
Is Cowl Simon Petrovich?


Author Topic: [CD spoilers] Cowl = Simon reference thread  (Read 67080 times)

Offline Elegast

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[CD spoilers] Cowl = Simon reference thread
« on: November 29, 2012, 09:08:30 PM »
The Cowl = Simon theory has been discussed in a huge number of threads. This is an attempt to write a reference thread summing all the knowledge about it. Criticism of the theory and of the OP is encouraged.

The theory is old and well-known, so I haven't been able to identify its original author. Still I would like to thank Raptor, 123456789blaaa and Neurovore, as I stole much from their posts to write this one. Many, many others wrote insightful posts on the subject, thank you all.

Cowl is Simon Petrovich

Everything we know about Cowl

(click to show/hide)

So we know that Cowl:
  • is human
  • is a wizard
  • is a SC level wizard, in skill and power
  • has studied necromancy with 'good' intentions
  • claims not to be a Kemmlerite
  • knew that Bob used to be Kemmler's propriety
  • knows well the members of the WC
  • has a strange, inhuman voice
  • has a female apprentice
  • is male
  • has survived deathcurses
  • has sustained serious injuries
  • uses 'Dorosh' as keyword for his magic
  • is a fan of Goethe
  • gave the athame to Bianca
  • hopes not be mad
  • has a magic that do not feel completely dark
  • has connections with the outsiders
  • wanted to see Harry for himself

Cowl is Simon, Klaus or a new character

The core argument of the Cowl=Simon theory is very simple and very powerful:

we know that Cowl is a human SC-level wizard, so the list of suspect is very short:

  • Langtry
  • Rashid
  • Eb
  • Lafortier
  • Mai
  • Martha
  • LTW
  • Simon Petrovich
  • Klaus Schneider (the Toymaker)

During Dead Beat the SC was fighting the Reds. So we have two possibilities: Simon or Klaus.

It's impossible to rule out Klaus, but we have arguments against it:

Quote from: Summer Knight
Injun Joe interrupted. "Wizard Schneider is a fine enchanter, and he has a reputation for skill and honesty. But he is young for such a responsibility. There are wizards present who are his senior in experience and the Art. They deserve the consideration of the Council."
Quote from: Summer Knight
"Wizard Schneider."
A small, round-cheeked man with a fringe of gauzy white down over his scalp and a round belly stretching his robes stood up and gave Ebenezar a brief nod. Then he looked up at the Merlin and said, in Latin with a heavy Germanic accent, "While I am grateful for the offer, honored Merlin, I must respectfully decline your nomination, in favor of Wizard McCoy. He will serve the Council more ably than I."

Klaus is small, whereas Cowl has long arms and is taller than Kumori, who is tall enough to held Harry's hair (she has to stretch to do so).

Klaus shows no sign of injury.

LTW implies that McCoy is a greater wizard than Klaus, and Klaus seems to agree.

This quote:
Quote from: Dead Beat
"Bite my ass, Cowl." 
Kumori's hood twitched back and forth between Cowl and me.  She took three steps back.
"Just as well," Cowl murmured.  "I have wanted to see for myself what has the wardens so nervous about you."
seems to imply that Cowl has never met Harry before (and yet he already has in GP...). Klaus has already met Harry.

And on the other hand, the case for Simon is really strong.

The case for Simon Petrovitch = Cowl

Simon was a male, human wizard, member of the senior Council.

He was living in Archangel, Russia, so he knew Goethe (his works at least) and could have used 'Dorosh', which seems to have East-european origines.

He's the leader of the 'Brute Squad', which went against Kemmler, so he knew Kemmler.

His apprentice Justin took Bob from the ruin of Kemmler's lab. So it's a fair bet he knew about Bob.

Justin had extensive contacts with the Oustsiders, implying that Simon would have no problem getting connected to them.

Simon had a female apprentice:
Quote from: Paranet Files Preview
You’ll see direct translations from sources like Simon and his apprentice Larisa Yevtushenko

He was not evil/mad as Kemmler was.

So we see that Simon would have no problem filling all the characteristics of Cowl, and is the only character to do so in the Dresdenverse.

In reverse, it would be far easier for Cowl to carry his plots if he were Simon:

Quote from: Summer Knight
Martha shook her head. "Simon Pietrovich. Senior Council member. Our vampire expert. He was killed less than two days ago. The whole compound in Archangel , Ebenezar. All of them. I'm sorry."
Ebenezar shook his head slowly. His voice was a pale shadow of its usual self. "I've been to his tower. It was a fortress. How did they do it? "The Wardens said that they couldn't be sure, but it looked like someone let the killers in past the defenses. They didn't get away unscathed. There were the remains of half a dozen nobles of the Red Court . Many of their warriors. But they killed Simon and the rest."
"Let them in?" Ebenezar breathed. "Treachery? But even if it was true, it would have to be someone who knew his defenses inside and out."

Firstly, we know there was traitor at Archangel. Since it's improbable that any of the victim was the traitor, Lafortier logically assumes that Harry is responsable. We know that to be false. So someone in the complex was the traitor. Someone who was not killed. Simon being Cowl solves that mystery.

Secondly, Simon was the WC vampire expert. Cowl planned two big vampires operations during the books: the war with the Red Court and the coup in the White Court. Cowl was very close to Bianca and Vittorio, and maybe Madrigal, Madeline and Mavra, Bianca's teacher. Cowl needed extensive knowledge of the vampires courts, and many contacts/allies among them to accomplish his plots, so being Simon would definitely make his life easier.

Little WAG: We know Cowl has sustained serious injuries and survived deathcurses. I believe that several members of the Brute Squad understood he was a traitor, and used their deathcurses against him. He survived, but with heavy injuries.

The deathcurse WOJ problem

There is one major objection to this theory, caused by one WOJ:

Quote from: WOJ
See what happened to all the vampires around Simon when they assaulted his compound immediately prior to the onstage events in Summer Knight.

It seems to imply that Simon throw his deathcurse.

However, three counter-arguments are possible:

- the WOJ does not explicitly says that Simon casted his deathcurse. Maybe the vampires were around Simon because he was the one leading them.

-  maybe he did cast his deathcurse, but still managed to resurrect the CorpseTaker way. After all, non soulfire powered deathcurse should not use up the soul.

- maybe he faked his own deathcurse, which is not completely impossible per WOJ:
Quote from: WOJ
Definitely a qualitative difference. I mean, we rate nukes in terms of "how many thousand tons of TNT is this equal to?" but let me see you try to deploy 80,000 tons of TNT as a weapon. If you could, the destruction would be the same, in theory, but the nuke has a quality all its own that makes it stand out. A death curse is the same thing. A really powerful practitioner (any member of the Council) could probably simulate a death curse with enough time and forethought, but there would be traces that an investigator could find, afterward. "Hey, why are there tire tracks worn into this road? Because someone was using it to haul 80,000 tons of TNT to the site of the explosion, and you can't do that without a LOT of trucks."

Paranet Papers

In the new RPG, there will be a lot of info about Simon. Which may be imply that Simon is not that important after all.

Quote from: Knnn
[looks at notes]
Hmmm, it looks like that quote is not as clear cut as I remember it.

It's from a podcast from 2d6 feet in a random direction, #56 (from April 2010, I believe).  I have a transcript for the relevant parts (5-7 minute mark), the rest of the hour is not really about the DF.   Serack -- I don't know if you have this down already, so you may want to add it.

Regular font is Fred, bold face is the interviewers.  Fred is talking about how much input Jim had for the new material.

So, we got a few tidbits from him, we will be getting to invent details; far more detail than we invented for the core books.  Um in a number of cases, but we'll also be drawing from "Hey Jim give us a few bullet points about a particular location".  You know, if we want the people to work for the, the player characters stand in the Nevernever chapter to work for the Gatekeeepr in some capacity, what do we need to know about that, and what came out of that was Jim telling me about where the Gatekeepers demesne is.  Where his domain is, where his private citadel is ensconced somewhere in the Nevernever, and the route to it, and I will reveal that here involves walking across the surface of the moon.

Nice, I mean clearly some sort of magical protection...

So you've got that sort of thing in there, but we've also got things like where Simon Pietrovich, Justin Dumorne's mentor, and the Senior Council member that was a... um... removed from power, shall we say in book four, he clearly lived somewhere in Russia, likely during the Russian Revolution, so we, how much control do we have over him.  {quoting Jim} "Fair amount, I don't really have a lot in mind for him, so obviously I'll want to look at it, what your ideas are, but you can do, you can mess around with that".  So we're like "OK, we're going to make him a friend of the Czar, as the Russian revolution is breaking out and have that, you know, tie his hands a little bit and push some things into a direction the is going to be a problem".

That's pretty cool.  What a terrible terrible set of constraints you have for a licensed product. 

So on the on hand you've got Jim's "I don't really have a lot in mind", but on the other, you've got Fred seemingly avoiding declaring that Simon is dead.


For a very long time, no obvious motivation was available to explain Simon's potential fall. After Cold Days, and taking in account that Cowl was the one supplying the infected athame, it seems probable that Cowl is infected. It's interesting to note that Aurora, who was infected, thought she was working for the greater good.  The same may have happened to Simon, as Cowl seems genuinely concerned by the morality/sanity of his actions.


Memories of old threads and:
- Serack's WOJ compilation
- this long thread on the subject
- this even longer one
« Last Edit: January 17, 2013, 08:51:14 AM by Elegast »
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Re: [CD spoilers] Cowl = Simon reference thread
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2012, 09:15:48 PM »
Other speculation about the Deathcurse, Archangel was a wizard stronghold with lots of wizards other than Simon there.  All of the Death Curses of those wizards could have destroyed a large bulk of the vampires and the WC could mistakenly be reading it as mostly Simon's Deathcurse. 
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Re: [CD spoilers] Cowl = Simon reference thread
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2012, 09:50:17 PM »
What if Cowl/Simon is not infected, but bargained with the outsiders to be infected-free to allow him to work on this side of things to bring the outsiders in? Simon recognizes there is a whole lot that is wrong and messed up. Just look at his quote about the White Council. He wants that changed. Same with the darkhallow. He wants to bring everything down to dust and rebuild it. Outsiders, in his mind, would be perfect for doing that. Of course, he's gravely mistaken. And maybe through prolonged dealings with them, he does get/ or already is infected. But I think, if this theory is correct, he began his talks with the Outsiders uninfected and seeing himself as their peer. In the end, he'll soon realize he's been duped.

It'd be crazy to see Cowl and Harry fighting side by side. Heck, maybe he'll go over to one side of the Gates to seal themever from the Outside. Series Ends. Cowl somewhat redeems himself by sealing himself and the Outsiders forever Outside. And Harry survives to write the Dresden Files.

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Re: [CD spoilers] Cowl = Simon reference thread
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2012, 10:02:10 PM »
Cowl = Simon is probably the single most sane, rational, and well-supported theory I've seen on these boards. Thanks for laying out the evidence.

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Re: [CD spoilers] Cowl = Simon reference thread
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2012, 10:03:50 PM »
Cowl = Simon is probably the single most sane, rational, and well-supported theory I've seen on these boards. Thanks for laying out the evidence.

Duck's Molly=Mab theory definitely picked up a lot of traction though.
"Also if Harry somehow becomes the Erlking I will have a stroke from shock...and then leave everything in my will to Clenzor for calling that. Haha"-doh573

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Re: [CD spoilers] Cowl = Simon reference thread
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2012, 10:15:47 PM »
Duck's Molly=Mab theory definitely picked up a lot of traction though.

There's no denying that theory was fascinating, but to me it always seemed just over the edge of what I really believed Butcher would write. Simon=Cowl, on the other hand, fits right into the patterns we have come to expect from our beloved Jimmy.

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Re: [CD spoilers] Cowl = Simon reference thread
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2012, 10:25:35 PM »
Duck's Molly=Mab theory definitely picked up a lot of traction though.

Molly=Mab was fascinating, and came out very close to the truth, but unfortunately it's wrong as Titania is Mab's sister, and Titania is not Molly's sister.
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Re: [CD spoilers] Cowl = Simon reference thread
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2012, 11:16:31 PM »
Nice summary.

Simon does not HAVE to be Cowl but it would sure make a whole lot of sense.

I don't have any text evidence to support me on this but I still have a gut feeling or an intuition that Cowl might not be corrupted by or directly involved with the Outsiders.

We see him involved with groups or individuals who are proven to be involved with the Outsiders but we never actually see Cowl summoning one.

Perhaps he is infiltrating Nemesis infected or influenced supernatural groups (Red Court, White Court, Kemmlerites, etc.) and posing as an ally to them so that he is well placed to either turn them aside at the last moment or to tip someone off somewhere as to what is going on.

It wouldn't take much for him to do something subtle that brings these Outsider related plots to the attention of Mab or Odin or Harry (who can then run things up the ladder to the White Council or others that he knows).


That little half of a sentence from the Paranet files is a HUGE bit of information, BTW.  To have an actual name that might be Kumori's is a really exciting thing.  When exactly was that RPG info made available - is it new?

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Re: [CD spoilers] Cowl = Simon reference thread
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2012, 11:19:24 PM »
He sends the Outsider influenced Ghouls into the Wraith Deeps in White Night. 
"Also if Harry somehow becomes the Erlking I will have a stroke from shock...and then leave everything in my will to Clenzor for calling that. Haha"-doh573

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Re: [CD spoilers] Cowl = Simon reference thread
« Reply #9 on: November 29, 2012, 11:28:26 PM »
One more interesting quote on Cowl if you wanted to add it.  We get that Cowl has heard of Dresden's ability, but never seen it firsthand.

DB Ch.8
"Bite my ass, Cowl." 
Kumori's hood twitched back and forth between Cowl and me.  She took three steps back.
"Just as well," Cowl murmured.  "I have wanted to see for myself what has the wardens so nervous about you."
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Re: [CD spoilers] Cowl = Simon reference thread
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2012, 03:16:19 AM »
That quote is something that ruled out (for me) all the other original SC members.    We've seen Harry talking and meeting and in some instances getting his measure taken by all the other SC members prior to Dead Beat.  The only one we never saw him have contact with was Simon.   It's a quote that ostensibly doesn't make sense for someone already familiar with him in person to say.

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Re: [CD spoilers] Cowl = Simon reference thread
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2012, 10:34:03 AM »
One more interesting quote on Cowl if you wanted to add it.  We get that Cowl has heard of Dresden's ability, but never seen it firsthand.

DB Ch.8

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Re: [CD spoilers] Cowl = Simon reference thread
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2012, 10:36:33 AM »
Molly=Mab was fascinating, and came out very close to the truth, but unfortunately it's wrong as Titania is Mab's sister, and Titania is not Molly's sister.

Yeah, which is a shame.  In hindsight, I think Ms Duck saw some of the signs, but jumped to a conclusion that seemed a bit outrageous, to me.  Had she not thrown in the time travel angle & just concentrated on the fact that Molly was being prepared for Winter, it might have seen more traction & not have been discounted out of hand.

If Mab were Molly, she'd at least have gotten the Princess Bride quote.

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Re: [CD spoilers] Cowl = Simon reference thread
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2012, 10:39:10 AM »
He sends the Outsider influenced Ghouls into the Wraith Deeps in White Night.

I don't remember the Ghouls being Outsider influenced.  Only Vittorio from what I can recall.

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Re: [CD spoilers] Cowl = Simon reference thread
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2012, 10:46:19 AM »
Yeah, which is a shame.  In hindsight, I think Ms Duck saw some of the signs, but jumped to a conclusion that seemed a bit outrageous, to me.  Had she not thrown in the time travel angle & just concentrated on the fact that Molly was being prepared for Winter, it might have seen more traction & not have been discounted out of hand.

I think you're right. Time travel is such a powerful tool that  everything becomes possible (Harry=Gatekeeper=Cowl=Merlin=Odin=Santa=Erkling=Titania=Mother Summer. Obviously). We should be very cautious before using it without explicit proof of actual time travel. That's why I don't really buy the Time Travelling Harry fixed LC.
My "Maeve came to Splattercon!!! disguised as a vampire" theory : Maeve did it

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