Author Topic: Writing Gigs, part two.  (Read 8971 times)

Offline Snowleopard

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Writing Gigs, part two.
« on: November 09, 2012, 06:31:47 PM »
As I've said in the other thread - I'm a member of Writer's Market.
Anyway I got this notice today and thought someone might be interested.

3 LITERARY AGENTS LOOKING FOR NOVELS lists hundreds of literary agents for writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, writing for children, and more. Here are three looking for novels:

The Jennifer DeChiara Literary Agency represents novels in several categories, including young adult, middle grade, adult literary, mystery, and more. The agents describe their individual preferences on their website. Prospective clients should query via e-mail.

The Joy Harris Literary Agency, Inc. represents mostly literary novels, in addition to nonfiction. Prospective authors should query with a sample chapter via e-mail.

Folio Literary Management LLC represents novels in a range of categories. This agency is loaded with literary agents-some accepting submissions, some not. Of those that do, prospective clients should query via e-mail.

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Re: Writing Gigs, part two.
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2012, 08:17:09 PM »
Here are some more Writing contests from Writer's Digest.
These are for January.

3 JANUARY WRITING CONTESTS lists hundreds of contests for writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, writing for children, and more. Here are three with January deadlines:

The Boston Authors Club Book Awards is offered for books published the previous year (in this case, 2012). In addition to the recognition of the award, winners receive $1,000. Open to authors who lived within a 100-mile radius of Boston when the book was published. Deadline: January 15.

John Ciardi Prize for Poetry is offered annually for the best unpublished collection of poetry. Prize is $1,000 and publication by BkMk Press. Deadline: January 15 postmark. (Also offered with same deadline: G.S. Sharat Chandra Prize for Short Fiction.)

Iowa Award in Poetry, Fiction, & Essay is offered for the best short fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Winners receive $1,500, plus publication in the Iowa Review. Deadline: January 31.

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Re: Writing Gigs, part two.
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2012, 06:04:11 PM »
More stuff from Writer's Market.
Publishers this time.

3 BOOK PUBLISHERS TO TRY IN 2013 lists hundreds of book publishers for writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, writing for children, and more. Here are three open to submissions:
Small Beer Press accepts submissions by post only. As opposed to submitting the entire manuscript, the editors request writers submit a query and the first 10 pages of the manuscript. This press specializes in fiction, both short story collections and novels.
TOR Books specializes in science fiction and fantasy-with experience in a few other fiction categories as well. Prospective authors should put together a submission package that includes a query letter, 3 sample chapters (or 40-60 pages), a synopsis (3-10 pages), and an SASE.
Allworth Press publishes business and self-help information for the general public and creative professionals. Prospective authors should submit a book proposal that includes a query letter, synopsis (1-2 pages), annotated chapter outline, market analysis, sample chapter (or two), bio, and SASE.

Offline Snowleopard

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Re: Writing Gigs, part two.
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2013, 08:42:37 PM »
Again more stuff from Writer's Market.
This time - Literary Agents.

3 LITERARY AGENTS FOR YOUR BOOK lists hundreds of literary agents representing writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, writing for children, and more. Here are three open to submissions:

Bradford Literary Agency is based in San Diego and represents a wide range of fiction and nonfiction, including romance, urban fantasy, women's fiction, mystery, children's, business, memoir, self-help, and more. Prospective writers should query via e-mail only.

Greyhaus Literary reps Harlequin romance novels (definitions on the site). This agency is currently open to submissions only until March 17, so prospective authors should query soon.

Hornfischer Literary Management represents exceptional nonfiction projects in most categories, though this agency does not want fiction or poetry. Prospective authors should query by e-mail.

Offline Snowleopard

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Re: Writing Gigs, part two.
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2013, 03:12:16 AM »
Again more stuff from Writer's Market - this time for March.

3 MARCH WRITING CONTESTS lists hundreds of contests for writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, writing for children, and more. Here are three with March deadlines:

Anthem Essay Contest is offered annually to encourage analytic thinking and excellence in writing and to expose students to the philosophic ideas of Ayn Rand. Top prize is $2,000, but there are more than 200 other cash prizes as well. Deadline: March 20.

Binghamton University John Gardner Fiction Book Award is offered annually for a novel or collection of fiction published in the previous year. Top prize is $1,000 and announcement in Poets & Writers. Deadline: March 1.

Four Way Books Poetry Prizes are offered for the best previously unpublished book-length collection of poetry. Top prize is $1,000 and publication. Deadline: March 31.

Offline Snowleopard

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Re: Writing Gigs, part two.
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2013, 04:17:24 AM »
Yet more publishers.
Hope this helps someone.

5 BOOK PUBLISHERS FOR NONFICTION PROJECTS lists hundreds of book publishers for writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, writing for children, and more. Here are five looking for nonfiction projects:

Arsenal Pulp Press wants cultural studies, political/sociological studies, regional (British Columbia) nonfiction, cookbooks, craft books, visual art, health, gay/lesbian nonfiction, multicultural nonfiction, literary nonfiction, and several forms of fiction. Prospective nonfiction authors should include a synopsis, chapter-by-chapter outline, writing credentials, 50-page excerpt, and a marketing analysis.

InterVarsity Press publishes books from an evangelical Christian perspective for readers with an open mind. Prospective authors can submit a proposal package via post that includes a chapter-by-chapter summary, two complete sample chapters, and bio.

Chronicle Books publishes a diverse range of books, calendars, kits, and other products. Prospective authors can submit a complete manuscript or a proposal that includes one-page cover letter, outline, introduction, sample illustrations/photographs with captions (if necessary), sample chapters, market analysis, and bio. Proposals and manuscripts can be sent via post or e-mail.

Persea Books publishes memoir, biography, Jewish/Middle Eastern interest, women's studies, and works of fiction and poetry. Prospective authors should submit a cover letter, author background, publication history, detailed synopsis, and sample chapter.

Soft Skull Press publishes fiction and nonfiction books that are "fun, smart, revelatory, quirky, groundbreaking, cage-rattling and/or/otherwise unusual." Prospective nonfiction authors should send a cover letter describing project and a full proposal with two sample chapters.

Offline Snowleopard

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Re: Writing Gigs, part two.
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2013, 06:57:09 PM »
Some more book contests.

3 APRIL WRITING CONTESTS lists hundreds of contests for writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, writing for children, and more. Here are three with April deadlines:

The Sherwood Anderson Foundation Fiction Award is offered annually to an author with at least one-but no more than two-book of fiction. The winner receives a $20,000 grant, though there is a $100 fee. Deadline: April 1.

The Fountainhead Essay Contest is offered annually to encourage analytical thinking and excellence in writing. Top prize is $10,000, though there are more than 200 other cash prizes. Deadline: April 26.

Iowa Poetry Prizes are offered for the best previously unpublished book-length collection of poetry. The winning manuscript earns publication under a standard royalty agreement. Deadline: April 30.

Offline Snowleopard

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Re: Writing Gigs, part two.
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2013, 08:22:40 PM »
Magazines this time.

4 MAGAZINES OPEN TO SUBMISSIONS lists thousands of magazines for writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, writing for children, and more-including national and regional publications, consumer and trade. Here are four open to freelance submissions:

American Archaeology is a quarterly magazine published by the Archaeological Conservancy. This popular archaeology magazine pays $1,000-2,000 for nonfiction features. Writers should query with published clips.

Bow & Arrow Hunting is published 9 times per year. This hunting enthusiast magazine pays $250-450 for nonfiction articles. Writers are encouraged to submit a complete manuscript or query first.

Horticulture is the country's oldest gardening magazine (and published by F+W Media, which owns The bimonthly magazine pays $500 for nonfiction features and $250 for smaller pieces. Writers should query first.

Skin Deep is the official trade publication of Associated Skin Care Professionals. The bimonthly magazine pays $75-300 for assigned articles of 1,200-1,600 words. Writers should query first.

Offline Snowleopard

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Re: Writing Gigs, part two.
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2013, 02:41:08 AM »
I don't know if this will reproduce but Book Baby is having a BIG contest.

Okay, not all of the ad reproduced but I found a site that has a listing for it.
This is what they're offering.

Enter to win $16,000 in prizes!
There’s getting published in style and then there’s getting published in a way destined to make every other author in the world jealous.

Featuring everything an indie author could possibly need to publish, promote, and sell their book, this grand prize is positively packed with goodies. This is our most amazing grand prize package ever!

The Grand Prize includes:
BookBaby — Premium eBook Publishing Package (A $249 value!)
BookBaby Print — 300 Books, Deluxe Cover Design, Interior Formatting (A $3,000 value!)
HostBaby — 12 Months Web Hosting (A $199 value!)
BEA Trip — BEA Passes, Transportation, Hotel, Book Signing (A $4,000 value!) — Interview & Review (A $500 value!)
Circle of Seven — Book Trailer Production/Distribution (A $2,000 value!)
Smith Publicity — Press Release, Media Blast (through Net Galley),
Publicity Consultation (A $3,000 value!) — CityStand Book Stands (A $80 value!)
JKSCommunications — 15-Date Virtual Book Tour (A $1,750 value!)
PR Newswire — Web Reach Plus Release Distribution (A $400 value!)
PR by the Book — Social Media Consultation (A $900 value!)
Total Prize Value: $16,078
There’s no cost to enter. Hurry! Deadline for entries is April 30, 2013.
Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary. Deadline for entries is April 30, 2013.
One winner will be chosen at random on May 6, 2013.

Offline Snowleopard

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Re: Writing Gigs, part two.
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2013, 02:39:54 AM »
Some book publishers looking for novels.

3 BOOK PUBLISHERS LOOKING FOR NOVELS lists hundreds of book publishers for writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, writing for children, and more. Here are three open to novel submissions:

DAW Books is open to science fiction and fantasy novels. Prospective authors should mail the complete manuscript with a cover letter. DAW Books is one of the few imprints of Penguin to not require a literary agent submission.

City Lights Books is famous for launching several poets, but this press also specializes in literary fiction and nonfiction. Prospective authors should submit a query along with a 10- to 20-page sample, and SASE.

Harlequin Desire publishes contemporary romance novels that "feature strong-but-vulnerable alpha heroes and dynamic heroines who want love." Prospective authors can upload their manuscripts online-with queries-at the Harlequin website.

Offline Snowleopard

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Re: Writing Gigs, part two.
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2013, 01:50:44 AM »
3 MAY WRITING CONTESTS lists hundreds of contests for writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, writing for children, and more. Here are three with May deadlines:

The Alexander Patterson Cappon Fiction Award is offered annually for the best unpublished short story. The winner receives $1,500. Deadline: May 18.

FIELD Poetry Prize is offered annually for the best unpublished collection of poetry. The winner receives $1,000, standard royalties, and publication. Submissions are received only during the month of May.

Slapering Hol Press Chapbook Competition is offered annually for the best previously unpublished chapbook collection of poetry. The winning manuscript earns $1,000, publication, and 20 copies of the chapbook. Deadline: May 15.

Offline Snowleopard

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Re: Writing Gigs, part two.
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2013, 07:17:52 PM »
3 JUNE WRITING CONTESTS lists hundreds of contests for writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, writing for children, and more. Here are three with June deadlines:

Drue Heinz Literature Prize is offered annually by the University of Pittsburgh Press for the best collection of short stories. The winner receives $15,000 and publication by the University of Pittsburgh Press. Deadline: June 30.

Investigative Journalism Grant is offered multiple times throughout the year by the Fund for Investigative Journalism. Grants average $5,000, but can be as low as $100 and as high as $10,000. Next deadline: June 10.

Writer's Digest Annual Writing Competition is offered annually to writers in 10 different categories. Grand prize receives $3,000, a paid trip to the Writer's Digest conference in New York City, a platform strategy consultation, and more. As mentioned above, the early bird deadline is May 6, but the late birds can still enter until June 3.

Offline Snowleopard

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Re: Writing Gigs, part two.
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2013, 10:13:16 PM »
More book publishers.

4 BOOK PUBLISHERS LOOKING FOR WRITERS lists hundreds of book publishers for writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, writing for children, and more. Here are four open to submissions from writers:

Avon Romance publishes high quality romance novels. In fact, this HarperCollins imprint publishes 400 novels per year, and they take submissions directly from prospective authors. Use their online submission form.

Free Spirit Publishing produces 20-25 titles per year "to provide children and teens with the tools they need to succeed in life and to make a difference in the world." Prospective authors should submit a proposal.

Seal Press publishes 30 titles per year. The publisher proclaims they publish books by women for women and hopes writers will take that into consideration when submitting. Prospective authors should send a query letter or proposal.

Shambhala Publications publishes 90-100 titles per year. This publisher is mostly focused on nonfiction topics, especially related to Buddhism, yoga, mindfulness, creativity, martial arts, natural health, and green living. Prospective authors should submit a book proposal by post.

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Re: Writing Gigs, part two.
« Reply #13 on: June 06, 2013, 01:40:57 AM »

We are looking for completed feature-length scripts featuring a young female lead (12 to 14 years of age) and a horse.

Stories can center around equestrian competitions like horse racing or dressage, or just be about a girl and her adventure with her horse, but please note we are not looking for a writer to hire or for scripts that are "easily adaptable to fit."  We are only looking for G or PG scripts with happy endings.  Submissions can, but do not have to be, faith based.
Budget will be $200,000. Non-WGA writers only please.
Our credits include “Holiday Miracle” starring Dean Cain, which was shot recently from a script we found on InkTip.

1. Please go to
2. Enter your email address (you will be signing up for InkTip's newsletter - FREE!)
3. Copy/Paste this code: zpxpjp6102
4. You will be submitting a logline and synopsis only.

IMPORTANT:  Please ONLY submit your work if it fits what the lead is looking for EXACTLY.

If you aren't sure if your submission fits, please ask InkTip first.  Be sure to mention you heard about this from Jeff Gund at and please email any questions to:
"When I was 5 years old my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when i grew up. I wrote down “Happy”. They told me i didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life. "
-John Lennon-

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Re: Writing Gigs, part two.
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2013, 07:23:01 PM »

3 JULY WRITING CONTESTS lists hundreds of contests for writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, writing for children, and more. Here are three with July deadlines:

Bellevue Literary Review Goldenberg Prize for Fiction is offered annually for the best short story related to health, healing, illness, the mind and body. The winner receives $1,000 and publication in the Bellevue Literary Review. Deadline: July 1.

Arizona Authors' Association Annual National Literary Contest and Book Awards offers multiple awards in various categories. Top prizes of $100, as well as other amounts, are available. Deadline: July 1.

RATTLE Poetry Prize is offered annually for the best previously unpublished poem. Grand prize receives $5,000 and publication in RATTLE. Deadline: July 15.