Joe Genero usually has no consequences to spend. Consequences can be looked at as "plot armor". While the Player characters and important NPCs can use those, Joe Genero usually only has his stress track, if even that. You could easily do a guns maneuver to turn Joe Genero into a "Dead Body" aspect, and you haven't inflicted a single shift of stress. If the players use excessive force in a crowded room, they will most certainly kill innocent people.
Also keep in mind, that a single guns roll does not necessarily mean a single shot, it can mean a number of shots, but only one of them hits, and all those other shots could hit innocent bystanders and kill them easily.
For that matter, I've had unnamed NPCs, that didn't have consequences, and as soon as their stress track runs over, they die. Which often enough happens after the first attack against them. Good for swarming the PCs to stall them.