Author Topic: Request A Character  (Read 180485 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #330 on: August 17, 2016, 01:50:43 AM »
Video's fine, as long as it's short and my computer is able to play it. Which unfortunately isn't guaranteed; my computer is pretty garbage.

Offline Ghostfreak

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #331 on: August 17, 2016, 04:57:54 PM »

This should help out San. If not then pleass let me know.

Offline Theogony_IX

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #332 on: August 17, 2016, 07:37:46 PM »
I might be able to help with this actually.  I'm currently working on my second play through of Bloodborne.  Sanctaphrax, you may be able to better optimize it.

So Bloodborne is an RPG that allows for differing character builds.  As a result, the Hunter isn't a static thing, but can vary depending on your stat choice and weapon choice.  Here is one based on Ludwig's Holy Blade with most of the focus on the two damage stats, Strength and Skill.  I'll post another a little later focused on Skill and Arcane.

Ludwig's Holy Blade - Quality Build
(click to show/hide)

EDIT:  Second Build

Blade of Mercy - Skill and Arcane
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« Last Edit: August 18, 2016, 12:06:20 AM by Theogony_IX »

Offline Ghostfreak

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #333 on: August 18, 2016, 03:56:53 AM »
Bloodborne is a very interesting game filled with lore and characters that just stick to you and overall an experience I feel everyone should enjoy. The character write up is really good Theo though what would be his concept, trouble and other aspects to describe him exactly? Especially for a modern time like now.

This is what I had in mind.
High Concept: Moon-scented Hunter
Trouble: (not sure yet; probably something to do with blood.What, I am not sure.)
Aspects: School kid, Crazy Prepared,  Reads body language instead of words, Prince of the Vilebloods,  (I need one more for a total of 5)

The only other thing I am not able to get right is using blood as a weapon, both with weapons and as a base. Like how Queen Yarhnam is able to use her blood as a weapon.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #334 on: August 18, 2016, 07:52:01 AM »
I don't think I can do better than that. At least, not going by the video. Really, all I can glean from that is that he's good with a sword and pistol.

Can critique stunts, though.

-1 Charge Attack (Weapons) - When you perform an attack, you may accept a -1 penalty to your Weapons skill before you roll the dice.  If you do, a successful attack applies the fragile aspect "Staggered" in addition to any stress dealt.

This seems worryingly powerful.

-1 Pistol Stun (Guns) - Add +2 to your Guns skill when Maneuvering to place the aspect "Staggered".

I think it would be better to take a stunt letting him wield that pistol with Weapons. This is one of those cases where optimizing makes the sheet feel more natural, if you ask me.

-1 Visceral Attack (Weapons) - When you tag or invoke an aspect named "Staggered" to aid an attack, add 2 stress to the result when successful (in addition to the other benefits).  Then the "Staggered" aspect fades.

-1 Trick Weapon (Weapons) - You tuck your straight sword into a large cumbersome sheath transforming it into a dull, two-handed broadsword.  Your broadsword attacks with Weapon:4.

There probably shouldn't stack, at least not fully. That being said, I wouldn't blink if you wanted to make the sword weapon 3 normally.

-1 Old Hunter Bone (Lore) - You may Maneuver using Lore to place the aspect "Quickening" on yourself.  This aspect can be tagged to gain +1 to your dodge rolls for the rest of the scene.  Additionally, it allows you to move 1 zone as a supplemental action when you dodge.

I can't say I like this maneuver-with-special-rules set-up. There's gotta be a better way to stat this kind of ability.

Also, I don't think taking supplemental actions in response to attacks works very well.

-1 Beast Roar (Lore) - You may Maneuver using Lore to place the aspect "Knocked Back".  You may tag this aspect to move a single target 1 zone away from you.

Feels weak. You can already make maneuvers, you shouldn't need a stunt to move people with KNOCKED BACK.

Also, this doesn't really feel like a mortal stunt.

-3 Bag of tricks - 12 potion slots.
     Old Hunter Bone - A Block:6 or Armor:3 against attacks, 3 uses per session (3 slots).
     A Call Beyond - A zone-wide Weapon:5 attack, 3 use per session (4 slots).  Aim with Lore.
     Call of Ebrietas - A 6-shift Maneuver to place the aspects "Staggered" and "Knocked Back", 3 uses per session (3 slots).
     Messenger's Gift - A Block:5 versus perception, 3 uses per session (2 slots).  Transforms the Hunter into a part of his or her surroundings.

Bag of Tricks doesn't work this way. It doesn't let you spend multiple slots on an item. Also, you can only spend 1 Refresh on more items.

Ritual (Crafting) and a Refinement will give you a similar amount of power, though. And it'll let you spend stress for extra uses.

Offline khadgar4606

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #335 on: August 18, 2016, 02:42:33 PM »
Bloodborne is a very interesting game filled with lore and characters that just stick to you and overall an experience I feel everyone should enjoy. The character write up is really good Theo though what would be his concept, trouble and other aspects to describe him exactly? Especially for a modern time like now.

This is what I had in mind.
High Concept: Moon-scented Hunter
Trouble: (not sure yet; probably something to do with blood.What, I am not sure.)
Aspects: School kid, Crazy Prepared,  Reads body language instead of words, Prince of the Vilebloods,  (I need one more for a total of 5)

The only other thing I am not able to get right is using blood as a weapon, both with weapons and as a base. Like how Queen Yarhnam is able to use her blood as a weapon.
I have idea for 5th aspect dabling sangumencer which gives this guy its magic power and some trouble aspect for warden problemssentence

Offline Ghostfreak

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #336 on: August 18, 2016, 03:14:06 PM »
Perhaps the trouble aspect would be "Looks like a lawbreaker, smells like a lawbreaker" in pertaining to his heritage because his ancestor (protagonist of Bloodborne) is a great one (outsider) after defeating the moon pressence; though he still retains his humanity because he was human first. Before fighting jim however, he not only becomes a Vileblood after learning the truth about Cainhurst and its vast secrets, but also draws rhe interest and affections of the queen. Analise, Queen of the Vilebloods and Cainhurst castle. The trouble would stem from fact that the seventh law states that no one should have contact or reasearch about outsiders; but it says nothing about being related to one. Sure this might bring more trouble than its worth since your existence would be a conundrum and most of the heavy hitters of the super natural world would want you dead mostly out of fear. Plus the laws though ironclad are quite flexible to get around so that would introduce interesting roleplay. Especially when it comes to the hypocritical white council wizards and how they handle things.

Offline khadgar4606

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #337 on: August 18, 2016, 03:27:48 PM »
Perhaps the trouble aspect would be "Looks like a lawbreaker, smells like a lawbreaker" in pertaining to his heritage because his ancestor (protagonist of Bloodborne) is a great one (outsider) after defeating the moon pressence; though he still retains his humanity because he was human first. Before fighting jim however, he not only becomes a Vileblood after learning the truth about Cainhurst and its vast secrets, but also draws rhe interest and affections of the queen. Analise, Queen of the Vilebloods and Cainhurst castle. The trouble would stem from fact that the seventh law states that no one should have contact or reasearch about outsiders; but it says nothing about being related to one. Sure this might bring more trouble than its worth since your existence would be a conundrum and most of the heavy hitters of the super natural world would want you dead mostly out of fear. Plus the laws though ironclad are quite flexible to get around so that would introduce interesting roleplay. Especially when it comes to the hypocritical white council wizards and how they handle things.
you mean like my aestas character he has major problem because he knows something that make him dangerous
as for aestas you gonna ask she gets her nifty powers from dead outsider( hewalksbehind)

Offline Ghostfreak

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #338 on: August 18, 2016, 04:52:11 PM »
He who walks behind is an interesting character for an outsider and basically shows how little we know about them. Outside of obscure information from the whole council (which is only known by a select few and I feel things are missing). Not discounting that outsiders are not evil or that they do not pose a problem but it is interesting nontheless that they have s connection to the idiot god.

Offline Theogony_IX

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #339 on: August 18, 2016, 05:06:36 PM »
Can critique stunts, though.

This seems worryingly powerful.
Yeah, it basically gives two actions for one.  I'm not sure how to do this without making it too weak though.  If the penalty were a -2, then you might as well just maneuver for the aspect.  The idea here is that you spend a little extra time on your attack to make it extra powerful often staggering your opponent.  Can you think of a good way to model that?

I think it would be better to take a stunt letting him wield that pistol with Weapons. This is one of those cases where optimizing makes the sheet feel more natural, if you ask me.
Good call.

There probably shouldn't stack, at least not fully. That being said, I wouldn't blink if you wanted to make the sword weapon 3 normally.
Stunts should be able to add 2 stress on the back end.  Is it too broad of a bonus?  The idea here is that there are actually two different weapons that you switch between for differing combat situations.  A faster, weaker straight-sword and a slower, stronger great-sword.  What if there were a -1 penalty on accuracy for this to model it's slowness?  How would you add additional stress on the back end from that?  Still 2 or would you bump it up to 3.

I can't say I like this maneuver-with-special-rules set-up. There's gotta be a better way to stat this kind of ability.

Also, I don't think taking supplemental actions in response to attacks works very well.
Yeah, I was definitely playing fast and loose with the rules here.  It should probably just be a static boost.

Feels weak. You can already make maneuvers, you shouldn't need a stunt to move people with KNOCKED BACK.

Also, this doesn't really feel like a mortal stunt.
I was thinking it was a common ritual, something that mortals can do without any supernatural powers.  And I was under the assumption that if it's an odd sort of action your character takes regularly, you should probably make it a stunt; YS318 - Adjudicating Skills.

Bag of Tricks doesn't work this way. It doesn't let you spend multiple slots on an item. Also, you can only spend 1 Refresh on more items.

Ritual (Crafting) and a Refinement will give you a similar amount of power, though. And it'll let you spend stress for extra uses.
I didn't realize that . . .

If you want to give more feedback, I'll update the write up with your suggestions.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #340 on: August 18, 2016, 11:25:25 PM »
Yeah, it basically gives two actions for one.  I'm not sure how to do this without making it too weak though.  If the penalty were a -2, then you might as well just maneuver for the aspect.  The idea here is that you spend a little extra time on your attack to make it extra powerful often staggering your opponent.  Can you think of a good way to model that?

Actually, I think a -2 penalty might be fair. Or maybe -1 to the roll, -1 to the weapon rating?

I dunno. I'd want to see it in action to be sure.

Stunts should be able to add 2 stress on the back end.  Is it too broad of a bonus?  The idea here is that there are actually two different weapons that you switch between for differing combat situations.  A faster, weaker straight-sword and a slower, stronger great-sword.  What if there were a -1 penalty on accuracy for this to model it's slowness?  How would you add additional stress on the back end from that?  Still 2 or would you bump it up to 3.

Opinions differ, but I'd allow a +2 stress bonus. I just wouldn't let two stunts each add +2 stress.

I was thinking it was a common ritual, something that mortals can do without any supernatural powers.  And I was under the assumption that if it's an odd sort of action your character takes regularly, you should probably make it a stunt; YS318 - Adjudicating Skills.

I think common rituals are meant to be, well, rituals. Common evocations aren't really a thing.

Offline Ghostfreak

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #341 on: August 21, 2016, 02:44:02 PM »
Ran the idea by my dm and he fell in love with it instantly. We played our first session yesterday with a hitch and we covered alot of ground. The system is very fluid, full of narrative and roleplay and no one person overshadows everyone else. We started at feet in the water and the party consists of two emissaries of power ( one is a bastard scion of c'thulu and I am the blade of the moon scented hunter), one catholic true believer, a weird fae thing who has a penchant for thievery, a budding wizard (i do not know the template he is playing but he has soul gaze and the sight so I assumed it was caster of sorts) and one pure mortal who has dreams of being an mma champion. All of us are 12 years old and started out school fine, until the second day where a girl in our class collapsed and had a seizure. Green marks popped up on her skin, pale and sweating like a pig. Two days later she died and in that time span more and more people started showing the same signs. Caster found out that it was some sort of ectoplasmic spirit made by a necromancer and that one of the ways to kill it is rosemary. But never shared that info becauase he does not know who is in the know or who to trust. What made it worst he had to leave early so that hurt the cause by alot. My character knew something was horribly wrong and it had nothing to do with an outbreak of a disease or whatever, and not wanting to risk other students dying I made a judgment call. Long story short, I managed to convince the true believer to come with me to the school so he can bless the water in the sprinkler system, where we would turn it on and kill the ghost once and for all. The dm loved our synergy so much that he ran with it and through alot of scares and obstacles with dodging security and a ghost that tried to offer us candy if we just have him a hug; we killed it.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #342 on: August 31, 2016, 05:56:37 AM »
khadgar requested a mob boss Knight of the Cross, so here goes.

Using Divine Protection instead of Bless This House because I think BTH is a bit useless.

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Offline khadgar4606

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #343 on: August 31, 2016, 08:02:32 AM »
thank you Sanctaphrax this looks great

Offline Ghostfreak

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Re: Request A Character
« Reply #344 on: August 31, 2016, 01:30:57 PM »
Damn that looks fantastic Sanctaphrax. A mafia don knight of the cross, now that is flavorful. Very flavorful. Gonna keep that one for another Dresden game in the future.