Which actually raises a question for me. Traditionally when I've taken players out, I've picked an option that seemed in line with the NPC's goals. Is there anything in RaW suggesting that taken out result be what the NPC wants as opposed to anything interesting the GM can think of? Cause if it's a purely meta decision, I have way more options available to me
That's different from a concession. If you take someone out, you get free reign to make the persons life miserable. If you're GMing a Ghoul, and that ghoul takes out a player, there's a good chance that player is going to be eaten for breakfast...
EDIT: Yes, there is something in RAW. I'll find it...
PG. 206, last paragraph
"As a rule of thumb, when death is on the line,
announce it in advance, preferably at the start of
the conflict—e.g., “This guy’s playing for keeps.
If he can kill you, he will. You can see it in his
eyes.” or “Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya.
You killed my father. Prepare to die.” That way
everyone has plenty of time to see utter defeat
coming and can keep an itchy finger on the
concession trigger."
From that paragraph, you can assume an NPC's motives will dictate the outcome of Take Out. If a thug hired to steal something from a PC takes that PC out, he may call 911 before he runs away with goods, or try to prevent the character from dying - he doesn't want to go to jail for murder!
@EDrac: I agree