Author Topic: MCWOD and Dresden Files  (Read 15030 times)

Offline finarvyn

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MCWOD and Dresden Files
« on: August 30, 2007, 03:25:18 PM »
In spite of the M&M thread and a couple of others, I was never reallly certain that Dresden Files could be done using the d20 system. Too mathematical, not loose enough for my liking.

Then I bought a copy of Monte Cook's World of Darkness, which takes the familiar lines of Vampire/Werewolf/Mage and puts them together in a 3.5E format. I'm not a fan of 3E but really like the way this book reads so far, in terms of the way the levels are charted out (the classes essentially become "Vampire" or "Werewolf" or whatever) and the magic system is nice because it allows for custom spells (ala SAGA system) and exhaustion rather than a pre-determined number of spells per day. There are special feats for each class/race, as well as general feats for all characters. It just seems to be well written overall.

So why post this on an DFRPG forum?

Well, we've had a few discussion threads about using different systems (like HERO and M&M) to run Dresden campaigns, and the first two settings that immediately popped into my brain when I saw MCWOD were Amber and Harry Dresden. I have no plans to run MCWOD in the actual WOD universe, but now I think that it would be possible to create a d20 Dresden rulebook in a way that could actually be fun to play. I'll bet that feats could be generated for each major group (wizards, vampires, weres, fairy courts, and so on) and the individual groups could correspond to classes.

The spell-casting system in particular just screamed "Dresden" with the rules for exhaustion, etc.

Just thought I would share my enthusiasm. I'm still waiting for the official DFRPG to come out, but in the meantime this may be a nice fit.
Marv / Finarvyn
Greater Warden of Chicago
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Offline Harry1974

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Re: MCWOD and Dresden Files
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2007, 10:02:33 PM »
I have to admit I have just ordered MCWoD following a quick read of the thread at discussing the game.  I think it will allow a Dresden type game to be played.

I am of course awaiting eagerly for the official TDF game to come out.

Thanks for the heads up, finarvyn.

Offline SQuigley316

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Re: MCWOD and Dresden Files
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2007, 02:47:11 PM »
I have to say I am very excited about this.  I have been trying to adapt some items in D20 Modern to fit what I am looking for in a Dresden Game and while I was and am going to pick up the DFRPG when it is released, I am a much bigger fan of the D20 system than the Fate system.  The $50 price tag seems a little steep but it sounds like it's well worth it ( well more likely the $32 price on Amazon or somesuch ) if it can help me get some Dresden Files goodness in at the gaming table. 

Offline Harry1974

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Re: MCWOD and Dresden Files
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2007, 10:48:21 PM »
I received an e-mail from Amazon that my book will arrive in a couple of days.  I'll post on my thoughts once I've had a chance to read it. 

From what I understand so far is that there are 5 classes/races to play:


My interest at the moment is to see if there is anything that will represent the Fae?

Offline finarvyn

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Re: MCWOD and Dresden Files
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2007, 03:50:42 AM »
I am a much bigger fan of the D20 system than the Fate system.
I think that the two game systems do different things. The d20 system is designed to add a certain layer of complexity and depth of numbers to a campaign. If you want exact data for the characters such as hit points and carefully listed skills and abilities, d20 is clearly a game designed to do that. If you want a game which is more freeform and open to interpretation, then FATE should do a better job.

Any time you attempt to simulate a book or movie, there is always that decision as to whether to achieve the "general feel" of the genre or the exactness of detail. I think it's nice that there are some choices out there, and MCWOD does seem close enough to Dresden that it should make a nice setting until the real thing comes out.
Marv / Finarvyn
Greater Warden of Chicago
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Re: MCWOD and Dresden Files
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2007, 06:30:59 PM »
I have read McWoD and like it.  I will be running this as a Dresden-like game. I agree that the official game for TDF will likely tackle the setting better.  Having looked at several settings done using d20 like Babylon 5 and Star Wars I see that the d20 rule set tends to be modified for the setting.  On this basis the game actually being written up for the setting officially should most fit the flavour of that setting (I hope!).

Offline finarvyn

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Re: MCWOD and Dresden Files
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2007, 04:32:08 AM »
I agree that the official game for TDF will likely tackle the setting better. <<snip>> ...the game actually being written up for the setting officially should most fit the flavour of that setting (I hope!).
You've hit the major point right there. While I think that MCWOD is a neat book and well written, some conversion is still needed to make the WOD setting fit into a Dresden-style campaign. At least the vampires, weres, et all, seem somewhat similar in abilites in both WOD and DF so the conversions won't be too difficult.

Having seen some of Fred and Rob's work before, I think we can be pretty confident that they will fit the FATE rules to the flavor of the Dresdenverse very closely. DFRPG will be great when finally complete, I'm certain of this!
Marv / Finarvyn
Greater Warden of Chicago
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Re: MCWOD and Dresden Files
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2007, 08:53:03 PM »
Having seen some of Fred and Rob's work before, I think we can be pretty confident that they will fit the FATE rules to the flavor of the Dresdenverse very closely. DFRPG will be great when finally complete, I'm certain of this!

The fact that they are prepared to delay publication until they are happy with the result does indeed fill me with hope on this point.  I have even purchased my first set of fudge dice today in anticipation!  ;D

Offline finarvyn

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Re: MCWOD and Dresden Files
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2007, 04:07:57 AM »
I have even purchased my first set of fudge dice today in anticipation!  ;D
I went for two sets of fudge dice -- one which has the classic colors and the other with bright colors. (The second set was mostly so my 12-year-old daughter could have her own "hot pink" fudge dice.  ;D) We're all pumped up about DFRPG and ready to play....
Marv / Finarvyn
Greater Warden of Chicago
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Offline Harry1974

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Re: MCWOD and Dresden Files
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2007, 01:29:57 AM »

I originally purchased some Deryni (sp?) dice because that was all that my local FLGS in Birmingham had.  I have since called a FLGS in London who are sending me the two fudge dice packs like the ones you have.

I went even further and purchased the pdf for Spirit of the Century because I was intrigued by your comment about the quality of Fred and Rob's work.  Having read it I called the game store in London back and ordered a hardback copy.  I guess you could say I have been sold!   ;D

I am also really impressed (and just a little jealous) that your family is your gaming group.  That is just great!   :)

Offline harleshade

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Re: MCWOD and Dresden Files
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2007, 12:41:28 AM »
I know not may on this forum like to hear this, but I think a d20 system would be really effective.

Offline finarvyn

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Re: MCWOD and Dresden Files
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2007, 08:48:45 PM »
I originally purchased some Deryni (sp?) dice because that was all that my local FLGS in Birmingham had.  I have since called a FLGS in London who are sending me the two fudge dice packs like the ones you have.
What I find is that the color of the dice is very important to some of my players. Who am I to deny them “hot pink” dice. ;D

I went even further and purchased the pdf for Spirit of the Century because I was intrigued by your comment about the quality of Fred and Rob's work.  Having read it I called the game store in London back and ordered a hardback copy.  I guess you could say I have been sold!   ;D
Glad to hear it. Maybe I can get a “referral fee” from Fred? Nah. Didn’t think so. I think that Fred and Rob are really sincere about their writing and I find it neat that they are willing to push off a deadline in order to ensure quality. (Of course, if this happens forever and we never get a game – then I get grumpy.) Not all game designers are willing to do this, as evidenced by the number of products that go into 2E mode shortly after printing 1E. They really want to get it right, and it shows in the final product.

I am also really impressed (and just a little jealous) that your family is your gaming group.  That is just great!   :)
We like it, too!

I know not many on this forum like to hear this, but I think a d20 system would be really effective.
I think that there are many systems which could be used to run a fun Dresden campaign. Before DF even existed as a series (or, at least before I ever heard about it) I used Buffy the Vampire Slayer and ran a really fun modern-day sorcery game that was similar to Charmed and Dresden in style. I’ve tried out the MCWOD system and with some tweaks I find it to be pretty good as well. I’ve run something similar using Amber Diceless. My point is that you can find good points about many different game systems, so pick whichever one fits your style. If nothing else, buy DFRPG and mine it for ideas that you can use in a campaign of your own rules of choice.
Marv / Finarvyn
Greater Warden of Chicago
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Offline harleshade

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Re: MCWOD and Dresden Files
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2007, 11:43:30 PM »
That is what I had planned to do the whole time. I sorta have to do that because most of my players are hardcore rules-lawers. Can't be a lawer if the rules arn't straight from the book.

Offline finarvyn

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Re: MCWOD and Dresden Files
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2007, 08:20:33 PM »
I've always had a problem with rules lawyers because it seems like they take the fun out of the game. We had a GM in high school who ran 1E AD&D and every so often he stopped the game to hunt for a rule. We sat around watching TV while he flipped through pages of the book. Really boring.

I think this helped me shape my style of gaming because I'm the anti-lawyer. When faced with an unknown situation, I'm more likely to say "grab a die and roll it" where I'm looking for high numbers versus low numbers. (Practically a coin flip, actually, but I can modify it a tad.) Keeps the flow of the game going.

My general disline with 3E D&D (and to a certain extent MCWOD, even though I love certain aspects of MCWOD) is that fact that the game system is somewhat rules heavy and I continually have to resist the urge to look for a rule while my players watch TV. Part of what excites me about the DFRPG is the fact that FATE is a loose game where I can have the players grab-n-roll and it won't upset the flow of the game.
Marv / Finarvyn
Greater Warden of Chicago
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Re: MCWOD and Dresden Files
« Reply #14 on: February 04, 2008, 07:51:50 PM »
Acually I've never played anything from WW, but I seen Monte Cook's name and said what the hell.  I must say what I read from the book I think it was well done.  Great setting and really good elements for the classes.  I've also been just introduce to the Dresden books and thought that would be a interesting game to play but here's my question.  How would you incorperate the magic?  I mean that Harry seems to have pretty much all, or some elements of all spell caster types. Not to mention some fudging with they Vamps, and were creatures.