Author Topic: What have Harry's friends endured? [SPOILERS for all books & short stories]  (Read 22854 times)

Offline xakko

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thanks ClintACK - will definitely be adding at least some of these.

I'm a little hesitant to put too much emotional trauma into the feed, as it were, but to ignore it is also a mistake.  Physical wounds often heal long before emotional ones.  I may color code physical versus emotional to help people looking for "X took a wound to Y" versus those seeking how much it has cost folks to be on Harry's side.

Offline frankcesca

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How about Susan carrying Maggie? I heard pregnancy can be a hell of a thing to endure, for some women. Not that anyone's unhappy she's around; just... I think it might be appropriate to add.
Carlos is a planarian.  This is quite efficient as, if he is ever bisected during a fight, there will be two of him.

You are a good person. Don't let anyone take that away from you. Not even yourself.

Offline corrie

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Also for Susan, childbirth and separation from Maggie, fear for her safety.