EDIT: Oops, breaking the Laws give a stunt, not an aspect. My mistake.
Nothing says it can't be both. From what I know of the system, backing up your stunts with related aspects is a heck of a good idea.
Some other aspects for Harry:
"Call me old fashioned but..." - applies to his dealings with women in general, but also the specific instances when he gets in way over his head because a girl needed his help.
Magical Thug - in pretty much every book, he describes himself as having plenty of magical muscle, but little finesse. This aspect is invoked when tossing raw power around, and can be compelled whenever he tries something subtle. The various instances where he does pull off something subtle are perfect examples of a player buying off a compel, since he usually describes how unused he is to working with magic like that.
Lanky - Harry is really tall. He uses his height in pretty much every book, describing reach advantages in hand-to-hand combat, running speed and more. Since learning about aspects, every time I see one of those passages I think "that's an aspect invocation".