Author Topic: Stats For Gods  (Read 22326 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Stats For Gods
« Reply #60 on: February 10, 2014, 04:59:17 AM »
Go for it.

I might just adopt your take wholesale if I like the look of it. No need to reinvent a dead horse, after all.

Offline vultur

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Re: Stats For Gods
« Reply #61 on: February 11, 2014, 05:23:46 AM »
OK, here's a new power. This is sort of a mix of Demesne and a "low end" version of Divine Domain... kind of, except not really, because it doesn't give you a "concepts" domain.

Musts: Demesne, and either Miracles or some spellcasting ability.
Material Domain. You possess a domain on the mortal world, perhaps the size of a large building, city block or small park. You can combine your domain with those of other beings with this power, combining their sizes, but this is a permanent choice; you can't later exclude those beings. This domain is closely tied to your Nevernever demesne, though you can weaken the barrier between your material domain and your demesne down to as low as Average, or raise it as high as your Conviction + 2 (or Superb, whichever is higher).
Enhanced Power. You gain a +1 bonus to both power and control of any spellcasting or Miracles while in your domain.  This stacks with Refinement, focus items, and Miraculous Power.

Not sure of the costing...

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Stats For Gods
« Reply #62 on: February 11, 2014, 08:15:07 PM »
Seems weak.

+1 miraculous power/spellcasting ability and slightly easier Nevernever travel seems like a pretty small benefit for 2 Refresh and a significant restriction.

Offline Taran

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Re: Stats For Gods
« Reply #63 on: February 11, 2014, 08:22:26 PM »
I have some ideas for gods...while vultur is doing his thing.  It will involve the aforementioned thresholds....and it will make it all tidy and easily applicable all to god(ling)s.

...if I can find the time...

But I should first read up those miracle powers etc...are they in this thread?  Because I thought I'd read the whole thread and haven't seen those powers.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Stats For Gods
« Reply #64 on: February 11, 2014, 08:33:08 PM »
Miracles is right there in the second reply.

Offline vultur

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Re: Stats For Gods
« Reply #65 on: February 13, 2014, 02:27:41 AM »
Seems weak.

+1 miraculous power/spellcasting ability and slightly easier Nevernever travel seems like a pretty small benefit for 2 Refresh and a significant restriction.

I agree, but it seemed a bit much for 1 Refresh.  I suppose the place limitation could make up for the ability to stack ignoring Refinement pyramids, and the NN border thing isn't actually worth much... do you think 1 Refresh is OK?

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Stats For Gods
« Reply #66 on: February 13, 2014, 05:00:07 AM »
Yeah, I think 1 Refresh should be fine.

Maybe also let them push the NN boundary down to 0.

Offline vultur

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Re: Stats For Gods
« Reply #67 on: February 16, 2014, 12:41:59 AM »
Yeah, I think 1 Refresh should be fine.

OK, cool.

Maybe also let them push the NN boundary down to 0.

What would that do as opposed to a border of 1? Would it let you cross without magic? I wouldn't think so... but there's no such thing as a 0 shift spell I don't think, so I don't see what mechanical difference a 0 border would make vs. a 1 border.

Anyway, with that Power, I will produce stats for Odin
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after I re-read the relevant book parts. So probably in a week or so...

Offline Tedronai

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Re: Stats For Gods
« Reply #68 on: February 16, 2014, 12:45:49 AM »
What would that do as opposed to a border of 1? Would it let you cross without magic? I wouldn't think so... but there's no such thing as a 0 shift spell I don't think, so I don't see what mechanical difference a 0 border would make vs. a 1 border.

It might be interpreted to allow crossing into the Nn as a 'minor effect'.
Even Chaotic Neutral individuals have to apologize sometimes. But at least we don't have to mean it.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Stats For Gods
« Reply #69 on: February 16, 2014, 01:31:42 AM »
What would that do as opposed to a border of 1? Would it let you cross without magic?

I was thinking it would. Now that I think about it, it probably wouldn't.

But I think making an area where people can travel freely into the Nevernever would be an interesting and balanced effect, so maybe you could include something like that?

Offline vultur

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Re: Stats For Gods
« Reply #70 on: March 01, 2014, 01:42:37 AM »
OK, version two of Material Demesne.

Musts: Demesne, and either Miracles or some spellcasting ability. Your High Concept must be appropriate to this ability: generally, that means being some sort of god or comparable power, a really powerful genius loci, or a lord of a supernatural faction with a defined 'home base' (like a Lord of Outer Night).
Material Domain. You possess a domain on the mortal world, perhaps the size of a large building, city block or small park. You can combine your domain with those of other beings with this power, combining their sizes, but this is a permanent choice; you can't later exclude those beings. This domain is closely tied to your Nevernever demesne, though you can weaken the barrier between your material domain and your demesne down to as low as Average, or raise it as high as your Conviction + 2 (or Superb, whichever is higher). Weakening or strengthening the barrier can be done as an act of will, almost immediately; in combat, it is a supplemental action.
Enhanced Power. You gain a +1 bonus to both power and control of any spellcasting or Miracles while in your domain.  This stacks with Refinement, focus items, and Miraculous Power.
Increased Domain Control [-1]. With this upgrade, you can entirely remove the barrier between your material domain and your Nevernever demesne. If you do this, any being can pass between the two with no more than a thought; no magic is required. You can still raise the barrier as high as your Conviction +2, even if you have previously removed it. In addition, you can rearrange the terrain in your material demesne by concentrating, but this takes significant time - perhaps ten minutes for minor changes like turning flat land into a low hill or a shallow pond, up to several hours for dramatic changes like turning sheer cliffs into flat land or vice versa. The new terrain still has to be physically possible unless you use other magic - if you create huge boulders floating in midair, they will immediately fall down.
Note: This power is usually taken in conjunction with Sponsored Magic - Place of Power for your material demesne.

OK, lowered cost, mentioned that changing the barrier is a supplemental action, and added an upgrade that lets people enter the NN domain without magic.

Not sure of the wording on the underlined bit, seems a bit awkward.

EDIT: Added High Concept requirement.
EDIT AGAIN: Added note about Sponsored Magic - Place of Power.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2014, 06:12:08 AM by vultur »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Stats For Gods
« Reply #71 on: March 01, 2014, 06:13:20 AM »
Looks good to me.

Wording is a bit awkward, but it's no biggie.

Offline vultur

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Re: Stats For Gods
« Reply #72 on: March 02, 2014, 10:17:56 PM »
Looks good to me.

Wording is a bit awkward, but it's no biggie.

If you have any specific suggestions on what to improve, I'd be glad to change it.

Offline vultur

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Re: Stats For Gods
« Reply #73 on: March 02, 2014, 10:23:29 PM »
High Concept: Lord of Outer Night
Other Aspects: Remnants of Divinity; Arrogant; Crushing Will

Epic (+7): Intimidation
Fantastic (+6): Lore
Superb (+5): Conviction, Discipline, Fists
Great (+4): Alertness, Contacts, Endurance, Presence
Good (+3): Athletics, Deceit, Rapport, Weapons
Fair (+2): Empathy, Might, Survival, Stealth, Scholarship
Other skills default to Average.

Fear Is Leadership (Intimidation): Use Intimidation instead of Presence to coordinate a group
Rule with Fear (Intimidation): Use Intimidation instead of Presence for reputation
Red Court Contacts (Contacts): +2 to Contacts among the Red Court and allies (such as certain ghoul clans and mortal criminal organizations)

Addictive Saliva [-1]
Blood Drinker [-1]
Claws [-1]
Demesne [-1]
Flesh Mask [-1]
Incite Emotion (Terrified Awe) (At Range, Lasting, Potent, Super-Potent) [-5]
Material Demesne [-1] (Chichen Itza)
Sponsored Magic (Place of Power: Chichen Itza) [-2]
Thaumaturgy [-3]
Feeding Dependency [+1] affecting:
    Cloak of Shadows [-1]
    Supernatural Speed [-4]
    Supernatural Strength [-4]
    Mythic Recovery [-6]
    Mythic Toughness [-6]
        The Catch [+2]: holy stuff; belly doesn't benefit from Armor. Sunlight may have some effect, but is unreliable against vampires this powerful.

Thaumaturgy – Complexity: Transformation & Disruption +1.

Focus Items
Ritual Mask: +2 to Complexity and Control with Transformation & Disruption

Hunger oooo +1 mild consequence
Mental oooo +1 mild consequence
Physical oooo(oooooo) Armor:3
Social oooo

Total Refresh Cost: -37

Notes:  The “Super-Potent” Incite Emotion upgrade is the same one from Vittorio Malvora's OW writeup: boosts mental attack to Weapon:6 once per scene.

 Place of Power Sponsored Magic gives the evocation effects of water (effects tend to manifest as blood or entropy) and the thaumaturgic effects of transformation/disruption. The extra benefit is +1 control to transformation/disruption.

I tried to make this guy really scary, yet at a level where it's reasonable Murphy could kill one with a Sword of the Cross. The Red King ran away from Morgan, too, so...

The combat characters from my “Semi-Divine Comedy” game wouldn't have much difficulty at all. Maybe I should scale it up somewhat? But I really don't think the Changes main characters are THAT optimized, so the LotON really shouldn't have physical defenses beyond Superb-Fantastic IMO...

EDIT: bolding
EDIT x2: hunger stress track
« Last Edit: March 03, 2014, 02:27:32 AM by vultur »

Offline vultur

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Re: Stats For Gods
« Reply #74 on: March 03, 2014, 02:51:09 AM »
OK, so I'm thinking Odin next. Given what we learn about him in CD... do you think he should have some kind of Human Form or Modular Abilities type mechanic where he can have one set of abilities or the other active, but not both at once?

EDIT: Modular Abilities or something like it would, at least, get his otherwise ridiculous Refresh cost down to something vaguely sane, given all the things he should be good at.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2014, 02:54:08 AM by vultur »