
what would u be the RPG?

Wizard(EX:Harry duh!!)
98 (37.1%)
Supernatural entity(EX:demon,summer knight,etc)
62 (23.5%)
Gifted mortal(EX:ectomancer, Knight of the cross,etc
85 (32.2%)
19 (7.2%)

Total Members Voted: 255

Author Topic: What would u be?  (Read 102517 times)

Offline stevem

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #60 on: February 17, 2007, 08:15:23 PM »
A very low powered wizard, barely strong enough to make the WC.  A wizard who finds wizarding both boring and inconvenient as the TV always blows out right when the touchdown pass is being thrown.  About fifty years old, he is good hearted but completely lacking in common sense.  Is fanatically into beer, fishing, swords and guns (possessing a life-time membership in the NRA and a prized decades long uniterrupted collection of Guns and Ammo magazine).  He's married to a fae wife who tricked him into marriage (he thought she was a Bears cheerleader) and a home in the suburbs (he still hasn't figured out why), she nags him mercilessly.  They have 4 changling children, all girls, that he doesn't understand.  He rarely ventures out of his basement for fear that he'll be ambushed with a "honey-do" list.  When he does, he tells his family that he's off "on Council business" or, when desperate "to save the world", but 90% of the time he's actually at Mac's pounding pints.  His best friend is a mob bookie with whom he succesfully colloborates in placing Vegas sports book bets, which is his preferred method of supporting his wife's keeping up with the Jonses life-style. 
“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!” - Benjamin Franklin

Offline Wolfie

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #61 on: February 18, 2007, 01:10:59 AM »
I'd definately want to be a healer. A sarcastic, pessimistic kind of healer. But one that just can't help himself. He just has to help people who get hurt. Ow, as a sidenote, he would take the illness in his own body, but would be able to get over it. (explaining the negative personality a bit)
A lord of the Sithe in drag....

would that be a Faery Queen?

Offline Kaos Wizard

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #62 on: February 19, 2007, 12:33:57 AM »
Do they have Magical healers in the Dresdenverse? Harry makes it sound like Healing Magic is next to impossible.

Offline [beatle mania]

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #63 on: February 19, 2007, 02:44:13 AM »
I have a really hot, gay White Court man-vamp in mind.
(I hope we can be vamps....)

Total manwhore. Yum. He's unaffilliated with any families, feeds off of sex (as opposed to fear or whatever) and cranks out a living bouncing at bars, but also tends to squish any nasty he comes across harrassing the people who party where he works. He was raised mostly by normal humans who were aware of the supernatural community, and is avidly holding his hunger back as much as he can. But, he still gets with teh boyas. And is torn apart by angst along the way, because I'm a sadistic bastard.

shaking and crying

Offline iago

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #64 on: February 19, 2007, 07:33:22 AM »
Do they have Magical healers in the Dresdenverse? Harry makes it sound like Healing Magic is next to impossible.

It's pretty damn rare.  The only instance we have of it on the page is healing done by one of the Queens of the Summer Court, and she's operating with a power source that's way off the scale.
Fred Hicks
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Offline Wolfie

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #65 on: February 19, 2007, 09:03:00 AM »
Do they have Magical healers in the Dresdenverse? Harry makes it sound like Healing Magic is next to impossible.

It's pretty damn rare.  The only instance we have of it on the page is healing done by one of the Queens of the Summer Court, and she's operating with a power source that's way off the scale.

Awww, shucks... :-\

We'll, it's back to the ol' D&D cleric then...  ;D Meric the medic cleric.
A lord of the Sithe in drag....

would that be a Faery Queen?

Offline [beatle mania]

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #66 on: February 19, 2007, 05:45:10 PM »
Do they have Magical healers in the Dresdenverse? Harry makes it sound like Healing Magic is next to impossible.

It's pretty damn rare.  The only instance we have of it on the page is healing done by one of the Queens of the Summer Court, and she's operating with a power source that's way off the scale.

Awww, shucks... :-\

We'll, it's back to the ol' D&D cleric then...  ;D Meric the medic cleric.
Whoa. Did he change his name so it would rhyme with cleric, or did he decide to be a cleric because it rhymed with Meric?
OR WAS IT A COINCIDENCE?!! *ja ja ja!*
shaking and crying

Offline stevem

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #67 on: February 19, 2007, 06:17:00 PM »
Having just watched a preview of "300", I would have to say that bringing a Spartan warrior into the 21st century would rock.  Maybe he was frozen in time after interrupting a Persian wizard doing dark magic, followed by a large KABOOM, and was only recently released by meddling archealogists.  From the Spartan's persepctive, 1 second he's in 5th-4th century BC Greece, the next its 21st century Greece.

If the archealogists were connected to the Ventinari Brotherhood, he could then be recruited and shipped out to America (which he views as a decadent successor to stuck up Athens) where he does the fish out of water routine, all the while slaughtering evil wizards, vampires and other assorted baddies, as the case may be.
“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!” - Benjamin Franklin

Offline skegmonkey

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #68 on: February 20, 2007, 03:09:44 AM »
Would like the challenge of playing a vanilla mortal in a supernatural setting.

Offline Wolfie

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #69 on: February 20, 2007, 01:03:10 PM »
Do they have Magical healers in the Dresdenverse? Harry makes it sound like Healing Magic is next to impossible.

It's pretty damn rare.  The only instance we have of it on the page is healing done by one of the Queens of the Summer Court, and she's operating with a power source that's way off the scale.

Awww, shucks... :-\

We'll, it's back to the ol' D&D cleric then...  ;D Meric the medic cleric.
Whoa. Did he change his name so it would rhyme with cleric, or did he decide to be a cleric because it rhymed with Meric?
OR WAS IT A COINCIDENCE?!! *ja ja ja!*

No coincidence. It's a calling.  ;D

(I wanted to play a cleric and because my group used healing potions wholesale, I figured he would have to be the medic of the group.)
A lord of the Sithe in drag....

would that be a Faery Queen?

Offline Fineous

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #70 on: February 24, 2007, 07:30:10 AM »
First D&D character was a Magic User.  Every game I have ever played in that I have truly enjoyed, I have played some sort of Magic User, and my favorite RPG of all is Mage in the White Wolf system.

I'll let you guess what I picked.

Bad Ash:  See, you're GOOD Ash, and I'm BAD Ash.  You're a little goody two-shoes, little goody two-shoes, little goody. . .
*Click* *BOOM*
Good Ash: Good, Bad, I'm the guy with the gun.

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #71 on: February 24, 2007, 08:48:45 AM »
Supernatural.. definatly supernatural ;D
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Offline Rel Fexive

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #72 on: February 24, 2007, 12:45:14 PM »
My odd ideas so far include a low-level user of magic who specialises in geasa (who will end up in big trouble one day for sure); a very, very young (ie a few weeks, Rifts style) dragon in human form who looks teenage and is clueless; and someone whose bloodline may or may not involves angels.  So, some supernatural oddities that may have absolutely no place in the Dresdenverse.
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RIVER SONG: What thing?
THE DOCTOR: I don't know. It's a thing in progress. Respect the thing!

Offline Slife

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #73 on: February 24, 2007, 09:21:47 PM »
Do they have Magical healers in the Dresdenverse? Harry makes it sound like Healing Magic is next to impossible.

It's pretty damn rare.  The only instance we have of it on the page is healing done by one of the Queens of the Summer Court, and she's operating with a power source that's way off the scale.

What about Lea?  Didn't she do some healing too?
Rule one of magic:  Never, ever, under any circumstances, trust someone named "Morningstar".

Offline iago

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Re: What would u be?
« Reply #74 on: February 24, 2007, 09:30:33 PM »
Do they have Magical healers in the Dresdenverse? Harry makes it sound like Healing Magic is next to impossible.

It's pretty damn rare.  The only instance we have of it on the page is healing done by one of the Queens of the Summer Court, and she's operating with a power source that's way off the scale.

What about Lea?  Didn't she do some healing too?

Okay, so so far we're talking about a highly-placed noblewoman of the Winter Court, and one of the Summer Ladies herself.

Neither of those are player character concepts.  They're NPCs. :)
Fred Hicks
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