seigyo sanjū teitai?) reduces them to one third of their normal speed, slowing his heart beat to the point where he can barely feel it himself, slowing his breathing so it lags, and reducing his metabolism to the point where body temperature cools quickly enough to almost match room temperature. The sound of his presence is reduced enough that Volumen Hydrargyrum is unable to make out his breathing and heart beat from the other noises in the natural world, and it is unable to recognize him by using the standards of a human. While there are not any changes within the actual world, his optic nerves and ear drums register what he sees and hears from within the bounded field. His cornea receive three times the light a person's eyes normally receive, which makes his field of view extremely bright, and his hearing is dulled.

Even with his minimalistic approach, it is still High-Thaumaturgy far above the level of basic physical enchantment that causes inconsistencies between the flow of time inside and outside the field. Once the movement is complete and the field is removed, natural forces, the "world’s own adjustment", will forcefully adjust the "incorrect time." This places a large burden on Kiritsugu with each use, as the bounded field where the "errors have occurred" is within his own physical body. In order to get back in sync with the normal time flow, adjustments occurring within his flesh greatly damage him. Even brief use has him accompanying death, and continuous activation is nothing less than suicide, making it his riskiest technique. When returning to normal from stagnating, he suffer from the blood flow speeding up back to original speed, which causes burst capillaries and internal bleeding. Without the use of Avalon, double accel is his limit when speeding up, and even a few seconds of it is enough to rupture numerous blood vessels and cause fractures in the bones of his limbs due to the burden. Provided with constant regeneration from Avalon, he makes use of the ability's purpose as a strategic weapon to its full potential by utilizing higher levels while enduring his body breaking down and healing at an extremely high rate. He still feels the torn tendons and snapping bones tormenting his nerves while shedding mists of blood with every movement, but the regeneration allows him to keep fighting with accelerated speed for a much longer duration of time.

Sorry for the double post, but this is basically everything that is in Emiya Kiritsugu's arsenal. If I am missing anything else then I will be sure to let you know San. I'll upload Kirei's abilities in a few.

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #354 on: September 02, 2016, 06:30:52 AM »
Kirei Kotomine

Kirei's talents qualify him both as an Executor in the service of the Holy Church Executor and a Magus who specializes in healing. His title of "Executor" inherently signifies that he is an elite killer who has successfully completed brutal and pious training to become mankind's weapon. However, his skills as a first class Executor still cannot match the seventh of the Burial Agency under normal conditions. While still capable of displaying superhuman feats of strength and agility by the time of the Fifth Grail War, he has not gotten stronger with age and is substantially weaker than Bazett Fraga McRemitz in terms of pure strength without the assistance of weapons or magecraft. However, if one were to compare Bazett with Kirei at his peak ten years before (the "brightest moment of his life"), he would be the physically superior fighter overall.

His combat ability in at his peak is extremely strong when counting his abnormally large number of Command Spells, utilizing one or two at a time putting his physical ability equal to that of a Dead Apostle, and tenacity towards Kiritsugu, so he could even win against Ciel at that time. The state could also allow him to defeat a Servant under limited conditions. The only ones he could readily defeat would be those who lack physical power like an Assassin after having been revealed or a Caster in close combat. Defeating those that specialize in hand-to-hand combat would require a special condition in his favor like surprise or suitability against the opponent.


Kirei is a skilled Executor, who has become a combat expert with over ten years of experiences in killing magi. He has experience hunting many strange magi and has fought countless numbers to the death, so he is used to facing enemies beyond common sense. Even though Rin is stronger, he would counter her talents in battle because of his experience. As he knows her, he would win against her eighty percent of the time due to having knowledge of her past traumatic experiences. He excels at opening up the trauma of the enemy, and as it is not easy for humans to conquer trauma printed into them, having such experiences probed would make her unable to take advantage of her true potential.

He is extremely strong, allowing him to gather all his strength to jump ten meters up and grab a person out of a tree by the head before they can react, all in an instant. Due to his strength, his muscles are trained to the point where they go far beyond what would overpower a normal person in theory. He can easily fall twenty meters while carrying a small girl and land without any issue. He can run fifty kilometers per hour in a forest with uneven terrain while carrying a small girl without reinforcing himself with magecraft, and he does not display any tiredness at all, compared to Shirou being barely able to keep up even when reinforced by Archer's arm to a large degree. He is skilled at free climbing, comparing climbing four stories of a building as easy as walking down the street compared to something like a wall of ice.

He is used to facing firearms and skilled enough to judge the type of bullets by the sound of gunfire. Even veterans of many battles can lose morale and judgment capabilities when surprised by a machine gun, but he is able to analyze the situation calmly because such events are mere exceptions to Executors. He can quickly make judgements on his battle strategy depending on if he is facing a type of gun he can handle or something more dangerous to him like a sniper rifle, and he can sense killing intent to identify targets. He is ruthless and determined even when cornered, and with his hands bound, he simply rushes forward to utilize a kick to decide the battle.

He is not like Dead Apostles who are able to dodge a bullet after it has been fired, so he has to predict the shooter's thoughts, killing intent, and preparatory actions and act beforehand. With extremely quick evasive actions, he moves at the moment the enemy fires to effectively dodge the bullets. He utilizes his bulletproof frock, made from thick Kevlar filaments and covered seamlessly with the Church’s special protection spells, to deal with smaller firearms. 9mm caliber pistol rounds cannot pierce it even at close range, but powerful weapons like the Thompson Contender will pierce it easily. He is free to charge at someone openly firing by covering his head with his arms and not bother with dodging. Bullets still have an extremely powerful impact, but his well-trained musculature acts like a sort of armor that protects his organs and bones and keeps him from staggering against a hail of bullets. Kevlar protects against gunshots, but he is forced to protect himself against knives because kevlar is vulnerable to being cut by a sharp blade.

Kotomine fights against Assassin in the Heaven's Feel route, but it is not a true battle. While ten Black Keys and one of his Command Spells left over after removing most of the Crest Worms from Sakura would be more than enough for a low ranking spirit, he could not kill a Servant even if he managed to make successful strikes with all of them. He does believe that having a weapon on the Scripture scale could potentially allow him to defeat a Heroic Spirit. Though Assassin's dirks are only meant to judge an opponent's skill until he can make use of Zabaniya to land a fatal strike, all twenty-three are still thrown with the intent to kill, so Assassin sees Kotomine's skill in being able to block and avoid them for such a long period as admirable.

Kotomine, having seen Assassin fight Lancer, knows of this strategy and uses it against Assassin. Due to the unique nature of his heart, Zabaniya is unable to kill him, and Assassin is instead bound to a tree by the Black Keys. It is the equivalent of a scratch to him, but the holy nails keep him from saving Zouken. While he cannot directly fight against Servants, he claims that he can harm Servants without Masters with his Baptism Rite, so Assassin backs off afterwards.


Kirei is a practitioner of a type of Bajiquan that Gen Urobuchi calls Super Bajiquan (スーパー八極拳, ?). It is an ultimate technique born from the miraculous fusion of Bajiquan and magecraft, having become an Internal Art that transcends the External Art. It is a reckless attack belonging solely to Kirei, whose self-destructive fighting style against Kiritsugu even enables him to sacrifice an arm. Kirei only had Black Keys for their battle in the design stage of Fate/Zero, while Kiritsugu had firearms, magecraft such as Innate Time Control, and Avalon, so Urobuchi needed something to even their arsenals. There was only Bajiquan, so he studied a number of reference materials to reach the realm of "amazing kungfu, truly amazing kungfu." The end result was a form of somewhat random Bajiquan, so it cannot be compared to real Bajiquan

t is a style that takes the shortest route without any initial movement to damage the inside instead of the outside. He is an expert capable of defeating a normal person with a single hit, but claims that it is a mimicry of taolu without much behind it. Even against Shirou's body of swords, it damages him inside rather than outside, allowing the impacts to pierce through him. One combination, “Six Grand Opening - Elbow Upthrust”, involves grabbing the opponent's arm from below, carrying it up while also pressing his side close to the opponent's waist, and simultaneously delivering a blow to the heart with his left elbow and a strike from his left foot to the supporting leg, all in an instant to combine offense and defense.

He is able to break apart a tree without utilizing his arms because his strength as a martial arts master is not only produced from the wrist. It would seem that his hands are his main weapon, but the level of Kirei's training makes his entire body a weapon. Being bound does not leave him helpless as long as he can plant both feet on the ground. Everything to the strength of his feet on the ground, the turning of his back, and the twisting of his shoulders attributes to releasing an instantaneous burst of power into his fists. The strength of the arms is insignificant in comparison to the power of the whole body to someone experienced with the phenomenon. It is possible to press a fist next to the target and strike only with the force coming from outside of the arm. With this "explosive force" technique, just having the back of his hands against the tree trunk allows him to utilize the full power of his body to strike, and using his full power three times is enough to cause the thirty centimeter trunk to collapse.

He relies on the "moving stance", a dangerous secret of Bajiquan, to advance towards the enemy by sneaking with a sight step, and without announcing its speed, shorten the distance. Moving a foot and hooking one of enemy’s legs from the inside is a move known as the "locking stance." The "Eight Grand Openings – The Standing Upward Cannon" is a heavy upper hook that would shatter the opponent’s skull. The "Eight Postures of the Buddha Guards" style allows for a punch to have the "power to reach infinity in all eight directions" after reaching Bajiquan's optimum distance. Slamming his foot to floor as he steps forward, he unleashes a heavy punch that sends a person flying back and kills the opponent after easily crushing their heart and lungs. Kiritsugu is only able to survive through the regeneration of Avalon.

He has mastered "hearing a move", a concept that a martial artist reaches a certain state where they no longer need eyesight to detect the enemy’s movement. He can predict the opponent’s next move purely on the brief moment when his arm blocks that of his opponent, meaning that having a blind spot or having an enemy too fast for the human eye to see is not a problem. Even with blood affecting his right eye, having use of only his left arm, and having Kiritsugu moving three times human speed, he is able to block all of Kiritsugu's strikes without issue. Humans would only see the lighting-like residual images Kiritsugu's dagger leaves in its wake, but his left arm can defend as if it can see every swing. His skills make him someone who will not be at a disadvantage even when put under the duress of speed.

Kirei is extremely skilled with Black Keys, thin blades resembling a rapier that are longer than a meter with a short hilt. They are used specifically by Executors as projectile weapons. They boast great power and a high difficulty to master, so Kirei is a strong and rare expert at utilizing them in battle. The blade is a semi-solid formed by magical energy, so it is only necessary to carry the small hilt. He holds a high number of them at one time under his frock, and nobody knows their exact number. It is a sacrament rather than magecraft that is utilized to fight spirits, so it can affect a Servant should one somehow hit them. They lack balance in close combat, making them unwieldy to defend against a smaller weapon like a dagger, so he instead relies on his Bajiquan under such circumstances.

Four Black Keys in a single hand is his limit. He can complete a single throw and any necessary preparatory movements in 0.3 seconds, and he can perform four separate throws in 0.7 seconds. With his skill, he is able to simultaneously throw one while also avoiding an attack with extreme accuracy. He can also throw accurately from a face down position on the ground. He is able to maintain a one hundred percent striking accuracy even against unconfirmed targets. While it is hand-tossed, it boasts enough power to penetrate reinforced concrete and iron. They can also be used to trap an opponent for a Bajiquan strike by throwing four into the air to surround the opponent like a cage and seal the their movement by striking them wherever they could dodge.

(Normally I would add Angra Manryu, but for the sake of it I will not to cut down on used space.)

Magecraft: Kirei was born with Magic Circuits despite having a non-magus lineage. Normal lineages rarely acquire Magic Circuits, and such cases of a normal person being born with them are sudden mutations. Kirei is not of this type, but instead his Circuits were a gift from the divine sacrament. They were a reward to his father's years of pious worship, thus Kirei was born with "the right to recreate the miracles in the divine sacrament", with the "right" being the Magic Circuits. Also unlike typical families that pass down Circuits in their genetics, Caren did not inherit them. While he is thought to love destruction, he is a "creator" type of magus like Shirou.His Magic Circuits are noted to have yet to develop properly as of the time of the Fourth War, so he instead makes use of Command Spells. Ever since he first began his tutelage in magecraft under Tokiomi Tohsaka, he has not advanced beyond the degree of beginner, and he cannot reach the "first-rate" level no matter his efforts. During his training with Tokiomi, he studied alchemy, spiritual evocation, summoning, divination, and spiritual healing. The only area where he displayed a natural talent was spiritual healing in which he ultimately became more skilled than even his master after three years. During battle, his most adept skill is physical enhancement to exert greater physical strength. While Rin is considered his student, he is vastly inferior to her. While he is not a genius, just a "normal man", he is able to achieve quick results through complete and total effort, putting in ten to twenty times the effort of other people. He stops short of the last step, throwing all previous labor out like trash.

Spiritual Healing: Kirei is a Spiritual doctor (霊媒医師, Reibai ishi?) that heals through a spiritual medium, as in healing through the soul rather than the flesh. It is a "curse" that can remove the infected part without using a single surgical knife on the body. While he has practiced many different types of magecraft, healing is the only one that fit him because his magical aptitude is specialized in "opening wounds." Kirei abilities in fixing spiritual and mental bodies is at bishop level, and Rin comments that people at his level in the Mage's Association are few and that there are also few people in the Church able to handle spirits at his level. It is known as an unusual practice only utilized in uncivilized areas, and it is especially uncommon for a man of the Church to utilize it.

He is able to use this knowledge to extract Command Spells from the nervous system through the spiritual body rather than physically. Taking Shirou's left arm, he gets the feeling that Kirei has ripped it off. He realizes it was an illusion, but then sees fingers entering his arm. They are Kirei's fingers, transparent like a ghost, moving through his flesh, and after intense pain, he is left without any wounds. This action removes two strokes of the Command Spell, leaving only the pain. Despite this, he still cuts off Bazett's arm to obtain her Command Spells.

He is able to purify the poison given to Sakura to make her Crest Worms go out of control. He is able to perform surgery to call back her lost magical energy and mind, but the chances of success are very low. Removing the worms requires a miracle or the Holy Grail due to the integration into her Magic Circuits. It requires the use of the majority of his Command Spells to remove them, and even that is not enough to completely purge her body. He can only remove those that have not metabolized with her nerves, as doing more would require removing her heart and killing her. It is only a temporary fix that will only last until the worms activate again.

While the technique is useful, the spirit is only contact treatment relying on the body, so it is nothing like a miracle that would allow connection with the soul, the proof of existence independent of the body. He attaches the arm of Archer to Shirou, but that is not something normally possible. Joining two separate spiritual bodies is close to the realm of resurrection and restoration of souls, which requires Magic to handle. It should only be possible to succeed in shape, only for the recipient to die of shock. The only reason it is a success is due to Shirou and Archer being the same person.

The Baptism Rite (洗礼詠唱, Senrei eishou?) is the sole magical miracle that is permitted to be learned in the Church. The teachings of God are considered to be the greatest weapon against spirits within the systematic basis of their magecraft, so the chant is a key of providence that eliminates wondering souls with the holy words of the Bible. It is the purification and elevating of a wayward soul through the teachings of the Lord by sending a ghost to its "throne". It is a miracle that has healed the hearts of many, so that is most likely the reason that it is the theory of thaumaturgy with the most widespread theory.[24]

It is a simple ritual, a ten-count type, effective immediately after it has been spoken. Its physical interference is somewhat weak, but it has absolute power against spiritual bodies. His attack power against spiritual bodies is superb and, while twisted, represents the unshakingness of his faith. The exorcism instantly sublimates Zouken Matou and disperses his spiritual body due to being a specter that uses worms to tamper with the world. Damaging his body normally would do nothing unless it can be completely eliminated, so a direct attack to the spirit is extremely effective.

It does not actually kill him because the body destroyed is only a collection of worms. His actual body, a small worm next to Sakura Matou's heart, contains his soul, so even Kirei's words cannot kill him unless that main body is destroyed. It is enough to make him unable to act unless he were to go find another body to devour. It is not sufficient to send back or affect entities like Servants with a connection with a Master, but it is different once they no longer have an active source of magical energy. His holy words can affect such Servants because they can be considered no different than the wandering spirits of the Einzbern Forest.

Command Spells: During the Fourth Holy Grail War, Kirei is granted three Command Seals by the Grail, and though he loses them after Assassin is defeated, new seals are granted to him upon the Grail once again deeming him worthy of participation. It is unprecedented among the past participants of the previous Holy Grail Wars, as he is not a member of the Three Founding Families, and all six other Masters still live and all six other Servants still have their contracts. During the Fifth Holy Grail War, he steals Bazett Fraga McRemitz's Command Seals by cutting off her arm, allowing Lancer the chance to contract with him.

While he uses them to command Assassin and Lancer, he is opposed to using even a single Command Seal on Gilgamesh. It would only bring about the opposite result to force a man with such a huge ego to serve another's will, so he finds the best way to control him is to treat him as if he were an environmental condition rather than a pawn. The weather or direction of the wind cannot be controlled by a sailor, but he can dexterously control his boat using the sail. Differing from other magi who treat Servants like tools and familiars, he treats Gilgamesh like an accomplice with mutual interests. He does ask Gilgamesh for the right to summon him with a Command Spell to protect him from enemy Servants during the final battle of the Fourth War, to which Gilgamesh agrees.

In addition to his own Command Seals on his lower left arm, he also has Command Seals inherited from his father that cover his right arm from the elbow to the wrist. The supervisor of the Holy Grail War is entrusted with the Command Seals recollected from previous Holy Grail Wars, so he has access to a great number of them. Using them as the supervisor, he is able to transfer the Command Seals by taking the Master's hand, chanting a spell, and tracing the mark of the Command Seals with his own hand in order to renew them. He lies to Rin about their true nature by calling them a Magical Crest inherited from his father. He says that unlike her permanent Crest, his is a consumption type that fades away with use due to not actually being from a lineage of magi, instead calling it a "lower-rank Command Spell."

While normally only used to strengthen or restrain Servants, they can be used and forged into highly practical magical energy that has no alignments. He, as someone with no Magic Crest, can utilize them to perform magecraft upon paying the proper price. In a more efficient manner than trying to control Gilgamesh, he can use them to gain a high chance of victory even against an expert magus. Using them as mock Magic Crests, apart from the fact that they are limited and expendable, the magecraft utilized by him is enough to rival famous magecraft houses that have collected their Crests through generations.[25] Due to their nature as one-use crests, they naturally counter Kiritsugu's Origin Bullets by disappearing instead of destroying Kirei's own Magic Circuits.

He mainly utilizes them to reinforce his own body and equipment to a great extent. He surges magical energy into six black keys, causing them to expand to twice their size. Due to the amount of magical energy being forced into them, it seems the forceful execution of the spell surpasses the limits of the blades themselves. While they are able to easily neutralize the force behind Kiritsugu's first Origin Bullet, they shatter under the heavy load of magical energy. He also utilizes his own body to deflect the second Origin Bullet in a movement that Kiritsugu feels would require extreme willpower. Turning his own body into a lethal weapon, he reinforces his physical abilities to match the bullet. He accelerates his reaction time, multiplies the maximum power output of his right flexor, radius muscle, and pronator teres, and shows the capability to reinforce his bulletproof frock, but lacks the time to accomplish it in that moment.

He uses a defensive Baji Quan skill normally used to nullify an opponent's strike that, when used by his arm that has been transformed into a lethal magecraft Mystic Code, causes a spiral to form in the air. It becomes a spiral of force that roars like a tornado with the power of two Command Seals infused into it. The martial arts move, performed at divine speed, catches the bullet traveling at 2500 inches per second, but it is unable to completely deflect it. It still manages to tear at his Kevlar sleeve and hit his reinforced arm without being turned. As it is forced to bend to the power of the magecraft in his body, the supernatural phenomenon of the clash sounds like two mill stones impacting, the scattering sparks seem to distort the laws of physics, and the approximately 3000 pound-per-inch kinetic energy of the bullet is forced off at an angle. Due to his unskilled method, he used too much magical energy and overly strengthened his arm with the magecraft, so his right arm ended up greatly wounded.

(An that should be everything on Kirei Kotomine, the only thing I did not include was the Angra Manryu, which again would've been heavy handed to add and personally I don't feel he needs it to be an amazing character. If any of the terms or whatever confuses you then please let me know and I'll do my best to clarify for you San. Happy building! )

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #355 on: September 02, 2016, 12:12:01 PM »
wow.  that`s a wall of text.

So, obviously, you`re not getting someone to make this character to save you time.

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #356 on: September 02, 2016, 02:14:41 PM »
San wanted me to give him the important bits of each character and I did. Kinda like watching screw attack's death battle. Its not my fault that they have alot of things going for them. Think this is bad you should see the wikia. Its worst.

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #357 on: September 03, 2016, 09:07:38 AM »
No offence, but most of that stuff is irrelevant. Lots of random detail that won't affect a character sheet at all. This is basically what I was hoping to avoid.

Rooting through all that to find the information that matters looks painful, and I doubt the result would capture the essence of the character. Most likely, I'd end up misidentifying the details that deserve to be on the sheet.

What I need is an actual summary.

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #358 on: September 03, 2016, 02:37:22 PM »
Wait, is this meant to be a player character or plot device?
My Purity score: 37.2.  Sad.

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #359 on: September 03, 2016, 08:28:37 PM »
Both if possible though I leave the creativity to San. Though I feel different fight scenes from the anime would better help.