If you know of a WoJ source that you want to suggest get put in the WoJ forum/get linked to in the
link collection, please mention it in this topic.
This new topic will serve part of the purpose of the old WoJ transcription sticky.
To be more specific, Jim is known to do interviews for other people's websites and they don't always get announced on the website. If you happen to come across one of these, let us know here. Also, like many of us, Jim is active all over the internet.
I have come across random posts by Jim in places like
youtube, Amazon,
various writing websites, and of course
Twitter. If you notice something noteworthy anywhere on the internet that Jim has said, or that quotes something Jim said in an interview or something, let us know here
However, if it's already been announced in the announcements section, is a post on the jimbutcher forums, or is something already linked in the interview list, you can probably safely assume that it's already been referenced in the WoJ section.
Also, I don't really do twitter. I'll quote something I've already written on the subject, but suffice to say, usually if anything cool is said on twitter, I find out from you guys rather than finding it myself.
My aversion to Twitter stems from the fact that I don’t text. Period. Sending or receiving. It’s disabled on my phone. (There have been a few occasions when having that means of communication might have been convenient, but paring down my communications to the bare bones of ~ a gross of characters is something I refuse to sucumb to for now) Also, since I am prohibited from having a camera phone at work, and by extension don’t want to bother with the cost of a data plan, I don’t have a smart phone.
But I have two specific issues with twitter.
- Twitter pages load particularly slow on some of the computers I use. It’s quite frustrating, considering the “I want it now” way things usually are on the internet.
- The times I have gone to Jim’s twitter, I usually have large issues finding the tweets he is responding to so that I have context. Someone savvy probably doesn’t have problems like that, but coupled with everything else, I figure I’ll just be a fuddy duddy and not bother.
An RSS probably wouldn’t address that last issue. But hey what would I know. I spend hours at a time searching for old interviews and obscure WoJ sources that I might have missed in earlier trolling expeditions (in the fishing sense of the word) of the inter-webs. So in that context, I figure I’d rather be pleasantly surprised when some other dedicated, twitter savvy fan finds something there and posts it for me to see here on the boards.