Oh, geez. This is me looking uncomfortable.
Um, yeah! I write every day...like, 500k words a day. Sometimes 600k if I'm feeling especially diligent...
Ok, no, the truth is, I've sucked at writing lately. I've been so stressed about my real life that the make-believe one holds little appeal. And this sucks, of course, because I have deadlines, and when I don't meet deadlines, I don't get checks. And checks are nice because they buy cute clothes and, you know, groceries.
Sigh. Yeah. My writing's sucking lately. My second YA novel's edits are due Monday, and it's like pulling teeth. I'm trying to get a few day's extension from my editor, but it's still going to hurt. I totally applaud all of you who are so good about getting in a certain amount every day. I'm totally a slave to my muse, and she's a slave to my moods.