An incident came up in-game recently:
Party captures a ghoul that did a car-bomb on the local Club Zero that also caught the local watering hole of the region's paranormal community (yes, the local Neutral Grounds was across from Club Zero. Somebody thought they'd get a two-for-one deal). In any event, the party had a sorcerer in the group. Upon being asked why he didn't just invade teh ghoul's mind, he replied: "Third AND Fourth Law violations there." Party's reply: "That exists to protect mortals." "Doesn't matter--not gonna do it, 'specially with a WC Wizard a few blocks away." He also claimed that in Storm Front, holding a demon by its name was a 4th law violation. I have the guy a Fate Point for his self-Compel.
I had to give it to him, he erred on the side of caution. Was he being too conservative, given that a ghoul is as far from human as a critter gets without being an Outsider?